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Postby BC Numismatics » Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:20 am

rawk wrote:
BC Numismatics wrote:Rawk,it means that your bestest pals are all sodomites & catamites.Have you spent that Pink Euro yet?


Hi Dildo


Hmmm, interesting, use of that term shows your age group and a possible grammar school education in the late 1950's, early 1960's.

You're a bit of an older hobbit, aren't you, Northern Irish origin but originally Scots, Orkney ancestry probably by your surname.

Aidan's a catholic name in NI, abused by Catholic priests, you say, was it St Malachy's you went to?

Bit of a misogynist, repressed catholic childhood where females were concerned, is that why you identify with the Muzzies? Similar traits.

Total control freak, witness your BB rules, sign of high defences when interacting with strangers, latent homosexual tendencies, maybe from guilt from abuse as a child.

Coin collecting, solitary hobby, very little contact or association with others, certainly no females, obsessional.

New Zealand? You've run away. You've run as far as you can from Northern Ireland without starting to come back. Quiet, British, bit of a back water, not so cosmopolitan as Oz.

The internet, solitary, obsessional, somewhere you can let rip and then turn off the PC for the night. The impersonal again, no need for human contact, all on a screen.

Were you baptised a catholic by chance, Aidan? All those years ago?

Just curious.


Rawk,do us all a favour by growing a brain! No wonder why you are a nutcase!

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Postby FreeSpirit » Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:21 am

rawk wrote:
BC Numismatics wrote:Rawk,it means that your bestest pals are all sodomites & catamites.Have you spent that Pink Euro yet?


Hi Dildo


Hmmm, interesting, use of that term shows your age group and a possible grammar school education in the late 1950's, early 1960's.

You're a bit of an older hobbit, aren't you, Northern Irish origin but originally Scots, Orkney ancestry probably by your surname.

Aidan's a catholic name in NI, abused by Catholic priests, you say, was it St Malachy's you went to?

Bit of a misogynist, repressed catholic childhood where females were concerned, is that why you identify with the Muzzies? Similar traits.

Total control freak, witness your BB rules, sign of high defences when interacting with strangers, latent homosexual tendencies, maybe from guilt from abuse as a child.

Coin collecting, solitary hobby, very little contact or association with others, certainly no females, obsessional.

New Zealand? You've run away. You've run as far as you can from Northern Ireland without starting to come back. Quiet, British, bit of a back water, not so cosmopolitan as Oz.

The internet, solitary, obsessional, somewhere you can let rip and then turn off the PC for the night. The impersonal again, no need for human contact, all on a screen.

Were you baptised a catholic by chance, Aidan? All those years ago?

Just curious.


I think that the best way to treat this dick is to ignore him, I'm now more convinced than ever that he's a total fruitcake, taking the piss or either Get Real or Eliko just having fun. that
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Postby BC Numismatics » Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:25 am

FreeSpirit,I've reported that wanking nutcase to the Admin several times,& he hasn't done a thing!

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Postby Bill » Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:47 am

BC Numismatics wrote:FreeSpirit,I've reported that wanking nutcase to the Admin several times,& he hasn't done a thing!


Somehow I get the ever so slight impression that they may be referring to you as the wanking fruit cake :shock:

Well it sounds about right to me :lol:

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Postby Get Real! » Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:48 am

FreeSpirit wrote:I think that the best way to treat this dick is to ignore him, I'm now more convinced than ever that he's a total fruitcake, taking the piss or either Get Real or Eliko just having fun. that

Ok... you got me! Yet another sock puppet exposed! :(
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Postby FreeSpirit » Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:52 am

Eliko wrote:bigdog, It would appear that some tragic event has taken place causing the congregation great distress.

As is quite common at such times, 'self castigation' is practised, it is a similar tradition (though more dramatic) to the 'Rending of one's Clothes' in times of grief.

Hardly a suitable subject to be held up to ridicule I would have thought, another small example of the great gulf which divides the East from the West.

I am so glad that I, as a non believer, have never participated in the act of ridiculing those that are.

I am convinced that the West could learn much in terms of 'respect' from some of the Eastern nations. :wink:

Eliko for once I find myself agreeing with you, you'r quite correct we shouldn't mock the afflicted (poor demented sod).
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:38 am

what is Islam and who are muslims? Watch the video to know briefly about Islam and Muslims.

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Postby shahmaran » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:52 am

Qamersland please answer my post without diversion, thank you.
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Postby zan » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:55 am

QAMERSLAND wrote:what is Islam and who are muslims? Watch the video to know briefly about Islam and Muslims.

This man will be punished in heaven for distorting the word of god mate.....This is the very reason why so many attack you. :roll: :roll: Don't ever think that I am defending you...Just the faith.
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:56 am

Who was behind 9/11 attacks? it has not been proved yet that who was really behind 9/11 attacks? i condemn it whoever is behind because killing of innocent people can not be justify.

there are many americans and other who thinks that 9/11 was inside job. watch the video to see otherside of the picture.

God knows alone who is real culpurt behind the tiwn tower and london attacks. God will surely punish those who are behind killing innocent people.
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