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Postby Bill » Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:48 am

BC Numismatics wrote:
By the way,there is a verse in the Koran that states that Muslims are required to obey the laws of the country that they live in.


It's a pity they don't do just that then :evil:

I'm dammed sure you wouldn't like the nasty side of Bradford / Manchester / Birmingham and London on your doorstep aida

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Re: Last Series of few Questions

Postby Southerner » Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:45 am

QAMERSLAND wrote:himself means. her father himself asked prophet pbuh to marry his daughter as it was the way people were arranging marriages

Are you telling me that someone else other than the persons who are getting married arrange it?.
What a cockeyed idea, mine and my future Wifes parents had nothing to do with our feelings regarding our marriage.
Considering we've been wed 42 years and raised 4 children; I think we made a good choice without anyone elses help.
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Re: Last Series of few Questions

Postby Southerner » Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:46 am

QAMERSLAND wrote:himself means. her father himself asked prophet pbuh to marry his daughter as it was the way people were arranging marriages

Yes but how old was she?
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Re: Last Series of few Questions

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:41 am

Southerner wrote:
QAMERSLAND wrote:himself means. her father himself asked prophet pbuh to marry his daughter as it was the way people were arranging marriages

Yes but how old was she?

It seems that the individual who masquerades behind the name QAMERSLAND and sometimes posts under other names does not like answering direct questions, so perhaps I can step in and help him.

The answer is in a hadith from Bukhari's Es-Sahih (neofthemost respected sources of hadithin Islam):

(6) Narrated Hisham's father: Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old. (Book #58, Hadith #236)
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:57 am

BC Numismatics wrote:Southerner,he was not a genuine Islamic cleric,but a nutcase who was masquerading as one.

You will be pleased to know that the Chief Mufti of Great Britain,Sir Iqbal Sacranie openly condemned those who inspired the nutcases who committed the 2005 London Bombings.

Nothing will change that you are ignorant.You should pay a visit to your local mosque & have a chat to the Imam there.I'm sure that he can help change your views.

By the way,there is a verse in the Koran that states that Muslims are required to obey the laws of the country that they live in.


I agree with you BC. southerner should go to local mosque or get answers of all her Questions and allegations from a well known international scholar. this is what i have been trying to make most of them here to understand the true Islam not those muslims who are not following the Islam properly.
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Re: Last Series of few Questions

Postby QAMERSLAND » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:10 am

Southerner wrote:
QAMERSLAND wrote:himself means. her father himself asked prophet pbuh to marry his daughter as it was the way people were arranging marriages

Are you telling me that someone else other than the persons who are getting married arrange it?.
What a cockeyed idea, mine and my future Wifes parents had nothing to do with our feelings regarding our marriage.
Considering we've been wed 42 years and raised 4 children; I think we made a good choice without anyone elses help.

you talking about your society where a persoal have average 20 sexual parteners before setteling down with one but there is no place in Islam for Adultery or sex before marraige and also not in Christinalty.

Islam gives right to both male and female to choose their life partner but the arrangements are done by gurdians.
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Postby rawk » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:27 am

"you talking about your society where a persoal have average 20 sexual parteners before setteling down with one but there is no place in Islam for Adultery or sex before marraige and also not in Christinalty. "

Slight hint of envy there, Sqamers? Never mind, you've got 72 virgins to look forward to when you've shuttled off this mortal coil. How does that square with Islam? No nookie here but shed loads in the afterlife!

You're having a laugh, aren't you?

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Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:27 am

Bill wrote:
BC Numismatics wrote:
By the way,there is a verse in the Koran that states that Muslims are required to obey the laws of the country that they live in.


It's a pity they don't do just that then :evil:

I'm dammed sure you wouldn't like the nasty side of Bradford / Manchester / Birmingham and London on your doorstep aida


It is essential that anybody debating whether Islamic fundamentalists are required to obey the laws of the country they live in understand the Islamic concept of "Taqiya". This is a doctrine which allows Muslims to give the appearance of tolerating the beliefs, laws and customs of their host communities, while actually striving to bring them under the yoke of Sharia law.

You can get some basic information here.
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Re: Last Series of few Questions

Postby Southerner » Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:01 pm

QAMERSLAND wrote:you talking about your society where a persoal have average 20 sexual parteners before setteling down with one but there is no place in Islam for Adultery or sex before marraige and also not in Christinalty.
Islam gives right to both male and female to choose their life partner but the arrangements are done by gurdians.

You seem yo go off at half cock at the slightest opportunity, 20 sexual partners before settilng down; I wish, where did you see that on the totaly impartial Al-Jazeera.

Your last sentence is as usual contradictory gobbledygook.

Does the arabic word Quamersland translate into Dustbin? it wouldn't surprise me as it seems you'll take anything in.
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Re: Taqiya

Postby Southerner » Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:12 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:It is essential that anybody debating whether Islamic fundamentalists are required to obey the laws of the country they live in understand the Islamic concept of "Taqiya". This is a doctrine which allows Muslims to give the appearance of tolerating the beliefs, laws and customs of their host communities, while actually striving to bring them under the yoke of Sharia law. You can get some basic information here.

So in actual fact Quamersland is telling us a pack of lies when he claims that the koran can only be interpreted one way, if that was the case why then so many different sects within the islamic faith who are prepared to kill each other.

To summarise islam is just like any other religion open to whatever anyone means it to be to suit there own particular agenda.
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