denizaksulu wrote:bilako22 wrote:Good luck on your Greek ENOSIs . I look forward to the day that TRNC does an ENOSIS with Turkey.
Never mind Ensis with Turkey, eventually it will be Enosis with the south. We will be one agai. Hurrah. Going round in circles again.
Somehow I don't for a second believe that you even believe what you say Deniz.
BTW, when were we "One" at all, 1960 to 1963? Before that, how? Just because we lived togethr peacefully under a foreign rule does not mean that we were "one", ever. Look what happened as soon as we were left alone to live together, they try to genocide us for their ENOSIS dream.
If we were "one" then they would never have attempted to genocide us Denis, you just do not murder your own but then again, we were never their "own", we were always the "interfering Turks" and the only way they could get their ENOSIS was to kill every single one of or chase us off the island like they did with the Turks in Crete.
Ethnic cleansing or genocide, they didn't give a damn how they got their wish and I and many others like me will never be as "one" with people who murdered our people and tried to kill us too.
Unification will never happen, there's just too much hate for anything Turkish on the GC side. And if anyone tries to tell me that the GCs have changed and they no longer hate us GCs I'll call that person a liar to his face. All you have to do is to follow this forum to see how much the GCs hate us TCs and specially Turks. The GCs spread hatred towards anything Turkish faster than any bush fire.
The GCs and TCs will never be "one", never were either. They just abided their time until Cyprus got it's independence and started their genocide war only three years after the joint foundation of the original RoC.
If they had half a chance they would, without hesitation, start the genocide war all over again and make sure there isn't a single TC left in Cyprus.
I am convinced of that and so are many, many others and hence why there is and never will be a unification, not in our life time anyway, maybe in a thousand years or so.