IcyNoAngel wrote:What you see on tv is crap. That's a face made by usa for the world. Behind the scenes they're in war (with everybody). If there is somebody out there that doesn't believe the israeli and the usa are hand in hand, that someone should reconsider.
I might think that most of the humanity is stupid, and the rest, that see all these things, don't really care. So, it gets where it is now.Don't have any other explanation to worlds situation.
I cannot agree with you that most of humanity is stupid IcyNoAngel, I would suggest that they are rather more POWERLESS than stupid, the same would apply to your comment that they don't really care, public opinion has become irrelevant in today's political arena, care or not, the politicians DON'T.
Whether or not the scenes of devastation are stage managed by the media, they ARE scenes of destruction and the ordinary people are obliged to live amongst them.
As to the fact that the Israelis and the U.S.A. are hand in hand, quite obviously they are, what is not so visible is the possibility that the Jews have managed to infiltrate the political framework of the U.S.A. to such an extent that they now control it, THAT possibility will ensure that there will never be peace anywhere in the Middle East, (or anywhere else they may get a foothold in), watch out Cyprus !, I think they have got their eye on you now.