I have followed your posts with a great deal of interest and must admit that I am shocked at the amount of abuse you have attracted from members in general.
I admire the manner in which you have been able to control your responses, any intelligent person will immediately recognize the fact that your intellect is far superior to those who have and are, trying to antagonize you.
What you have written above, is so true and deserves to be taken on board by all those who have disputed your claims.
As to myself, I am now withdrawing from the forum, I will learn nothing from associating with scum that are so wrapt in their ignorance that they cannot accept any contradiction to their own small mindedness.
I begin to feel ashamed of myself for being part of a society which has bred such obvious ignorance, they are to be pitied for their lack of respect to a person like yourself.
In the Bible there is an apt quote referring to "Casting pearls among the swine", I think that may well describe what you are currently in the process of doing, it would appear that you have found an eager pen in which to cast them.
I am not of your faith, that does not give me the right to condemn it, whatever faith the above Swine may follow, I think they will find it is hardly acceptable to adopt such ignorance as a platform for their own views.
Good luck in your quest QAMERSLAND, I envy you your strength of character..........Andy.