Kristianikos wrote:Hey, i have asked about this before but just to ask..
I am 16 and if i visit cyprus now do i need an exit visa ?
I have a german surname so i doubt they will even look at me twice.. but my cousin who is also half cypriot (on the mother's side also) was told he needed an exit visa and he is 21.
and also.. i know that if you are cypriot from your mother's side only your time is reduced to 6 months, you must be a cypriot citizen for this to take place ???
Is that correct or not ?

If your father is a non cypriot , you don't need an exit visa. The mothers don't count (sorry mums) but your father would have had to be a cypriot for you to do the service.
If you have a german surname then they WONT even look at you.
Now that we are in the EU, they don't even ask for it. My son and I both have a permanent one and as far as I know you can still get them. If you have an Embassy or high commission nearby they can sort it for you.
The 6 month term is valid if you are over 27 years old, born outside of cyprus, lived outside for 10 years or more and want to reside in cyprus and your father was a cypriot.
I guess you are safe buddy.
If and when you want to live here AND manage to get cypriot citizenship then, and even then you may not have to do it due to your parantage, but I have read somewhere that there maybe a clause whereby you will do it.
Hope that helps.