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Is any good people on this planet ???

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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:15 pm

My Mother-in-law is a bible thumper, and she is such a hypocrite, evil is not the word
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Postby Stout » Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:41 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:My Mother-in-law is a bible thumper, and she is such a hypocrite, evil is not the word

That's not the result of religion Cheshire Cat, that is the status of ALL Mother's-in-law.:lol:

Music Hall Joke, expect plenty of flak Stout. :lol:
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:49 pm

Take my Mother in Law ( will someone PLEASE take my mother in Law)
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Postby Stout » Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:54 pm

My Mother-in-law was a very dear old lady,

"Yeah, it cost us over three grand to bury the old bitch !" :lol:
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Postby Bill » Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:45 pm

GorillaGal wrote:i think Bill is a good person.
Maybe even INCREDIBLE!

Hey steady on ~~ there's no need to go over the top with this ~ it's sweet of you to say so but there is a limit.

I'm just a nice guy ( modest too :lol: ) who's willing to help those in need .

GG ~~~ I've got to go out tonight and at this rate I won't get my head through the door >

My plans of a nice meal out followed with a stroll along the sea front watching the New Years fireworks has been stuffed by a invite from the relatives to a New Years eve party so I'm not a happy bunny tonite :( .

won't happen again ~~~~~ I hope :roll:

Bill ~~ who won't be setting off his Roman candle tonite
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Postby Bill » Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:48 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:But I suppose you had to as you were working for the AA at the time? :wink:

I've been known to hit the bottle a few times in my younger years but never made it to AA

Bill ~~ who recently sold his chrome AA badge on ebay
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Postby Bill » Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:53 pm

Bucksboy wrote:Get rid of all religion and mankind will benefit !

How very true ~ such a pity that most can't see it :(

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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:57 pm


Could you not throw a "sickie" , you surely deserve New Years eve in peace.

And there is nothing wrong with saying a firm No,thank you I have plans !!
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:59 pm

Stout, knowing my luck the Devil would burp her back .
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Postby Sega » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:05 pm

Good humans depend on ones conscience and perception. Many people say that they are "good" when deep down they know that they are not.

Consider this, a manager mistreating his employees and then going home as a loving parent and/or spouse. Unfortunately one thing often brings something else unexpected. For instance in order for a manager to do his job effectively he needs to be tough, but the hardest task is being a good manager and good to your employees. As a result of upbringing and experience some people are unable to be in a leading position and often result in mistreating people until one day (maybe with a helping hand from the man above) see sense.

Sometimes other people make us bad; one person on his own cannot create sin without the help or the being of another (consider that earth only consists of one human being isolated from any other person). Taking this into account it also greatly depends on our social circle if we so decide to have one. This is not however always the case, it is possible to socialise with drug dealers and be drug-free. It all depends on how strong the person character is, week characters often follow suite whilst strong do as they see is right.

Another example of people making people bad is when there is two people; a good person and a not-so-good person. The not-so-good individual continuously torments the good person because he/she feels they have the right to do so as a result of their experiences/upbringing etc. Eventually that victim will loose his/her innocence and then fight back. Depending on the character of the victim this experience can change him/her indefinitely. As humans we are not that strong and at times if we can predict such an outcome it is best to disassociate ourselves from the people in question. These people might not be bad but just inexperienced as we said above.

On the whole somebody who is "good" in theory can get on with most "good" people. But who is judging us on being good? I use to think it was old Saint Nicolas. Ones "good" person might be another's "bad" person. Obviously we truly know if we are "good/bad" despite of what we might paint to the outside world. We as humans are not telepathic, saying this communication problems are very common. So somebody else might perceive us as not-so-good by a simple communication problem.

I feel the two main negative character traits that cause problem in terms of communication are jealousy and egotism. If anybody has any extra to add please do so, I am open to suggestions.

Jealousy and is one of the worse things in existence, it makes people character change without warning and often leads to no good. Some might see it as a "cancer" in society and here in Cyprus it is made more apparent than elsewhere. People with this illness might be good to others but can never truly be good people. This character trait is often created by comparing people and placing them on a scale. This can either be done by the victim of this illness or by somebody voicing his/her opinion. What these people fail to realise is that everybody is mostly hugely different from each other; in IT terms it's like comparing a laptop to a desktop. Each have their good and bad points.

Egotistical people (or as the Greek call them Egoistes) is something also perceived as an illness in many people's eyes. This is also a bad characteristic to have. Egotism (or in Greek egoismo) is something that can distort the victims reality and perception on life. It can also bring huge success, but can come with losses at the same time. Bad people often have this character trait. It comes from two things; the first thing is being over spoilt (think of a child that gets everything they wanted) and it also comes from past mistreatment of the victim.

At one point or another I believe that all humans did some really bad, but if those individuals feel bad for those things and are adamant in not to do it again then at least they can truly call themselves good (for the time being).From these experiences however we learn to adapt our character and often change the way we are just so we do not suffer from a sudden sense of guilt.

With regards to religion I feel that none of the major religions are bad or evil. It all depends how the individual interprets it to how others might perceive it in a negative light.

As you can see I have extensively answered this question, you probably noticed many factors in place and it is difficult to consider all factors when living life but there is not harm in trying.

Personally I have done many things to people that I am not proud of, some may argue and say that those individuals had it coming to them but that it not the point. Why did I have to be the one that was to give to them what they had coming, could it not have been somebody else? Somebody else would have got there eventually if I just kept out, I would have been guilt-free too.

Would I call myself good? Well currently I am but in the past I was not.
Do I regret some of the things I did? Yes without doubt, but then again those things helped me see sense into being a better person.
Would I do those things again? Nope.

Hope this helps you answer your question and have a New Year 2008.
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