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Postby Southerner » Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:35 am

What a load of bullshit so typical of brainwashed morons.
The BBC is well known for it's left wing views, as far back as the Falkland campaign questions were raised in parliament about it's anti british reporting; this carried through to the recent middle east conflicts.
In the recent hezbollah against Israel conflict there was a great number of complaints about the BBCs apparent bias against Israel, when cowardly hezbollah were indiscriminately attacking Israeli women and children with katousha rockets.
Muslims are not brave they are stupid and brainwashed when they drive burning vehicles into airport buildings such as happened in Glasgow recently, and for what 32 virgins on entering heaven for trying to commit mass murdeer, I defy anyone to find 32 virgins of legal age in Glasgow, mind you that doesn't bother muslims does it? remind me how old was mohameds child bride.
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Postby Southerner » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:11 pm

QAMERSLAND wrote:there were no suicide bombing in Iraq , Afghanistan and Pakistan but it started after US invasion.

but you are not gonna believe because it does not help you to find reason to attack on poor Afghanis who dont even have food to eat.

Ah so it sent them mad so that they randomly attack their own muslim women and children with suicide bombs.

Regarding the poor starving Afghanis, they managed to produce a bumper crop of opium this year, instead of growing food crops thereby causing poor women and children to starve.
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Postby shahmaran » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:13 pm

Sorry to barge in, but i saw something similar, it was not news, it was a full on DOCUMENTARY on BBC about a woman who had been raped and arrested for it in Afghanistan, she was separated from her daughter and charged with "100 lashes" in public, she was happy that she was "only" going to be lashed for it and she could return to her daughter shortly after. She was then taken to a stadium full of thousands of people and as she was on her knees waiting for the punishment to take place, she turned around to see what was going on and at that instance she saw a man holding an AK47 and before she had a chance to even THINK about what was going on, her head was blown into pieces, all this of course, happening right in front of her daughter since the law requires the children of the punished to be right there watching it so they can learn the lesson too. This was all shown on TV and pretty hard to fabricate as it would require a serious Hollywood like investment to stage such scenes.

Basically she wasn't even told that her punishment for getting RAPED was going to be execution and she only found out on the moment of it. They had tricked her for some twisted reason i cannot recall at at the moment. The so called "judges" had ordered the people who took her to the stadium to keep quiet about this decision, and the woman who was taking her to the stadium was also interviewed afterwards and had confirmed it.

So please don't quote me crap from some stupid book in order to build a case for your arguments, history and science has already destroyed the very foundations of your beliefs a LONG time ago and anything that is built up on them is nothing but worthless detail. So it is actually sad to see that the only arguments you hold towards the authenticity of you beliefs would come from the book itself, showing you have no ability for free will, thought and calculations of the world around you, this is exactly what blind faith does to so many people, and it is so sad to see! :?
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Re: Series 2

Postby Southerner » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:16 pm

12.".....drink neither wine nor strong drink....." (luke 1:15)
Question :
Why do Most Christians Including Priests Consume Wine ?
According to the Bible the first Miracle of Jesus was to turn water into Wine.
(Refer to John 2:1-10)
Well that does not only Clearly Contradict
(luke 1:15) .".....drink neither wine nor strong drink....."

So what you'r saying is that Jesus was not perfect, but I don't recall anyone here saying anything to promote the Bible or Christianity, you keep trying to introduce Christianity so that you can find fault with it and use it to promote isalm.
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Re: Series 2

Postby Southerner » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:21 pm

QAMERSLAND wrote:13. God Ordered Moses "And the Swine is Unclean to you...." (leviticus 11:7)
Question : Jesus never ate Pig's meat So why do Most Christians do ?

Because Christians ate pork/bacon etc before they were Christians, there is nothing wrong wih pork it is meat just like any other meat.
Last edited by Southerner on Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Southerner » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:32 pm

shahmaran wrote:Sorry to barge in, but i saw something similar, it was not news, it was a full on DOCUMENTARY on BBC about a woman who had been raped and arrested for it in Afghanistan, she was separated from her daughter and charged with "100 lashes" in public, she was happy that she was "only" going to be lashed for it and she could return to her daughter shortly after. She was then taken to a stadium full of thousands of people and as she was on her knees waiting for the punishment to take place, she turned around to see what was going on and at that instance she saw a man holding an AK47 and before she had a chance to even THINK about what was going on, her head was blown into pieces, all this of course, happening right in front of her daughter since the law requires the children of the punished to be right there watching it so they can learn the lesson too. This was all shown on TV and pretty hard to fabricate as it would require a serious Hollywood like investment to stage such scenes.

Basically she wasn't even told that her punishment for getting RAPED was going to be execution and she only found out on the moment of it. They had tricked her for some twisted reason i cannot recall at at the moment. The so called "judges" had ordered the people who took her to the stadium to keep quiet about this decision, and the woman who was taking her to the stadium was also interviewed afterwards and had confirmed it.

So please don't quote me crap from some stupid book in order to build a case for your arguments, history and science has already destroyed the very foundations of your beliefs a LONG time ago and anything that is built up on them is nothing but worthless detail. So it is actually sad to see that the only arguments you hold towards the authenticity of you beliefs would come from the book itself, showing you have no ability for free will, thought and calculations of the world around you, this is exactly what blind faith does to so many people, and it is so sad to see! :?

Don't be sorry somebody has to tell them the true facts of life.
Last night there was an excellent documentry programme on Sky, it shows just how much of the orignal Biblical writngs are actualy omitted from the Bible as we know it.
What it is in actual fact is a version that the religiious leaders found acceptable to their own agenda, in other words an early form of censorship.
There are two version of Daniels exploits around; the Bible version paints a completely diferent person to the other.
So coupled with the koran written by an hallucinating child molester and the Bible turning out to be heavily censored is there any wonder that the muslim world is full of crackpots or human dustbins who'll take anything in.
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Re: Series 2

Postby Southerner » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:33 pm

Question :
Why do Christian women sing in Churches if they are Not even permitted to speak ?

Yet more Bullshit, there are women ordained as ministers in the Christian Church, one of my Children was baptised by a Deaconess in our local Anglican Church.

When was there a Mullahess or a Rabbiess, none because you reiligion is sexist and demeaning to women.

The more I see of islam the more it amazes me that it isn't banned in civilised countries for breaching sexual equality laws and restricting equal opportunities.

Thank God (loads of praises be unto him/her/whatever) that the blasphemy laws are soon to be repealed in the UK, then we can crack down on the loony muslims for stupid demonstrations about cartoons.
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Postby 123456 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:02 pm

Question: “Is there a God?”

Answer: “No.”


In the quite unlikely event that you were to discover any omissions or inaccuracies on this page, they may be reported to the international headquarters of The Official God FAQ, at [email protected], where they will be thoroughly investigated, submitted to rigorous scientific testing and, if substantiated, included in a subsequent update. Thank you.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:10 pm

123456 wrote:

Question: “Is there a God?”

Answer: “No.”

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Southerner » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:28 pm

QAMERSLAND wrote:For the sake of argument, if some Afghanis executed women to get education. Does it necessarily mean Islam teaches it?

It wasn't some muslims it was the cowardly male muslim controled taleban regime in afghanistan, with thousands of baying blood thirsty muslim men picking on innocent women as islam usualy does when it needs to vent its frustration on someone.

Wife abusers and suicide bombers; what a CV to carry around
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