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Postby Stout » Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:31 pm

cyprusgrump, obviously you can be kind and decent, I am surprised that you cannot grasp the point that all the attributes of acceptable behaviour are contained in the doctrines of every nation, therefore, like it or not, if you are kind and decent you must be following such doctrines.
Whether or not we agree with those of differing views, each of them are subject to similar guidelines.
Ignorance and insult are outside the accepted codes of good conduct, therefore it should be avoided if one wishes to be seen as kind and decent. :)
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:31 pm

Stout wrote:cyprusgrump, obviously you can be kind and decent, I am surprised that you cannot grasp the point that all the attributes of acceptable behaviour are contained in the doctrines of every nation, therefore, like it or not, if you are kind and decent you must be following such doctrines.
Whether or not we agree with those of differing views, each of them are subject to similar guidelines.
Ignorance and insult are outside the accepted codes of good conduct, therefore it should be avoided if one wishes to be seen as kind and decent. :)

But that was my point… it was you that argued that the good values of everyday life were absent before the scriptures…
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Postby Stout » Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:59 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:Thanks Dinos, Yes I am fine. Disapointed but fine.

STOUT , I am BRITISH, born of BRITISH parents in BRITAIN I am not a Frog as you so rudely referred to the French People as, I was Brought up to be repectful of all people and to treat others the way I would like to be treated.
My education although not at University has served me well. The One thing here in France which I have noticed is how dignified and polite everyone is and how friendly to newcommers.

I walked away from the Moslem dominated link because it offended me, and now it is back. So yet again I will walk away.

Thank you Dinos for your concern and your gentlemanly behavior.

Until next time Au revior, and Bonjournee'
Good bye and have a good day.

"Cheshire Cat", I apologise for my rudeness in referring to the French as Frogs, though I am sure they are well acquainted with such a title.
I introduced the comment due to the fact that I assumed you were in fact French, knowing that they are quite sensitive as far as Agincourt is concerned.
As to your own input, I can only respond to what you have written above, it surprises me that you should emphasize the fact that you were brought up to respect others and to treat them as you would like to be treated yourself, after suggesting that it might be a good idea to invite a Jehovah Witness to join you in your pentangle !!, your lack of tolerance is abundantly clear as far as the faith of Islam is concerned and you seem to have little regard for the fact that what you perceive to be light banter, is extremely insulting to those who hold strong to their beliefs in either religion.
I would not rate your qualities as an ambassador for Britain very highly, although you do portray much of their unfortunate tendency to offer crude insult to any subject you have little knowledge of, never should you criticise what you don't understand, rather, gain the understanding of it before making any considered comments.
In conclusion, your assertion that the French are polite and courteous is certainly at odds to any contact I have had with them, perhaps you would not notice how arrogant and rude they can be. :)
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Postby zan » Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:15 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
zan wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
phoenix wrote:The reason why people are inherently good, and conduct their affairs in a moral way, without the need for scriptures, is that the genes for co-operation and rightful conduct to members of our own and other species, have been selected for by evolution.

Behaving correctly makes us fitter to survive since others will like us more and less likely to harm us. We then reciprocate in kind back and so on. We also do not abuse animals as that fits in with having adequate food supplies and leads to less likelihood of injury from animals defending themselves against any unnecessary infliction of harm from us.

All this balances perfectly in the best of all possible worlds . . . . without the need for imaginary "friends / creators / gods". :D

Selam aleyke, oh Phoenix mou. So your assertion is that Turco/Mongols are from outer space? :roll: :roll: :roll:
That is why we as pack animals have been more successful.....Without proper behavior the pack would fall apart.

Again I find myself agreeing with Phoenix :shock: :shock: And as you have quite rightly pointed out Deniz...Shame she does not show this kind of clear thinking when it comes to us....

No one is beyond self contradiction and our Phoenix is no exception. :lol: :lol: Bless her.

I think we can safely say that on her theory.....She is the weakest link :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby zan » Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:16 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Stout wrote:My contention is that it is not possible to be kind and decent in today,s world without adhering to the basic tenets of the scriptures.

This is my problem… I am atheist as you know – can I not also be kind and decent?

NO!...You and I will have to work for the Devil for he rest of our lives.... :lol:
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:27 pm

That all depends on how much contact you have had with them, a booze cruise to Calais perhaps ?

As for my rudeness ? before you accuse me I suggest you take a long hard look at your self, What sort of comics do you read , the beano perhaps. I staggers me that you are Obsessed with religeion in any form or is it just a a method of stirring up ill will for your own amusement, .

My comments about Jehovah witnesses was not meant to offend at all, and if ANY Jehovah Witnesses who are on this website are offended then I appologise .

However I suspect that this is just mischief making on your part.

Perhaps you will pick a fight or diagree with anyone on whatever subject is picked.

I was brought up to respect the feelings of others , how about you ? you it seems could not give a stuff about anyone else, You have certainly offended me on many occasions and I have no doubt many other people.

Are you British ? if not where do you come from. The French people I know are a delight and have been totally helpful since we have lived here, I have NEVER in 3 years heard any French Person being rude to any Brit or any other nationality for that matter.
it is a shame that you find the French and this particular "rost beuf" distasteful as I was going to invite you around for dinner should you ever decided to visit this beautiful part of Europe.

I started this thread because I was fed up with the constant banging on of your Muslim friends on the other link and you seem to have carried it over here Why? what was wrong with the other link ?
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Postby Stout » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:15 pm

Cheshire Cat, the other link is primarily concerned with Islam, since I am not of that faith and have scant knowledge of it I am reluctant to participate.
This thread is more to do with good manners (or so it has developed), I feel I have something to contribute here and so I have made my opinions known.
The fact that you consider me obsessed with religion is indicative of the fact that you are unable to grasp the fact that my views here have little to do with such, my interests lie solely in the fact that our behaviour is governed by laws which are derivatives of the scriptures, I cannot see that there can be any question of that fact, others may disagree, that is their prerogative.
I do not read the Beano, I have visited France on several occasions and have formed my opinions as a result of those visits.
Architecturally, Paris is quite stunning, I loved the opera house and many of the cultural attributes of the city, the Metro system is also creditworthy and I enjoyed the musical arrangements which take place there.
I did find the French people to be as I described, both in Paris and elsewhere, particularly in St Tropez and the surrounding areas of Southern France.
I am also British, however my Father was from Cyprus, I am therefore a "Charlie" according to the locals in Cyprus, I visit the country quite often, I have family buried there and some more fortunate that are not (although they are, as my father was , dispossessed).
I do have Muslim friends, I have friends of various nationalities (even French), I have no problems with any of them on account of their beliefs or cultures, I just do not like to stand by and allow them to be insulted as a result of such.
Actually I think of myself as quite a nice guy, I have a lovely family and seem to get along fine wherever I go, I am not too sure about this forum though. :lol: :lol:
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Postby phoenix » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:27 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
zan wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
phoenix wrote:The reason why people are inherently good, and conduct their affairs in a moral way, without the need for scriptures, is that the genes for co-operation and rightful conduct to members of our own and other species, have been selected for by evolution.

Behaving correctly makes us fitter to survive since others will like us more and less likely to harm us. We then reciprocate in kind back and so on. We also do not abuse animals as that fits in with having adequate food supplies and leads to less likelihood of injury from animals defending themselves against any unnecessary infliction of harm from us.

All this balances perfectly in the best of all possible worlds . . . . without the need for imaginary "friends / creators / gods". :D

Selam aleyke, oh Phoenix mou. So your assertion is that Turco/Mongols are from outer space? :roll: :roll: :roll:
That is why we as pack animals have been more successful.....Without proper behavior the pack would fall apart.

Again I find myself agreeing with Phoenix :shock: :shock: And as you have quite rightly pointed out Deniz...Shame she does not show this kind of clear thinking when it comes to us....

No one is beyond self contradiction and our Phoenix is no exception. :lol: :lol: Bless her.

You two are beyond comprehension. :roll:

It seems to me you are being very anti-Mongol if not down right "racist" to use your terminology not mine!

What is so wrong about establishing the sequence of places one has inhabited over time? What is the matter with you? Why do you have a problem finding out you once inhabited Mongolia?

Deniz and Zan, you once inhabited Cyprus as well, and now you inhabit the UK.
How does that change who and what you are?

Why do you not accept we are all part of the Human Race? .... we have inhabited different places over different time points, that's all!

It is matter of Historical significance where we were at different time points . . . BUT it does not make us any less Human Beings . . . . unless you Turks happen to think there is something wrong with being associated with Mongolia?

I personally can't wait to visit the place . . . and the few people I have met who are presently from there are brilliant. :D
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Postby phoenix » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:32 pm

Stout wrote:cyprusgrump, obviously you can be kind and decent, I am surprised that you cannot grasp the point that all the attributes of acceptable behaviour are contained in the doctrines of every nation, therefore, like it or not, if you are kind and decent you must be following such doctrines.
Whether or not we agree with those of differing views, each of them are subject to similar guidelines.
Ignorance and insult are outside the accepted codes of good conduct, therefore it should be avoided if one wishes to be seen as kind and decent. :)

Stout you are doing admirably trying to philosophise with some of the forumers . . . Congratulations! I wish I had more time to join in too.

Your style reminds me of dear Eliko, whom I miss :( and I think when he returns, the two of you will have some high-brow exchanges which I shall get the popcorn ready for . . . :D
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Postby zan » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:34 pm

phoenix wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
zan wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
phoenix wrote:The reason why people are inherently good, and conduct their affairs in a moral way, without the need for scriptures, is that the genes for co-operation and rightful conduct to members of our own and other species, have been selected for by evolution.

Behaving correctly makes us fitter to survive since others will like us more and less likely to harm us. We then reciprocate in kind back and so on. We also do not abuse animals as that fits in with having adequate food supplies and leads to less likelihood of injury from animals defending themselves against any unnecessary infliction of harm from us.

All this balances perfectly in the best of all possible worlds . . . . without the need for imaginary "friends / creators / gods". :D

Selam aleyke, oh Phoenix mou. So your assertion is that Turco/Mongols are from outer space? :roll: :roll: :roll:
That is why we as pack animals have been more successful.....Without proper behavior the pack would fall apart.

Again I find myself agreeing with Phoenix :shock: :shock: And as you have quite rightly pointed out Deniz...Shame she does not show this kind of clear thinking when it comes to us....

No one is beyond self contradiction and our Phoenix is no exception. :lol: :lol: Bless her.

You two are beyond comprehension. :roll:

It seems to me you are being very anti-Mongol if not down right "racist" to use your terminology not mine!

What is so wrong about establishing the sequence of places one has inhabited over time? What is the matter with you? Why do you have a problem finding out you once inhabited Mongolia?

Deniz and Zan, you once inhabited Cyprus as well, and now you inhabit the UK.
How does that change who and what you are?

Why do you not accept we are all part of the Human Race? .... we have inhabited different places over different time points, that's all!

It is matter of Historical significance where we were at different time points . . . BUT it does not make us any less Human Beings . . . . unless you Turks happen to think there is something wrong with being associated with Mongolia?

I personally can't wait to visit the place . . . and the few people I have met who are presently from there are brilliant. :D

I think you forget that I said I am proud of the fact but that is not the whole story. :roll: :roll: :roll: 8)
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