RRichie wrote:Excuse me I am a Catholic, am I in the wrong place.
I always wanted one of those Hitler youth daggers, you couldn't have a word with your mate the Pope would you.

RRichie wrote:Excuse me I am a Catholic, am I in the wrong place.
BC Numismatics wrote:Southerner,you have a nerve to label me as left wing.I'm an avowed anti-Communist anyway,as Communism is as much a braindead ideology as fascism is.Apart from this,I'm also a fierce Royalist who reckons that the monarchy is the only institution that is worthy of respect,as is the Queen herself.
BC Numismatics wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:BC Numismatics wrote:Rawk,you are a classic example of a major league wanker,just like your idol,the Nazi scumbag called the Pope of Rome!
You need to go & get your head examined!
How can you condemn Islamaphobia and then make a statement like:
"the Nazi scumbag called the Pope of Rome"?
This is rank hypocrisy. You are either for religious tolerance or against it.
Tim,I'm a Protestant,not a Hell-bound idol-worshipping Taig like Rawk the pro-faggot retard is!
True Muslims & Jews have more in common with us Prods than we think,as our 3 religions are called the Abrahamic religions.
As for the Pope of Rome being a Nazi scumbag,this is a fact,as His Hellness was a Hitler Youth member,& was expressing sectarian & racial hatred in a speech back in 2000 in which the scumbag had the cheek to label the Prod Churches,especially the Anglican & Lutheran Churches as 'deficient'.This notorious speech caused a lot of offence.
BC Numismatics wrote:,I'm also a fierce Royalist who reckons that the monarchy is the only institution that is worthy of respect,as is the Queen herself.
BC Numismatics wrote:Bill,we all know that you are one who does engage in the idolatrous worship of the Pope of Rome.Both you & His Hellness would get along fine - as pals!
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