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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:12 pm

ARMENIAN CYPRIOT wrote:Zan, the French held the Italians off, but got Crushed by the Germans. The Italians attempted to invade France and were not able to advance , on there front.

We know all that mate but utu just said he was appalled that the RAF were being called nazis by some...Who have deserted the thread by the way...The RAF wee heroes in that war. :?
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Postby Noaxetogrind » Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:46 am

Please see above for the details of the Aremenian contribution to fighting the evil axis powers in WW11. Exactly!

Armenia 0 Malta 87,693 perhaps puts it is perspective.

The Engerland that Armenian Cypriot refers to, just like Malta, must have done a fantastic job for a country nobody has ever heard of.

Great Britain and Northern Ireland , with a population roughly the same as Italy stood alone in Europe against Germany,Austria, Italy,Hungary,Romania,Slovakia,Bulgaria,Yugoslavia , Vichy France and collaborators from occupied countries. Germany had huge natural resourses for its war machine on its own territory, those of its allies plus occupied countries. GB had to get what it could by ship with much of this bought from the USA (Making America rich and near bankrupting GB which suited America down to the ground and being a huge factor in their post war dominance of the world). Fortunately GB had valiant support from the small populations of Australia,Canada and New Zealand and from various tiny countries e,g, Cyprus and escapees from Europe.

If Britain had not fought Germany would have ruled Europe and beyond. The USA without the British Empire arguably not have fared well ,alone against Germany and Japan but they would have no doubt enjoyed the support of the likes of brave Canada, support that the USA would not give to Britain until it was forced to do so after Japan declared war on it.

The USSR too which the British helped with convoys of ships taking them assistance and the loss of numerous British lives only fought once it faced attack from Germany and its allies.

No disrespect to the French in keeping the Italians out of France for a few weeks in 1940 but put this in perspective with the following:

' On September 13, 1940, Italian forces stationed in Libya launched the Tenth Army in a tentative, 200,000 troop invasion into British-held Egypt and set up defensive forts at Sidi Barrani. The army was largely un-mechanized and Italian general Graziani, with little intelligence on the state of British forces there, chose not to continue further towards Cairo.
Afrika Korps panzers advance during the North African campaign.

The British forces were greatly outnumbered, 35,000 compared to a total of 200,000, and only half of the British were combatants. Nevertheless they launched a counter-attack, Operation Compass. It was far more successful than expected and resulted in the surrender of the entire Italian army and the advance of the Allies to El Agheila. The stunning defeat of the Italians did not go unnoticed and soon German troops, the Deutsches Afrikakorps under Rommel (nicknamed "The Desert Fox"), were sent in to reinforce them. '

When the USA entered the war Britain, having destroyed the French fleet had nearly cleared the Germans out of North Africa with them just left in part of Tunisia and the Luftwafe had been crippled. The tide had already turned but what would have happened thereafter nobody has a clue.

The so called Nazi British are DEFINITELY to blame for the Cyprus problem. If they hadn't taken over control of the island the Turkish would still. I say 'so called Nazis' as many GC contributors plus one Armenian on this forum obviously have no idea of the meaning of the word. A good dictionary may help them to TRY to understand.

God bless my 18 year old English uncle killed fighting the Germans and all my Belgian relatives who just like the Dutch and millions of other Europeans are so thankful for the help the British gave them.

It is interesting to read in posts that there is no such thing as a Greek Cypriot or a Turkish Cypriot and they are both Cypriots but strange that there appears to be such an animal as an Armenian Cypriot.
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Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:32 am

Noaxetogrind wrote:Please see above for the details of the Aremenian contribution to fighting the evil axis powers in WW11. Exactly!

Armenia 0 Malta 87,693 perhaps puts it is perspective.

The Engerland that Armenian Cypriot refers to, just like Malta, must have done a fantastic job for a country nobody has ever heard of.

Great Britain and Northern Ireland , with a population roughly the same as Italy stood alone in Europe against Germany,Austria, Italy,Hungary,Romania,Slovakia,Bulgaria,Yugoslavia , Vichy France and collaborators from occupied countries. Germany had huge natural resourses for its war machine on its own territory, those of its allies plus occupied countries. GB had to get what it could by ship with much of this bought from the USA (Making America rich and near bankrupting GB which suited America down to the ground and being a huge factor in their post war dominance of the world). Fortunately GB had valiant support from the small populations of Australia,Canada and New Zealand and from various tiny countries e,g, Cyprus and escapees from Europe.

If Britain had not fought Germany would have ruled Europe and beyond. The USA without the British Empire arguably not have fared well ,alone against Germany and Japan but they would have no doubt enjoyed the support of the likes of brave Canada, support that the USA would not give to Britain until it was forced to do so after Japan declared war on it.

The USSR too which the British helped with convoys of ships taking them assistance and the loss of numerous British lives only fought once it faced attack from Germany and its allies.

No disrespect to the French in keeping the Italians out of France for a few weeks in 1940 but put this in perspective with the following:

' On September 13, 1940, Italian forces stationed in Libya launched the Tenth Army in a tentative, 200,000 troop invasion into British-held Egypt and set up defensive forts at Sidi Barrani. The army was largely un-mechanized and Italian general Graziani, with little intelligence on the state of British forces there, chose not to continue further towards Cairo.
Afrika Korps panzers advance during the North African campaign.

The British forces were greatly outnumbered, 35,000 compared to a total of 200,000, and only half of the British were combatants. Nevertheless they launched a counter-attack, Operation Compass. It was far more successful than expected and resulted in the surrender of the entire Italian army and the advance of the Allies to El Agheila. The stunning defeat of the Italians did not go unnoticed and soon German troops, the Deutsches Afrikakorps under Rommel (nicknamed "The Desert Fox"), were sent in to reinforce them. '

When the USA entered the war Britain, having destroyed the French fleet had nearly cleared the Germans out of North Africa with them just left in part of Tunisia and the Luftwafe had been crippled. The tide had already turned but what would have happened thereafter nobody has a clue.

The so called Nazi British are DEFINITELY to blame for the Cyprus problem. If they hadn't taken over control of the island the Turkish would still. I say 'so called Nazis' as many GC contributors plus one Armenian on this forum obviously have no idea of the meaning of the word. A good dictionary may help them to TRY to understand.

God bless my 18 year old English uncle killed fighting the Germans and all my Belgian relatives who just like the Dutch and millions of other Europeans are so thankful for the help the British gave them.

It is interesting to read in posts that there is no such thing as a Greek Cypriot or a Turkish Cypriot and they are both Cypriots but strange that there appears to be such an animal as an Armenian Cypriot.

300,000 Armenians died for the Red Army during WW2, which shows how little you know about anything but engerland which,I dont view as todays Nazis but as a joke like Mussolinis Italy during WW2.My homeland of the USA,well I have no problem saying they leave much to be desired, especially for those imbred Anglo saon Red Necks that live in the south and spew crap out of there mouths just like there bretheren in that shit hole you call england and I call engerland. PS Yugoslavia was an allied nation,so go do some research before you spew nonesence out of your ass. Fuck Engerland. GOD BLESS IRELAND :wink:
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Postby Noaxetogrind » Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:03 pm

Dear, pleasant Armenian Cypriot of course I was aware that Armenians, as part of the Russian army, eventually fought against the axis powers BUT ONLY once they were attacked, unlike Britain which ,together with France had morals and were fighting for freedoms generally. Until then as part of the Russian people, they stood by content with the pact made with the Nazi regime. America is the right place for you as they also stood , as they believed, safely out of it.

Hitler's dream was an alliance with Britain but not something the people of Britain could have stomach. Whilst Britain's population in those days was mainly a mix of Celtic and west, north and central European blood following centuries of invasions and migrations to safety, the Anglo Saxon term you use derives from the Angles and Saxons of Germany and with British being Caucasians he wished Britain to be join with him.

May I suggest you ask Germans from the last world war who they most respected as adversaries. I know the answer but you certainly don't. It certainly was not Americans or Armenians.

I have doubts that Russian records show how many Armenians died fighting or how many civilians died in the war but I have no not doubt that the numbers were large. I do wonder if your presumed figures include civilians. Without doubt whatever the numbers were, they were high because they were so incapable. One trembles with fear at the thought of an Armenian army!!!

How have you managed to get into your tiny mind that Yugoslavia was an allied nation? Try getting the facts into it.
Yugoslavia was neutral until 1941 when it joined the axis powers. Not everyone was happy with this and there was a coup which was put down by the axis powers. Tito, with his communist Cetniks fought as guerrillas against the national army (SVC). Got it? You may know that many countries had underground fighters.

May I help you and suggest you refrain from using f and s words in your so called excuse for the English language as it reveals your poor IQ and people will take you for the fool you are.

I agree with your thoughts re god blessing Ireland but would add my Irish relatives from Dublin, my Irish neighbours and the tens of thousands who fought with us in the last world war . He will, however, have his work cut out with those ignorant Americans who have Irish ancestry and have no idea whatsoever of what the problem in Ireland was. This leads me to the fact that for decades America let money be raised to assist terrorists kill men women and children in Ireland but when it came to their interests who did they turn to for help in the fight against terrorism. Fortunately the Irish problem looks to be over, caused mainly my small numbers on bigots on both sides. Neither in Ireland or Britain will there be hatred for decades to come as unfortunately can be found in Cyprus.

Before I forget shall I pass on your good wishes to England to the thousands of Armenians who chosen to live here, raise families and become British (or as you keep referring to as English) ? For your edification there are 4 equal nations making up Britain.
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Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:18 am

Noaxetogrind wrote:Dear, pleasant Armenian Cypriot of course I was aware that Armenians, as part of the Russian army, eventually fought against the axis powers BUT ONLY once they were attacked, unlike Britain which ,together with France had morals and were fighting for freedoms generally. Until then as part of the Russian people, they stood by content with the pact made with the Nazi regime. America is the right place for you as they also stood , as they believed, safely out of it.

Hitler's dream was an alliance with Britain but not something the people of Britain could have stomach. Whilst Britain's population in those days was mainly a mix of Celtic and west, north and central European blood following centuries of invasions and migrations to safety, the Anglo Saxon term you use derives from the Angles and Saxons of Germany and with British being Caucasians he wished Britain to be join with him.

May I suggest you ask Germans from the last world war who they most respected as adversaries. I know the answer but you certainly don't. It certainly was not Americans or Armenians.

I have doubts that Russian records show how many Armenians died fighting or how many civilians died in the war but I have no not doubt that the numbers were large. I do wonder if your presumed figures include civilians. Without doubt whatever the numbers were, they were high because they were so incapable. One trembles with fear at the thought of an Armenian army!!!

How have you managed to get into your tiny mind that Yugoslavia was an allied nation? Try getting the facts into it.
Yugoslavia was neutral until 1941 when it joined the axis powers. Not everyone was happy with this and there was a coup which was put down by the axis powers. Tito, with his communist Cetniks fought as guerrillas against the national army (SVC). Got it? You may know that many countries had underground fighters.

May I help you and suggest you refrain from using f and s words in your so called excuse for the English language as it reveals your poor IQ and people will take you for the fool you are.

I agree with your thoughts re god blessing Ireland but would add my Irish relatives from Dublin, my Irish neighbours and the tens of thousands who fought with us in the last world war . He will, however, have his work cut out with those ignorant Americans who have Irish ancestry and have no idea whatsoever of what the problem in Ireland was. This leads me to the fact that for decades America let money be raised to assist terrorists kill men women and children in Ireland but when it came to their interests who did they turn to for help in the fight against terrorism. Fortunately the Irish problem looks to be over, caused mainly my small numbers on bigots on both sides. Neither in Ireland or Britain will there be hatred for decades to come as unfortunately can be found in Cyprus.

Before I forget shall I pass on your good wishes to England to the thousands of Armenians who chosen to live here, raise families and become British (or as you keep referring to as English) ? For your edification there are 4 equal nations making up Britain.

Really?? so Yugoslavia wasnt invaded by Germany,Italy ,Hungary and Bulgaria on Orthodox Palm Sunday?? Silly me. I thought the coup Occured since the Yugoslavs wished to meet the military obligation to Greece and they wouldnt allow the Nazis free passage. So, let me get it right now Engrish twat, operation Margarita never happened. Yugoslavia didnt fall to the Nazis in 10 days.Syrmia a puppet state Ruled by Croats and Bosnian Muslisms didnt exist on the 11nth day?? Wow!!! Engrish History is very presice!!!! :lol: :lol:
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Postby utu » Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:36 am

This is getting out of hand, people. I was trying to tell you that the Royal Air Force (of which President Klerides was a member during WW2) did its part to save the world from fascism. Right wing demonstrators calling them fascists is stupid. So the sovereign bases are a source of contention, but take the protest where it deserves to be: The British High Commission in Nicosia/Lefkosia.
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Postby DT. » Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:44 am

utu wrote:This is getting out of hand, people. I was trying to tell you that the Royal Air Force (of which President Klerides was a member during WW2) did its part to save the world from fascism. Right wing demonstrators calling them fascists is stupid. So the sovereign bases are a source of contention, but take the protest where it deserves to be: The British High Commission in Nicosia/Lefkosia.

The british hgh commission has repeatedely seprated its jurisdiction from the bases. The HC reports to the foreign and commonwealth secretary and the bases report to the defence secretary.

They seldom comment on anything happening at the bases.
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Postby Tony-4497 » Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:14 pm

Young GC nationalists should be more careful in the way they demonstrate against the Brits. They should remember the entire economy almost fully depends on Britain.

They have, in my view, taken advantage of the soft way in which the Base police/troops treated them.

If they have balls and are the brave followers of Grivas, as they claimed to be during the protest, why don't they try throwing some rocks at the real invaders and occupiers of Cyprus at the Green line?
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Postby shahmaran » Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:38 pm

Yeah they did, they just ended up gaining more casualties :roll:
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Postby BC Numismatics » Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:49 am

utu wrote:Calling the British 'Nazi' - particularly the Royal Air Force - turns my stomach. If it wasn't for the RAF in 1940, the Nazis would have won the war.

Utu,I agree with you there.It's braindead scumbags such as Eric Dayi who've got a lot to learn.

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