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Trouble makers .

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Postby Cheshire Cat » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:37 pm

Actually, this thread was not about manners good or bad, it was about being fed up with being force fed any faith, be it Moslem, Jehovah Witness or anything else. I am Protestant myself but I would not dream of pushing my Church in anyones face.

As Far as Paris is concerned the people in Rural France dislike them, they buy up properties and use them as holiday homes only visiting from time to time. The people down here really consider the Parisiens to be crude and ill mannered so in that respect I can only say that according to my French friends you are correct. St. Tropez I have never been so I would not know.

I speak of the real people who live and work here.

I am sorry that your family lost so much in Cyprus, perhaps there is some hidden agenda, but I lost a lot of money too in Cyprus when we left. You do not hear me banging on about it.

In my humble opinion our behaviour is governed by the way we are treated by the people we come into contact with, Speaking for myself, it was my parents who gave me the blueprint , if I am nice to you, then I expect you to be nice to me and so it goes on.

A sence of Humour is always a nice thing to have too.
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Postby phoenix » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:46 pm

zan wrote:
phoenix wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
zan wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
phoenix wrote:The reason why people are inherently good, and conduct their affairs in a moral way, without the need for scriptures, is that the genes for co-operation and rightful conduct to members of our own and other species, have been selected for by evolution.

Behaving correctly makes us fitter to survive since others will like us more and less likely to harm us. We then reciprocate in kind back and so on. We also do not abuse animals as that fits in with having adequate food supplies and leads to less likelihood of injury from animals defending themselves against any unnecessary infliction of harm from us.

All this balances perfectly in the best of all possible worlds . . . . without the need for imaginary "friends / creators / gods". :D

Selam aleyke, oh Phoenix mou. So your assertion is that Turco/Mongols are from outer space? :roll: :roll: :roll:
That is why we as pack animals have been more successful.....Without proper behavior the pack would fall apart.

Again I find myself agreeing with Phoenix :shock: :shock: And as you have quite rightly pointed out Deniz...Shame she does not show this kind of clear thinking when it comes to us....

No one is beyond self contradiction and our Phoenix is no exception. :lol: :lol: Bless her.

You two are beyond comprehension. :roll:

It seems to me you are being very anti-Mongol if not down right "racist" to use your terminology not mine!

What is so wrong about establishing the sequence of places one has inhabited over time? What is the matter with you? Why do you have a problem finding out you once inhabited Mongolia?

Deniz and Zan, you once inhabited Cyprus as well, and now you inhabit the UK.
How does that change who and what you are?

Why do you not accept we are all part of the Human Race? .... we have inhabited different places over different time points, that's all!

It is matter of Historical significance where we were at different time points . . . BUT it does not make us any less Human Beings . . . . unless you Turks happen to think there is something wrong with being associated with Mongolia?

I personally can't wait to visit the place . . . and the few people I have met who are presently from there are brilliant. :D

I think you forget that I said I am proud of the fact but that is not the whole story. :roll: :roll: :roll: 8)

I missed you saying that Zan.

I am pedantic about adhering to facts which is why I go on about things, but it is never out of malice.

You know I am an exponent of the one race theory and I truly believe that (I think you believe too). The places we inhabit do not make us better or worse Humans. That's why I have no qualms about identifying people by the designated country they inhabit (hence Turk) . . . and it is not racist.

I think our migrations (all of us) over the planet, over time, and our changing cultures, which adapt to fit in with our environment of the time, are absolutely fascinating . . . and that is why they are worth hanging onto. :D
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Postby Stout » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:11 pm

Cheshire Cat, I have no desire to antagonise you, nor was it my intention, I fully understand that you were a little perplexed with the subject of Islam being discussed at such length, perhaps to a degree that annoyed you.
Qamersland and his associates are convinced that they are observing the principles of their faith by expounding it's virtues, it is unfortunately a touchy subject these days on account of world affairs.
Nonetheless, there IS a vast difference between (what we who have little knowledge perceive to be) the teachings of Islam and the antics of the fanatical Muslim suicide bombers etc, etc.
In the area which I live in, there can be no doubt that there is a great deal of disharmony among residents due to the mixture of cultures, I suspect there are many supporters of what our Governments have described as "Islamic Terrorists", which is possibly an unfair description since there are so many followers of that faith that are not.
Enough of Islam, there is little point in us jousting (being British I hope you can visualize the prospect) over an issue which is beyond our complete understanding since in order to do so we should be conversant with Arabic which we are not.
Perhaps we would be better employed extending the hand of friendship across the channel, my opologies for any dis-comfort I may have imposed on you, it is not fitting for a gentleman to cause such distress to a lady. :)
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Postby Stout » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:23 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Stout wrote:cyprusgrump, obviously you can be kind and decent, I am surprised that you cannot grasp the point that all the attributes of acceptable behaviour are contained in the doctrines of every nation, therefore, like it or not, if you are kind and decent you must be following such doctrines.
Whether or not we agree with those of differing views, each of them are subject to similar guidelines.
Ignorance and insult are outside the accepted codes of good conduct, therefore it should be avoided if one wishes to be seen as kind and decent. :)

But that was my point… it was you that argued that the good values of everyday life were absent before the scriptures…

cyprusgrump, I seriously doubt that that was the case, I did state that the possibility of stealing etc, was acceptable behaviour PRIOR to written scripture/law, I do believe that we were more concerned with today's values than those that pre-dated them, obviously those earlier times would have had different standards of behaviour and would have been the discerning factors. :)
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Postby Acorn » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:26 pm

It was a bit of friendly banter about about being fed up with being force fed any faith and I am in complete agreement with Chesire Cat. Why complicate the issue, I am just a simple village boy.
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Postby Stout » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:32 pm

Acorn wrote:It was a bit of friendly banter about about being fed up with being force fed any faith and I am in complete agreement with Chesire Cat. Why complicate the issue, I am just a simple village boy.

Then you should take up Morris Dancing !. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Acorn » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:34 pm

I prefer my moped to a Morris
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:37 pm

Thank you Stout your appology is accepted, can we just agree to disagree and be friends ?
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:38 pm


The nicest people I have ever known have come from villages.
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Re: Trouble makers .

Postby rawk » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:49 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote::x

This Mohammad thread, This started of as one thing and has now gone on to something far darker.

It seems to me that this is designed to stir up hatred between Christians and Muslims, and it is succeeding.

If we did not respond he would be talking to himself, I say himself because I think that one person has many identities on this thread.

I for one intend to let him stew in his own juice.

I don't think so, pussy willow. He's genuine enough! Check out Brother Squammers here ... 7882&lang=

How did it come to this?

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