observer wrote:DTA GC republic with a sizeable TC citizeship? Have you any idea how many Turkish Cypriots are citizens at present of this Hellenic Republic?
According to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, about 2,000 TCs live in the "Hellenic Republic of South Cyprus" (actually they call it southern Cyprus).
According to the GC authorities, all TCs are citizens.
Including these co-operated-still co-operating- with the invasion forces and these who have never paid taxes to the Republic!!!!!
In line with international law-all citizens of so called TRNC are pirates and citizens of an inlegal state.
In line with actual history all present citizens of so called TRNC are shelters and invators, including Tcs.Tcs just came earlier in the Island than the new shelters who did us the favor to come to our Island after 1974.
The real facts in Cyprus can not be freely discussed or be presented because of one main factor- Military power of the invator.
Imagine that the military power was different-opposide of what it is today- then no question about Ethnicity of Greeks of Cyprus would be on the table neither Tcs rights in the Island.
The real facts and history is clearly affected by the military power , even population opinion and reactions based on same factor.
I hope that this time nobody will comment on my signature