Sorry to barge in, but i saw something similar, it was not news, it was a full on DOCUMENTARY on BBC about a woman who had been raped and arrested for it in Afghanistan, she was separated from her daughter and charged with "100 lashes" in public, she was happy that she was "only" going to be lashed for it and she could return to her daughter shortly after. She was then taken to a stadium full of thousands of people and as she was on her knees waiting for the punishment to take place, she turned around to see what was going on and at that instance she saw a man holding an AK47 and before she had a chance to even THINK about what was going on, her head was blown into pieces, all this of course, happening right in front of her daughter since the law requires the children of the punished to be right there watching it so they can learn the lesson too. This was all shown on TV and pretty hard to fabricate as it would require a serious Hollywood like investment to stage such scenes.
Basically she wasn't even told that her punishment for getting RAPED was going to be execution and she only found out on the moment of it. They had tricked her for some twisted reason i cannot recall at at the moment. The so called "judges" had ordered the people who took her to the stadium to keep quiet about this decision, and the woman who was taking her to the stadium was also interviewed afterwards and had confirmed it.
So please don't quote me crap from some stupid book in order to build a case for your arguments, history and science has already destroyed the very foundations of your beliefs a LONG time ago and anything that is built up on them is nothing but worthless detail. So it is actually sad to see that the only arguments you hold towards the authenticity of you beliefs would come from the book itself, showing you have no ability for free will, thought and calculations of the world around you, this is exactly what blind faith does to so many people, and it is so sad to see!