cyprusgrump wrote:Stout wrote:We even have a chap declaring that it is possible to be a decent and kind person, WITHOUT adhering to the basic tenets of the scriptures ?.
I personally think it would be difficult to utter a greater nonsense than that.
I simply cannot accept your assertion that mankind lived in some form of lawless anarchic state before the introduction of these books!
"cyprusgrump" Prior to the written scriptures upon which our laws are based, it is possible that there were kind and decent people and that is not in dispute.
My contention is that it is not possible to be kind and decent in today,s world without adhering to the basic tenets of the scriptures.
Somehow, that statement (which I made primarily as a counter to ignorance), seems to have convinced members that I am a preacher, which I am not.
I merely defended the position of those that are (or appear to be) since they were being subjected to ridicule and derision.
Surely that is not acceptable behaviour when dealing with such issues as religion, we may not agree but there is no reason for such insult.
Actually such an attack on those who DO preach, is harmful to millions of people who DO believe, we should all have the good grace to understand that fact and act accordingly, can you not agree with that ?.