Kikapu wrote:zan wrote:denizaksulu wrote:halil wrote:Kikapu wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Kikapu wrote:Happy 62nd Birthday Deniz.
You got 10 years of more living, loving, and learning than me so far my friend and for that I'm very happy for you despite being a little jealous of you for having had more than me.!!!
I hope to repeat the same message to you in 2018.![]()
Thanks Kiks. More than you, but less to go
Ah yes Deniz, but you have already secured the extra 10 years into your life's journey through time, so for that, you are a one lucky fella, where as my next 10 years are not guaranteed.!!
See you in 2018 ( I hope).....![]()
definetly you can live more than KİKOŞ.
VİCDANEN (VİJDAN) rahat olduğun için.![]()
Now, now, Halil. This is a HAPPY thread. I believe that those who live longer suffer the most. Or have more to suffer for ( and the innocent die young). Who is right? God only knows. Lets take the middle line. Celebtate today, yesterday is dead, tomorrow is yet to come.
Yeh! So long live Kikapu...This is a happy thread.![]()
Thanks Zan...same to you fella.![]()
Halil is just upset to have lost his sex appeal to attract women at the age that he is in now, so he's just "lashing out", out of frustration really and that he does not mean any harm. Just the usual "middle age" crisis.![]()
Halil should become a sailor so that he can perform as much "Coming About" as he wants.![]()
No, no Zan, it is not what you are thinking...sorry.![]()
İ didn't understand above writing ? as you know my English is not as yours.
but i understood last paragraph.Who told you mate to be a sailor.
İf you stay all the time in the sea all the time . thats why you can't see properly . JUST WAVES and Waves.
How old are you KİKAPUCUĞUM ?
When we are going to celebrate your birthday ?
What would like to have on your birthday ?