QAMERSLAND wrote:shahmaran wrote:Qamersland couldn't tell the meaning of real peace and freedom if it smacked him in the face, how can people who don't even understand the depth of such concepts believe that they can go around preaching it to others? Show me one example where Islam has brought peace and freedom!
I have as much respect for him as the next Jehovah's Whitness that knocks on my door, they are nothing short of ridiculous and are just as bad and preposterous as each other, and they all have one thing in common and it is called BLIND FAITH, the wonderful human quality that allows us to become ignorantly happy about something we do not understand anything about by simply avoiding the burden of trying to explain things with free and original rational thought, up to the extent where we are comfortable with flying planes into buildings or strapping ourselves with explosives to maximise human casualties.
Free and rational thinking is one quality of ours that is fundamental for progression and evolution and it is why Muslim countries are so behind their times. If everyone believed that we had all the answers in the Koran, humanity would not progress, we would all be sedated with the comfort of our ignorance.
Fortunately human nature will always prevail no matter what our beliefs are until we understand everything about ourselves. No matter how many lashes, no matter how many limbs chopped off, how well women are hidden behind veils and doors there will always be rape, murder, adultery, violence etc. because Islam is one religion that is the most distant from our natural being and it will never be a peaceful religion because it does not even understand human nature. Denying humans from their most basic nature only perpetuates more irrational actions that feed the oppressed needs. This is anything BUT being at peace!
Doesn't anyone ever wonder why the countries who have embraced the so called "religion of peace" are also known for some of the most gruesome acts of violence in the world? So what went wrong there Qamersland?
I am asking you Qamersland, is stoning young women and homosexuals to death, or publicly executing or torturing people by lashing or chopping of limbs and heads (the mutilation can be done with blunt instruments to extend the time it takes in order to inflict even greater pain, depending on the crime) the way to teach peace to people?

I doubt your intelligence because I feel that you are one of those who would like to sell your belief, your daughters, your sisters and your mothers to win the bid to enter European Union.
I have no problem if TC and Turkey become the member of EU but I doubt how much shameless, rootless and religiou less they have to be in order to get bone to eat from EU?
According to your Question what went wrong in the Islamic countries when Islam is a Religion of Peace?
Short Answer is that Muslim went away from Quran; there is not a single Islamic country in the world where 100 % sharia Law is being implemented. Sharia Law that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has demonstrated during his life time and the time of 4 Khulfa after his Death.
Islam teaches the Middle way, and today you find Muslims who went to Extreme left( those who are Muslim by name like many TC, not all) and those who went extreme right( those who interpreted the religion according to their culture and needs like those who are doing suside bombing to kill other Muslims or innocent non Muslims) . Both parties are wrong.
I don’t know Shah if you are Muslim? But I am sure that you are not aware of what Prophet Peace be upon him said about the present time.
Prophet said that there will time Muslims will be a lot in numbers like in present time 1.5 billion but they will be just like the foam on the sea water means they will have no power but he also said that Day of judgment will not come till the Message of Islam will have not enter in each house in this world. It may sound you unrealistic but if you have asked those in the past about present time, they would have thought the same as you are thinking while reading this message.
In short the reason why Muslims are backward is because they went away from Quranic teachings. in medieval time When there were Dark ages in Europe, Muslims were bright, they discover a lot of scientific facts like circulation of blood, Algebra, draw the first map of the world in which the north was down and south was up and later westerners change the north to up and south to down but By God’s Grace Mekah is still in the Center. etc etc, there is not only punishments to the criminals in sharia law, there are much more that you don’t know. This is the reason many here are against sharia law. This is impossible to teach you entire sharia law through posts on this forum, infact you need years to learn entire sharia law.
I had asked all of you to tell me that is robbing bad or Good?
If it is bad then why and if it is good then why?
I challege you that no one of you can give a logical reason why robbing is bad?
Miss freeSpirit(southerner) has repeatedly said that Islam give death penalty to Rape Victim.
I had challenged her to find me where Islam( Quran and Hadith) says that Rape victim should be put to death?
infact if you read my last post. I have given the reference of an incident when some one raped a woman in the prophet PBUH time and he let the woman to go free and ordered death penalty to rapist.
I have been saying from the beginning that
Do not judge the Car by Driver means do not judge Islam by Muslims There are many Muslims, I don’t like them too but it does not mean that they are bad because Islam teaches them to be bad. There are black sheep’s in every community.
May God guide us all
Qamersland yet again you are wrong in your "beliefs", i don't know how you come to disrespect my "sisters, mothers, daughters" and i seriously don't know what you are talking about when you say "selling them", but i just take comfort in the fact that neither do you.
I am the last person to want to be in EU and this has no religious reasons what so ever, in fact i wouldn't use religion behind any reasoning what so ever since it entirely contradicts logic and reasoning.
Yet here you are "doubting my intelligence" when i was the one who had to explain to you what a "theory" was a few pages behind (which you never managed to reply to) when you had so much to say about it without even knowing what it really meant, and it is another great example of your ignorance and illiteracy when it comes to the world of REAL knowledge.
Face it, you have mastered the fictional world but have greatly neglected the real deal.
Hence why i would never want to learn anything about Sharia Law, because in my eyes it has absolutely no value since it is based on a fictional theocratic understanding of existence which i find ridiculous.
As i have said before, show me one nation that has benefited from this "religion of peace", which you have also agreed that it didn't exist since no country was Islamic in the "proper manner" so that we can actually see what Islam REALLY is like when put to practice.
What i am saying is that it does not matter who is "driving the car" anymore, because it has been centuries upon centuries of nothing but blood, torture and suffering in the name of this brain disease called Islam, and to be honest the world does not need it, because it simply just DOES NOT WORK!
No religion of such kind does, because they are all the works of men who knew so much less than we do today and the only reason they have travelled so far through time is because they feed on the ignorance of poor fools like yourself.
It just holds us back from understanding our true nature and reason for existence.
You claim that the Koran had already mentioned certain "discoveries" which i hardly find credible, i mean you claim it talks about "blood circulation", well that's not very fucking surprising is it, considering the amount of heads and limbs they must have mutilated over the years, you would be an utter moron not to notice the blood gushing out ones veins once you cut their heads of don't you think?
Is this the kind of crap you base your beliefs on?
Is this the kind of stupidity you put in the mouth of your supreme creator that you praise so much?
There is plenty of space for contradiction within the text that has supposedly come directly from the MAN himself don't you think?