umit07 wrote:Dear Phoenix,
All I can say is " Utanacağnı bilsem yüzüne tüpürürdüm" meaning " If I knew you would be embarassed I would spit in your face"
By posting such a comment as you have "umit07", you have done your countrymen a great disservice, we CIVILIZED folk would never dream of spitting into the face of a lady, regardless of what we may think of her personal opinions.
Incidentally, I do believe that there is a rule which stipulates that the language of this forum should be English, you do offer an interpretation, those of us who do not know your lingo have to rely on the integrity of the one making the interpretation.
If you are so base as to suggest spitting in the face of a respected female member of this forum, we could be forgiven if we assumed that your words have other meanings.
Kindly adhere to some standards of respectability and oblige us all.