Yes, there is a huge problem on this island with stray cats and dogs. There are people like my family who take them in - and by the sounds of it most of our Forum friends.
The first thing we did was to make sure our beloved dog and cat could not add to the growing numbers so we had them 'fixed'.
Many responsible owners do this but a vast number of people just cannot understand why it is necessary. Believe me it is very necessary. Stray (and dare I say pet) bitches are a nuisance when they come into season, and they appear to have half the dogs of Cyprus following them - around my house!! (your too I bet my friends!!) Cats are just as bad as the noise they make is incredible and I would not have believed it had I not heard it for myself! Cats ruin your gardens, leave a smell that is beyond compare and both cats and dogs tend to have big litters. Always some exceptions.
Both are cute, cuddly, furry and fun I know but Cyprus has to recognise that it does have a problem and address it. As far as I am aware the majority of Cypriots will encourage cats as they kill snakes. In my 6 years on this island I have encounted one little harmless snake!! Lucky, not sure but I do do lots of walking so I do go into 'snake territory' if you want to put it that way!. I am not saying no to cats but surely a castrated/sterilised cat can do the same job!?!?!?!?
My friend feeds cats to gain their trust, then with the funding of one of the cat charities, she catches them and has them 'done'. She has caught qutie a few over the years but is not on island full time or the number would be higher!!
One of the biggert problem is tourist. Sorry GG! They find the cats around the tavernas or hotels adorable and cannot help but feed them. WRONG THING TO DO! The cats know when they are onto a good thing and will not leave the areas where they know food is easy to get. Cats can fend for themselves and belive me with all the rubbish around, they always find something to eat. It should be a criminal offence for anyone to encourage the cats in this way, after all most places serve food and animals are not allowed in such establishments!!
Right, think I have sounded off enough for now. In response to Webspace (I think) yes there are rats and mice on this island. Our cat knows where they are. Could ask him if you like???
Bubbles x