denizaksulu wrote:phoenix wrote:denizaksulu wrote:zan wrote:denizaksulu wrote:phoenix wrote:The reason why people are inherently good, and conduct their affairs in a moral way, without the need for scriptures, is that the
genes for co-operation and rightful conduct to members of our own and other species, have been selected for by evolution.
Behaving correctly makes us fitter to survive since others will
like us more and less likely to harm us. We then reciprocate in kind back and so on. We also do not abuse animals as that fits in with having adequate food supplies and leads to less likelihood of injury from animals defending themselves against any unnecessary infliction of harm from us.
All this balances perfectly in the best of all possible worlds . . . . without the need for imaginary "friends / creators / gods".

Selam aleyke, oh Phoenix mou. So your assertion is that Turco/Mongols are from outer space?

That is why we as pack animals have been more successful.....Without proper behavior the pack would fall apart.
Again I find myself agreeing with Phoenix

And as you have quite rightly pointed out Deniz...Shame she does not show this kind of clear thinking when it comes to us....
No one is beyond self contradiction and our Phoenix is no exception.

Bless her.
You two are beyond comprehension.
It seems to me you are being very anti-Mongol if not down right "racist" to use
your terminology not mine!
What is so wrong about establishing the sequence of places one has inhabited over time? What is the matter with you? Why do you have a
problem finding out you once inhabited Mongolia?
Deniz and Zan, you once inhabited Cyprus as well, and now you inhabit the UK.
How does that change who and what you are?
Why do you not accept we are all part of the Human Race? .... we have inhabited different places over different time points, that's all!
It is matter of Historical significance where we were at different time points . . . BUT it does not make us any less Human Beings . . . . unless you Turks happen to think there is something
wrong with being associated with Mongolia?
I personally can't wait to visit the place . . . and the few people I have met who are presently from there are brilliant.

Phoenix mou, once on this forum one of your mates refered to us TCs/ Ts as being mongoloid or Mongolian in a deragatory sense.. My reply was , if I was born Mongolian, I would be proud of it. You dare call me racist? You declared that there are no races. Again you contradict yourself. Get a grip girl.

You are loosing your touch.
I do not contradict myself . . . if you take a look at my above quote, I said I used
your terminology . . . . not mine!
But, I can use the term Turk in a derogatory manner too, when I object to something Turkey has done which is supported by the majority of Turks.
That would still not make it a racist comment. Racism is purely a discrimination based on an irrational belief that a group of people is inferior due to their genes. No one on this planet has such information and so it is an invalid state which I object to strongly and will provide evidence to show that there are no reasons for any one group to feel superior over another group in this capacity.
Now in terms of attitudes and rightful conduct, there are groups which behave better than others.