That makes me one of the village people
I can feel an animation coming on
phoenix wrote:Stout wrote:cyprusgrump, obviously you can be kind and decent, I am surprised that you cannot grasp the point that all the attributes of acceptable behaviour are contained in the doctrines of every nation, therefore, like it or not, if you are kind and decent you must be following such doctrines.
Whether or not we agree with those of differing views, each of them are subject to similar guidelines.
Ignorance and insult are outside the accepted codes of good conduct, therefore it should be avoided if one wishes to be seen as kind and decent.
Stout you are doing admirably trying to philosophise with some of the forumers . . . Congratulations! I wish I had more time to join in too.
Your style reminds me of dear Eliko, whom I missand I think when he returns, the two of you will have some high-brow exchanges which I shall get the popcorn ready for . . .
Acorn wrote:Stout
Maybe your kids will buy you a windmill next year
Cheshire Cat wrote:That all depends on how much contact you have had with them, a booze cruise to Calais perhaps ?
As for my rudeness ? before you accuse me I suggest you take a long hard look at your self, What sort of comics do you read , the beano perhaps. I staggers me that you are Obsessed with religeion in any form or is it just a a method of stirring up ill will for your own amusement, .
My comments about Jehovah witnesses was not meant to offend at all, and if ANY Jehovah Witnesses who are on this website are offended then I appologise .
However I suspect that this is just mischief making on your part.
Perhaps you will pick a fight or diagree with anyone on whatever subject is picked.
I was brought up to respect the feelings of others , how about you ? you it seems could not give a stuff about anyone else, You have certainly offended me on many occasions and I have no doubt many other people.
Are you British ? if not where do you come from. The French people I know are a delight and have been totally helpful since we have lived here, I have NEVER in 3 years heard any French Person being rude to any Brit or any other nationality for that matter.
it is a shame that you find the French and this particular "rost beuf" distasteful as I was going to invite you around for dinner should you ever decided to visit this beautiful part of Europe.
I started this thread because I was fed up with the constant banging on of your Muslim friends on the other link and you seem to have carried it over here Why? what was wrong with the other link ?
Cheshire Cat wrote:Me too Stout,
Please do not leave the forum, I do not like fighting either.
We all if truth be told have unresolved issues, I wanted to leave Cyprus with a will that I would return and see a much loved friend who I left behind. That cannot be now as that friend of 15 years dies of cancer. Money was extracted from us via con merchants. so I am hurting too.
I wish you health happiness and luck
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