[quote="miltiades]The Archbishop is a first class idiot [/quote]
Agree 101% he's done more harm to the Anglican church with his remarks than anyone before him, considering how the church is losing members you would think he'd know better.
FreeSpirit wrote:[quote="miltiades]The Archbishop is a first class idiot [/quote]
Agree 101% he's done more harm to the Anglican church with his remarks than anyone before him, considering how the church is losing members you would think he'd know better.[/quote]
miltiades wrote:The same stupid good for nothing self centred "politicians " that have ruined the country with their absurd actions are now standing up demanding Sharia f..ng law in the UK , not in the year 1400 but in 2008.There is no place for such outdated barbaric laws in the UK today.If any one should show respect for some Sharia laws , all contents must be considered , stoning , self mutilation , honour killings , bigamy and banning the consumption of the famous English breakfast of Egg and Bacon as well as the Pint and ofcourse the razor blade !!
Tim Drayton wrote:QAMERSLAND wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:QAMERSLAND wrote:rawk wrote:Well Sqamers.
Mischief making? I'm up for that, you could say "Well Fit na".
Threat of death? Bovvered!
Try acting out any of your musso nutjob fantasies and I'll move you closer to your maker!
Have a nice day.
The one who created me is my protector.
i will ask you to arrange a place to meet me when i will return to cyprus and you call upon any of your helper to help you but i will be alone Inshallah with the help of my creator and creator of all universe.
if not in this world. you will have your punishment on the day of judgement for spreading mischief in the land and God who is your creator will decide not me.
what maxium punishment your law can give in this world to Hitler who killed 6 million innocent jews?
maxium you will kill him once. will it be equal to the blood of 6 million jews?
God almighty says in the Quran that when the skin will be rosted, he will put new skin. God almighty may put 6 million times new skin to hitler to feel the pain and it will be justice
Sit and think carefully rawk. i am the one who wants to save you from hell fire not the one who is wishing because i will let you to do whatever you are doing if i were the one who wants you to go to hell fire.
Would you care to elaborate on the words:
"If not in this world ..."
Be careful. Cyprus is a civilised, law-based country. We are not under Sharia, where Muslims are automatically in the right and non-Muslims are automatically in the wrong. Threatening people is an offence here and if you continue in this vein you may find that it has serious consequences.
I respect the laws of Republic of Cyprus. i know that there is no sharia law here that is why i strive to implement the sharia with in myself for not to do something that is against the sharia and ofcourse it will never be against the Law of Cyprus.
but as you witnessed that Archbishop from England Dr Rowan William calling to adopt some sharia laws because even being a Christian, he witness the truth because he is an open mind person and studied the sharia law and found that sharia law has nothing wrong to impose in Britain.
Sharia laws are strict not to punish but to stop crimes.
For example. It is compulsory for every Muslim who has more than 85 grams of gold or equal saving over a year must pay atleat 2.5 % to poor so they will not be forced to Rob. According to united nation survey if 250 richest men in the word give 4 % of their wealth. The poverty will be finish from this world, and according to Islamic sharia law if 350 richest men give 2.5 % atleast which is minimum then the poverty will finish from this world and people do not need to rob. And after having everything, some one still want to rob will think 10 times before he attempts to rob. And still if some one do. When his hand will be chopped. It will be lesson for thousand other who will stop robbing.
In short, the sharia law is to stop people to do crimes not to punish them strictly.
When a rapist will know that he will have death penalty, will he rape?
A survey done in USA.
They asked rapists in the prison, do you like to carry weapon with you when you rape a woman?
Most of them answered that there is more longer prison for keeping weapons than rapping a woman. Therefore they don’t carry the weapon.
Does it sound good? Raping a woman has less punishment than to carry weapon?
It mean if their will be death penalty, they will think 10 times before rapping.
In short, the sharia law is to protect people to live in peace not to punish more people.
Sharia Law has been misunderstood. If someone’s daughter, sister or mother is raped and you asked him. What punishment you want to give to rapist? He will say, I want to kill him. And if Islam says that the rapist should have death penalty, they say what a barbaric law is it?
Why double standards?
Are we back to rape again?
I have made dozens of well-documented posts showing that Sharia law in Saudi Arabia permits the rape of housemaids to go unpunished; not only that, this same system of law punishes the victims. Have you read nothing that I have posted here?
There is no concept of rape in Sharia. There is only the offence of adultery. A man may have sex with one of his wives or one "whom his right hand possesses". The question of whether or not the woman consents is not addressed by Sharia law. If a man is legally entitled to have sex with her, she is obliged to submit.
By the way, where do you get the idea that Sharia condems racists to death? The punishment for adultery as laid down in the Quran is one hundred lashes, and a conviction is only possible if four witnesses are produced. I have quoted all the relevant passages to you before on these points.
Surely I don't need to repeat all of this.
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