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Postby FreeSpirit » Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:20 pm

Eliko wrote:Whatever the outcome, it has little to do with the West or elsewhere, the 'Law' of ANY nation is the foundation of it and should be respected.
Which DOES NOT mean that I agree with the verdict/sentence, rather that I accept the jurisdiction of other nations with the same observance as my own.

Which means that if Hitler came to power today you would quite contentedly sit back knowing of his obscenities and hide behind the fence that you usualy sit on. Hitlers henchmen took a similar stance as you at the Munich war crimes trials, "We were only obeying orders". luckily for the rest of us there is now a world court to answer to where people like you cannot hide behind the "well we looked the other way because it was none of our business" excuse.
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Postby Eliko » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:11 pm

BC Numismatics wrote:Is Eliko a convert to Islam? How many Greek Cypriots are there that have converted to Islam? The most famous person of Greek Cypriot descent that is a convert to Islam is Yusuf Islam (who is better known as Cat Stevens),who is a British singer with a lot of talent.


Yusuf Islam is a very fine person, a credit to himself and any who are associated with him

That man turned his back on what HE believed to be detrimental to his life, good luck to him, he is an example to follow.

In my humble opinion. :wink:
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Postby BC Numismatics » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:17 pm

Eliko,Mr. Islam has been involved in the music arena in recent years,but he has been very busy with the Islamic school in London that he founded.Good on him.

Have you met him?

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Postby rawk » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:23 pm

Cat Stevens or Steven Demetre Georgiou was not a Greek Cypriot, his father was. His mother was Swedish and he was born in London in 1947.

His parents divorced when he was 8 and he went to live with his mother in Sweden. He returned to England when a teenager and attended Hammersmith College in London.

His musical career lasted from 1970 to 1977 when he suffered a near death experience by nearly drowning.

During his recovery from the accident, his brother had given him a copy of the Qu'ran, which Stevens credited with helping him to find peace and recover from the incident.

As is customary when one converts to Islam, Stevens changed his name to Yusuf Islam, after the prophet Joseph - interpreter of dreams.

He never was a Greek Cypriot except by parentage.

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Postby Eliko » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:31 pm

FreeSpirit wrote:
Eliko wrote:Whatever the outcome, it has little to do with the West or elsewhere, the 'Law' of ANY nation is the foundation of it and should be respected.
Which DOES NOT mean that I agree with the verdict/sentence, rather that I accept the jurisdiction of other nations with the same observance as my own.

Which means that if Hitler came to power today you would quite contentedly sit back knowing of his obscenities and hide behind the fence that you usualy sit on. Hitlers henchmen took a similar stance as you at the Munich war crimes trials, "We were only obeying orders". luckily for the rest of us there is now a world court to answer to where people like you cannot hide behind the "well we looked the other way because it was none of our business" excuse.

Your responses are quite amusing in that they invariably reveal the fact that you are quite unable to digest the content of that which is written.

You seem to have a fixation with tyrants and despots and quite an unhealthy habit of assuming that anyone who doesn't agree with your juvenile rantings, MUST, either be a supporter of them or actually BE one of them.

This unfortunate tendency is probably the result of your involvement (by your own admission) in the practise of bullying, you are possibly trying to erase something in your own past that drives you to such unreasonable assumptions.

Actually you are a man to be more pitied than laughed at, surely you cannot REALLY believe in the rubbish you submit in reply to an intelligent observation, the more you do so, the more you give justification to those you insult to maintain their beliefs.

Are you not able to understand that the alternative would be a society of people like YOU ?.

Perish the thought, :roll:
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Postby BC Numismatics » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:39 pm

Rawk,didn't you read what I posted? Cat Stevens is of Greek Cypriot descent.I also said that he was born in London.

No wonder why your IQ is so low.You really are dumb!

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Postby Eliko » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:42 pm

BC Numismatics wrote:Eliko,Mr. Islam has been involved in the music arena in recent years,but he has been very busy with the Islamic school in London that he founded.Good on him.

Have you met him?


I have not had the pleasure of meeting the chap, however, in my travels I have come across several examples of his generosity and kindness among suffering people.

Yusuf Islam epitomizes what the meaning of Islam is, he would certainly not condone wanton violence under any circumstance, particularly as a result of political chicanery.

Best Wishes to you Aidan, I perceive another side to you mate. :wink:
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Postby BC Numismatics » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:46 pm

Eliko,I've got a lot of time for Muslims & Jews,as they've got a lot in common with members of the Orthodox & Protestant Churches.I've got no time for Roman Catholics though,because of their bigoted views,& because they're Hell-bound idolaters as well.

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Postby Eliko » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:49 pm

FreeSpirit wrote:
Eliko wrote:Whatever the outcome, it has little to do with the West or elsewhere, the 'Law' of ANY nation is the foundation of it and should be respected.
Which DOES NOT mean that I agree with the verdict/sentence, rather that I accept the jurisdiction of other nations with the same observance as my own.

Which means that if Hitler came to power today you would quite contentedly sit back knowing of his obscenities and hide behind the fence that you usualy sit on. Hitlers henchmen took a similar stance as you at the Munich war crimes trials, "We were only obeying orders". luckily for the rest of us there is now a world court to answer to where people like you cannot hide behind the "well we looked the other way because it was none of our business" excuse.

I am prompted to highlight your drivel once again in the hope that you might take the time to STUDY the content of that which I initially submitted,(I refer to the whole article) not a small part which gives your claptrap license to reveal itself , as usual. :wink:
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Postby rawk » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:56 pm

BC Numismatics wrote:Rawk,didn't you read what I posted? Cat Stevens is of Greek Cypriot descent.I also said that he was born in London.

No wonder why your IQ is so low.You really are dumb!


Let me see.... I'll concede the first point on GC descent and refute the second bit about you saying being born in London.

You just said he was a British singer.


PS Notice how nice I am being tonight...
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