Now that the forum has managed to ally Jehavah's Witnesses with Islam in that they are both mentioned in the same topic and labelled troublemakers, would it not be a good idea if members were to consider the fact that both of these are genuinely concerned with spreading the message of love and good will among us ?.
We, who are of little or no faith (I include myself among them), have just celebrated the festive season, many, (like myself), have passed the time indulging our own hedonistic pleasures totally oblivious to the suffering of those less fortunate than we.
To those who spread what they deem to be "The Message" or "The Good News", we hedonists must fill them with disgust, we should all realize that fact and at least try to present ourselves worthy of our own opinions.
By treating them with such ignorance (actually boasting about it), are we not displaying the fact that they are actually superior to us ?, after all, as far as they are concerned , they are offering us a priceless gift, should we not have the good manners to decline their offer without resorting to base insults ?.
Ultimately, if there are such entities as a God and a Devil, we should at least hedge our bets, Tony Blair has done so, if we refrain from insult, we may at least gain some favour in the "Hereafter", if such a place exists, meanwhile, can we not show a little respect to our fellow man, whatever their religious beliefs ?, not such a difficult thing to do if we take the time to think about it. Happy New Year and Good Will to all men.