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Postby FreeSpirit » Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:54 am

shahmaran wrote:
BC Numismatics wrote:
shahmaran wrote:
BC Numismatics wrote:FreeSpirit,you say that I'm the joke,then you must be a clown.Get Reals the village idiot though!


Excuse me, did you say HE is THE village idiot? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shahmaran,it IS Get Real who is the village idiot.He's also a pro-faggot as well! I wouldn't be too surprised if Rawk was engaged in the idolatrous worship of the Hell-bound Pope of Rome.


Aidan you are an absolute moron.

Wouldn't surprise if he wasn't certified as well as absolute. :lol: :lol:
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Postby BC Numismatics » Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:09 am

shahmaran wrote:
BC Numismatics wrote:
shahmaran wrote:
BC Numismatics wrote:FreeSpirit,you say that I'm the joke,then you must be a clown.Rawk's the village idiot though!


Excuse me, did you say HE is THE village idiot? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shahmaran,it IS Rawk who is the village idiot.He's also a pro-faggot as well! I wouldn't be too surprised if Rawk was engaged in the idolatrous worship of the Hell-bound Pope of Rome.


Aidan you are an absolute moron.


This is what you look like; .

This is what Eric Dayi looks like; .

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Postby QAMERSLAND » Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:15 am

shahmaran wrote:Qamersland couldn't tell the meaning of real peace and freedom if it smacked him in the face, how can people who don't even understand the depth of such concepts believe that they can go around preaching it to others? Show me one example where Islam has brought peace and freedom!

I have as much respect for him as the next Jehovah's Whitness that knocks on my door, they are nothing short of ridiculous and are just as bad and preposterous as each other, and they all have one thing in common and it is called BLIND FAITH, the wonderful human quality that allows us to become ignorantly happy about something we do not understand anything about by simply avoiding the burden of trying to explain things with free and original rational thought, up to the extent where we are comfortable with flying planes into buildings or strapping ourselves with explosives to maximise human casualties.

Free and rational thinking is one quality of ours that is fundamental for progression and evolution and it is why Muslim countries are so behind their times. If everyone believed that we had all the answers in the Koran, humanity would not progress, we would all be sedated with the comfort of our ignorance.

Fortunately human nature will always prevail no matter what our beliefs are until we understand everything about ourselves. No matter how many lashes, no matter how many limbs chopped off, how well women are hidden behind veils and doors there will always be rape, murder, adultery, violence etc. because Islam is one religion that is the most distant from our natural being and it will never be a peaceful religion because it does not even understand human nature. Denying humans from their most basic nature only perpetuates more irrational actions that feed the oppressed needs. This is anything BUT being at peace!

Doesn't anyone ever wonder why the countries who have embraced the so called "religion of peace" are also known for some of the most gruesome acts of violence in the world? So what went wrong there Qamersland?

I am asking you Qamersland, is stoning young women and homosexuals to death, or publicly executing or torturing people by lashing or chopping of limbs and heads (the mutilation can be done with blunt instruments to extend the time it takes in order to inflict even greater pain, depending on the crime) the way to teach peace to people? :?

I doubt your intelligence because I feel that you are one of those who would like to sell your belief, your daughters, your sisters and your mothers to win the bid to enter European Union.

I have no problem if TC and Turkey become the member of EU but I doubt how much shameless, rootless and religiou less they have to be in order to get bone to eat from EU?

According to your Question what went wrong in the Islamic countries when Islam is a Religion of Peace?

Short Answer is that Muslim went away from Quran; there is not a single Islamic country in the world where 100 % sharia Law is being implemented. Sharia Law that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has demonstrated during his life time and the time of 4 Khulfa after his Death.

Islam teaches the Middle way, and today you find Muslims who went to Extreme left( those who are Muslim by name like many TC, not all) and those who went extreme right( those who interpreted the religion according to their culture and needs like those who are doing suside bombing to kill other Muslims or innocent non Muslims) . Both parties are wrong.

I don’t know Shah if you are Muslim? But I am sure that you are not aware of what Prophet Peace be upon him said about the present time.

Prophet said that there will time Muslims will be a lot in numbers like in present time 1.5 billion but they will be just like the foam on the sea water means they will have no power but he also said that Day of judgment will not come till the Message of Islam will have not enter in each house in this world. It may sound you unrealistic but if you have asked those in the past about present time, they would have thought the same as you are thinking while reading this message.

In short the reason why Muslims are backward is because they went away from Quranic teachings. in medieval time When there were Dark ages in Europe, Muslims were bright, they discover a lot of scientific facts like circulation of blood, Algebra, draw the first map of the world in which the north was down and south was up and later westerners change the north to up and south to down but By God’s Grace Mekah is still in the Center. etc etc, there is not only punishments to the criminals in sharia law, there are much more that you don’t know. This is the reason many here are against sharia law. This is impossible to teach you entire sharia law through posts on this forum, infact you need years to learn entire sharia law.

I had asked all of you to tell me that is robbing bad or Good?

If it is bad then why and if it is good then why?

I challege you that no one of you can give a logical reason why robbing is bad?

Miss freeSpirit(southerner) has repeatedly said that Islam give death penalty to Rape Victim.

I had challenged her to find me where Islam( Quran and Hadith) says that Rape victim should be put to death?

infact if you read my last post. I have given the reference of an incident when some one raped a woman in the prophet PBUH time and he let the woman to go free and ordered death penalty to rapist.

I have been saying from the beginning that

Do not judge the Car by Driver means do not judge Islam by Muslims

There are many Muslims, I don’t like them too but it does not mean that they are bad because Islam teaches them to be bad. There are black sheep’s in every community.

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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:39 am

Get Real! wrote:
shahmaran wrote:Qamersland couldn't tell the meaning of real peace and freedom if it smacked him in the face, how can people who don't even understand the depth of such concepts believe that they can go around preaching it to others? Show me one example where Islam has brought peace and freedom!

Says a lad living in the "TRNC"... :lol:

It troubles me that so many Greek Cypriots do not understand the secular nature of Turkish Cypriot society.
It is surely an irony of history that, following the events of 1963-1974 that drove the two communities in Cyprus apart, the Greek Cypriot ruling elite has struck up cordial relations with all manner of brutal Arab dictators and fundamentalist Islamic regimes, while becoming estranged from their own fellow-Cypriot Muslims.
Sharia law which Qamersland is promoting was totally uprooted in Turkey by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and replaced with a modern, secular democracy. Turkish Cypriots are staunch supporters of Ataturk's secular model and they have not the slightest interest in the fanatic, fundamentalist brand of Islam that Qamersland is promoting.
There is absoultely no contradiction in a Turkish Cypriot condemning Islamic fundamentalism.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:53 am

Get Real! wrote:Yeah, well this is the sort of crap you get when the likes of Southerner, Miltiades, Tim, and a few other fools breed and nurture religious racism into the minds of the young and ignorant. :evil:

I take great exception to being branded a racist. What arguments have I advanced on this thread that are racist?
I support the values of Western, secular democracy. I believe in multiculturalism. I absolutely defend the right of Muslims to live in the West and to practice their religion.
However, what I will not entertain in any shape, size, form or dose is Sharia law, which is the total anitithesis of the Western values which I hold the dear. These are the very values which guarantee religious freedom to Muslims living in the West; freedoms which are denied to non-Muslims living in most strict Islamic states.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:07 am

One Question I have for Qamersland.
In a Sharia court, the testimony of a woman carries half the weight of the testimony of a man's. Equally, the testimony of a non-Muslim carries half the weight of a Muslim's.
Does this mean that the testimony of a non-Muslim woman carries one-quarter the weight of the testimony of a Muslim man?
Otherwise, that would mean that Sharia recognises sexual equality in the case of non-Muslims, in giving the same status to the testimony of non-Muslim men and women. Isn't this a bit ironic?
Also, for the testimony of a non-Muslim to be given half the weight of a Muslim's, does that non-Muslim have to be one of the "people of the book" i.e. a Jew or a Christian? What status is given to the testimony of, say, a Hindu, a Buddhist or an athiest?
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:10 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Yeah, well this is the sort of crap you get when the likes of Southerner, Miltiades, Tim, and a few other fools breed and nurture religious racism into the minds of the young and ignorant. :evil:

I take great exception to being branded a racist. What arguments have I advanced on this thread that are racist?
I support the values of Western, secular democracy. I believe in multiculturalism. I absolutely defend the right of Muslims to live in the West and to practice their religion.
However, what I will not entertain in any shape, size, form or dose is Sharia law, which is the total anitithesis of the Western values which I hold the dear. These are the very values which guarantee religious freedom to Muslims living in the West; freedoms which are denied to non-Muslims living in most strict Islamic states.

You Plonker , GR that is , have to seriously spend some time and effort in relocating your brains since they appear to be well imbedded in your arse.
You have supported so far : Black water mercenaries for Cyprus.
Suicide bombers , Islamic fundamentalists , have poured scorn on Dr.Ali Sina, calling him a fool , and have supported every absurd view the world around. Let me tell you boy you have a lot to learn , try learning from some of the T/Cs on this forum , you may find that relocation of your brain power would be much easier .

Tim has more sense in his little finger than you have in your entire arse !!
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:14 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
shahmaran wrote:Qamersland couldn't tell the meaning of real peace and freedom if it smacked him in the face, how can people who don't even understand the depth of such concepts believe that they can go around preaching it to others? Show me one example where Islam has brought peace and freedom!

Says a lad living in the "TRNC"... :lol:

It troubles me that so many Greek Cypriots do not understand the secular nature of Turkish Cypriot society.
It is surely an irony of history that, following the events of 1963-1974 that drove the two communities in Cyprus apart, the Greek Cypriot ruling elite has struck up cordial relations with all manner of brutal Arab dictators and fundamentalist Islamic regimes, while becoming estranged from their own fellow-Cypriot Muslims.
Sharia law which Qamersland is promoting was totally uprooted in Turkey by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and replaced with a modern, secular democracy. Turkish Cypriots are staunch supporters of Ataturk's secular model and they have not the slightest interest in the fanatic, fundamentalist brand of Islam that Qamersland is promoting.
There is absoultely no contradiction in a Turkish Cypriot condemning Islamic fundamentalism.

Here was Shah going on about democracy, freedom, etc, when all along he is living in an illegal Muslim enclave run by Turkey! Can it get worse than that? :lol:

With regards to Turkey being "secular" it's nothing but a fallacy because religiously Turkey belongs to Islam with her citizens being Moslems so end of story. Take a walk anywhere in Turkey and you'll find hundreds if not thousands of minarets and mosques.

So, to wrap it all up if it walks and talks like a duck... it’s a duck! :idea:
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:16 pm

GR, if you want to find a racist comment, let me direct your attention to this:

"none of the people i speak to at college could imagine living with turks and would love to see u all die"

It sends a shiver down my spine just to read this. What is your reaction?
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:18 pm

miltiades wrote:You Plonker , GR that is , have to seriously spend some time and effort in relocating your brains since they appear to be well imbedded in your arse.
You have supported so far : Black water mercenaries for Cyprus.
Suicide bombers , Islamic fundamentalists , have poured scorn on Dr.Ali Sina, calling him a fool , and have supported every absurd view the world around. Let me tell you boy you have a lot to learn , try learning from some of the T/Cs on this forum , you may find that relocation of your brain power would be much easier .

Tim has more sense in his little finger than you have in your entire arse !!

Says the in-house proctologist! :lol:
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