I have as much respect for him as the next Jehovah's Whitness that knocks on my door, they are nothing short of ridiculous and are just as bad and preposterous as each other, and they all have one thing in common and it is called BLIND FAITH, the wonderful human quality that allows us to become ignorantly happy about something we do not understand anything about by simply avoiding the burden of trying to explain things with free and original rational thought, up to the extent where we are comfortable with flying planes into buildings or strapping ourselves with explosives to maximise human casualties.
Free and rational thinking is one quality of ours that is fundamental for progression and evolution and it is why Muslim countries are so behind their times. If everyone believed that we had all the answers in the Koran, humanity would not progress, we would all be sedated with the comfort of our ignorance.
Fortunately human nature will always prevail no matter what our beliefs are until we understand everything about ourselves. No matter how many lashes, no matter how many limbs chopped off, how well women are hidden behind veils and doors there will always be rape, murder, adultery, violence etc. because Islam is one religion that is the most distant from our natural being and it will never be a peaceful religion because it does not even understand human nature. Denying humans from their most basic nature only perpetuates more irrational actions that feed the oppressed needs. This is anything BUT being at peace!
Doesn't anyone ever wonder why the countries who have embraced the so called "religion of peace" are also known for some of the most gruesome acts of violence in the world? So what went wrong there Qamersland?
I am asking you Qamersland, is stoning young women and homosexuals to death, or publicly executing or torturing people by lashing or chopping of limbs and heads (the mutilation can be done with blunt instruments to extend the time it takes in order to inflict even greater pain, depending on the crime) the way to teach peace to people?