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Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:22 am

FreeSpirit wrote:
Eliko wrote:For goodness sake FreeSpirit, how is it you cannot understand the simple fact that other governments are as entitled to govern as are ours ?.

The point is how they govern not that they govern, crimes against humanity such as genocide are not to be confused with the glorious liberation of the Iraqi people.

Strikingly similar stupidity to that of Southerner!

You’re clearly out of touch with reality so stick to the jokes section where you belong.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:42 am

The global Evolution Vs Creation debate is still indecisive as neither camp has irrefutable evidence and both camps suffer from plenty of flaws in their theories.

Qamersland has seemingly made his decision in favor of creation in accordance with Islamic teachings and we can either, agree, disagree, or ignore it completely, but what mature adults shouldn’t be doing is mocking someone’s religious beliefs unless they have all the answers themselves… in which case please do share!

Regards, GR.
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Postby Eliko » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:50 am

Get Real, you are absolutely right, unfortunately it would appear that there are those who do not have the capacity to show respect for anything they do not understand.

The end result is their tendency to offer insult and ridicule as a substitute for knowledge, quite oblivious to the fact that such outbursts merely expose their own ignorance.

Pity them mate, never join them. :wink:
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Postby FreeSpirit » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:58 am

Eliko wrote:ANY leader would deal mercilessly with those that threatened his own authority,THAT is the nature of leadership, it is harsh, cruel, I do NOT condone it but can understand the awful necessity of it.

So it was necessary for Pol Pot to murder millions and Saddam to murder the Kurds and Marsh Arabs (someone obviously told him to beware the Ides of March he obviously got it wrong).
Pol Pots deputy is on trial 30 years after his crimes against humanity, some small comfort to the millions that the world stood and let him murder, but never mind after all he did it out of necessity.
He's now on trial for crimes against humanity; 30 years too late in my humble opinion.
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Postby FreeSpirit » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:08 pm

[quote="Eliko"]I could name several, I will highlight the one which seems to be favourite in your little book of atrocities, the slaughter of those Kurds, (which incidentally met their end with the assistance of the US who supplied the necessary toxic gases) who were intent on the overthrow of the leader of the nation. [quote]

So he gassed women with babys in their arms because they were intent on overthrowing him? well yes I'm sure he'dl find a great necessity in that, and not foregetting; most of all it was his legal right to commit genocide/crimes against humanity.

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Postby FreeSpirit » Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:
FreeSpirit wrote:
Eliko wrote:For goodness sake FreeSpirit, how is it you cannot understand the simple fact that other governments are as entitled to govern as are ours ?.

The point is how they govern not that they govern, crimes against humanity such as genocide are not to be confused with the glorious liberation of the Iraqi people.

Strikingly similar stupidity to that of Southerner!

You’re clearly out of touch with reality so stick to the jokes section where you belong.

How else can you respond when a person continuously quotes excerpts from the koran which in the 21st century is for the most part written in a dead language. Typical; "Right hand posessions" how is that relevent today except in backward countries like Sudan where they still live in the dark ages

The jokes on you my Saddam loving Comical Ali.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:58 pm

FreeSpirit wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
FreeSpirit wrote:
Eliko wrote:For goodness sake FreeSpirit, how is it you cannot understand the simple fact that other governments are as entitled to govern as are ours ?.

The point is how they govern not that they govern, crimes against humanity such as genocide are not to be confused with the glorious liberation of the Iraqi people.

Strikingly similar stupidity to that of Southerner!

You’re clearly out of touch with reality so stick to the jokes section where you belong.

How else can you respond when a person continuously quotes excerpts from the koran which in the 21st century is for the most part written in a dead language. Typical; "Right hand posessions" how is that relevent today except in backward countries like Sudan where they still live in the dark ages

The jokes on you my Saddam loving Comical Ali.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It's Southerner!

So why did you change alias? Needed a fresh start but couldn't help yourself attacking Muslims? :lol:

One thing you can NEVER run away from Southerner is yourself.
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Postby Eliko » Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:05 pm

There are some people who develop serious aversions to the Muslim community for personal reasons.

I know of a chap whose Daughter met (and fell in love with) a young Muslim student while at university.

The Father was horrified at the prospect of a possible mixed marriage since they lived in an area where the Muslim community was becoming quite well established.

The family arguments resulted in the Daughter's decision to leave the family home and live with her lover.

The distraught Mother, unable to sever all contact with her Daughter, began to make secret visits and in doing so met the uncle of her Daughter's lover.

Impressed by the Uncle's appearance and gentlemanly conduct towards her, the Mother soon became involved in a passionate love affair herself, the Husband had never treated her so well, being more interested in the activities at the local 'Working Man's Club' and his beer than his bedroom activities.

Being rather a weedy chap, he was unable to face his love rival in a manly fashion, he chose instead to condemn the entire Muslim population.

I do believe this chap's Wife returned to him since she felt sorry for him, they have resolved to start a new life together in another country, hopefully they will be able to bury the past (providing there are no virile young Muslims there).

I feel quite sorry for this chap, he still harbours hatred for the Muslim community, taking into account his experiences and the manner in which he dealt with them, (with a mind like his) I daresay he feels justified.

I personally would advise him to embrace the faith of Islam,such behaviour as he has experienced is frowned upon by those who have. :idea:

Outside of the faith, willing females from unhappy unions are fair game for all. :wink:
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Postby FreeSpirit » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:10 pm

Eliko wrote:There are some people who develop serious aversions to the Muslim community for personal reasons.

I know of a chap whose Daughter met (and fell in love with) a young Muslim student while at university.

The Father was horrified at the prospect of a possible mixed marriage since they lived in an area where the Muslim community was becoming quite well established.

The family arguments resulted in the Daughter's decision to leave the family home and live with her lover.

The distraught Mother, unable to sever all contact with her Daughter, began to make secret visits and in doing so met the uncle of her Daughter's lover.

Impressed by the Uncle's appearance and gentlemanly conduct towards her, the Mother soon became involved in a passionate love affair herself, the Husband had never treated her so well, being more interested in the activities at the local 'Working Man's Club' and his beer than his bedroom activities.

Being rather a weedy chap, he was unable to face his love rival in a manly fashion, he chose instead to condemn the entire Muslim population.

I do believe this chap's Wife returned to him since she felt sorry for him, they have resolved to start a new life together in another country, hopefully they will be able to bury the past (providing there are no virile young Muslims there).

I feel quite sorry for this chap, he still harbours hatred for the Muslim community, taking into account his experiences and the manner in which he dealt with them, (with a mind like his) I daresay he feels justified.

I personally would advise him to embrace the faith of Islam,such behaviour as he has experienced is frowned upon by those who have. :idea:

Outside of the faith, willing females from unhappy unions are fair game for all. :wink:

I wonder the muslim lover was the father of someone we know? :shock: :shock:
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Postby rawk » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:46 pm

You don't mean Sqamers, do you?

I thought he was here by Devine intervention!

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives.” (Quran47.4).

"And when the sacred months are passed, kill those who join other gods with God [i.e. moshrekin.] wherever ye shall find them; and seize them, besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush: but if they shall convert, and observe prayer, and pay the obligatory alms, then let them go their way, for God is Gracious, Merciful."(Quran 9:5)

Strange how when you get so far up your own asshole you meet God!

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