Very good effort in trying to make some political score with your explanation. So here are the arguments against it.
The EU is a
"PRIVATE CLUB" and only accepted members are allowed to come in. Members of any private club can set up their rules any which way they wish to do so. Same goes to Private Golf Courses, where they can deny entry to anyone they wish to, be it be a Black person, a woman, a poor person, or even Bill Gates, because he is richer than all of them, so they are jelous and will not let him join the club, so you are not going to get anywhere by making comparison to a "Private EU Club" to a Country....sorry.
Talking about Democracy however, just look and what happens when True Democracy is practiced. In the USA where True democracy is practices after couple of hundred years of working at it to perfect it, all the way from having Blacks as slaves, to denying any civil rights to them, to being able to vote along with women, to correcting mistakes of the past in a slow but sure way to erase the countries ugly past, to today, where the next President of the USA may well be a Black Man, a White Woman, or as usual, a White Man. Just imagine, a Black Man, who's ancestors may have been slaves either in America or Africa and is a minority with no more than 10% of the USA's population, may be heading towards becoming the leader of the "Free World". Without True Democracy, this would never have been possible, so TC and Zan and VP, pay attention to what a True Democracy can mean to TC's, despite being a minority, does not mean we would have any less rights than the majority. Individual Rights are for all citizens and not only for the majority. This is what I want for our country of Cyprus, a True Democracy with True Federation. Equal Power sharing can never work. It is like having two drivers at the wheel of a car. All you end up having, is a lot of
"accidents". 1960 Constitution can attest to that.