Tim Drayton wrote:QAMERSLAND wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Dear Qamersland,
Why do you constantly turn a deaf ear when I call for enlightenment on your faith?
Here is a simple question. Can I have an answer please? Verse 24:2 of the Quran reads:
The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.
I would thern refer your attention to the following article from the March 14 edition of the Gulf Times:
in which we learn that the Dubai Shari'a court sentenced a pregnant Asian housemaid to 150 lashes and deportation for adultery.
What confuses me is that Muslims believe the Quran to be the literal word of God as made known to the prophet Muhammad and mankind must obey it to the letter. If it is God's instruction to mankind that those guilty of adultery receive 100 lashes, how can a Sharia court in the United Arab Emirates impose a higher sentence? Does this not amount to the court presuming that it has more authority than God. Also where does deportation fit in? How is this canonically sanctioned. Of course it is very convenient because it gets rid of yet another bastard, half-Arab child produced as a result of the serial rape of a housemaid by her employer and his sons.
I always answer whenever i read the post.
i think rajput39 has answered and you are welcome to ask more.
i advise to you to know Islam by its teaching not by Muslims.
No Court is above the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
You keep evading the issue.
I am not only condemning a certain section of Gulf Arab society whose members commit the most horrendous abuses of human rights against South Asian workers in their countries, I am also condemning Sharia law which permits these gross violations of human rights to occur.
You are free to condemn these acts. The Bahrain-based Center for Human Rights does so (www.bahrainrights.org). A conference was held by Gulf Arab humen rights activists in Doha on 10-11 June 2007 which focussed on the abuse of Asian migrant workers in the Arab world. Muslims and Muslim Gulf Arabs can and do condemn these human rights abuses. You refuse to do so.
You could argue that Sharia law as currently practised in the Arabian Gulf is not true Sharia. You could argue, as some do, that things were far worse in Arabia before Muhammed came along and the rules imposed by Islam, while falling far short of the respect given to human rights in the modern world, represented a huge step forward at the time. You could state the case for some kind of "enlightened" Islam. You refuse to do so.
Sükut ikrardan gelir derler ya Qamersland beyefendi. Your refusal to condemn any of these abuses or the way Sharia law is incapable of preventing them means that, by remaining silent, you show that the kind of barbarism of which I have given but a few examples is acceptable under the brand of Islam you are promoting.
Western society may not be perfect, but the kind of legal systems we have in secular, democratic countries most certainly do not permit slavery. Sharia does. Accepting Sharia law means accepting the morality of bedouins living in the sixth century at a subsistence level in the Arabian desert who were constantly at war with one another. It was framed with such people in mind. It has nothing to offer the modern world.
Sorry for repying late because I have been busy and couldn’t find time to answer as you guys seem online everyday

Before I answer your question, once gain I have to remind you that I had answered your question of abusing the workers from Asia.
As I said again and again and again that don’t judge the car by the driver but you seem do not want to understand fact but purposely continuing to get some UnIslamic practice done by some Muslims and asking me question by judging their actions.
I have been to many gulf countries and as far as I heard there are few cases among thousand workers from Asia but the western media high light to much and people like you get convince by the report by this propaganda news channels and anti Islamic websites etc
The 100 % sharia laws are not immplimeted in any country of the world and i myself visited the gulf coutries like bahrain and dubai in which i myself saw asian girls probabay from philpine or thailand practicing prostitution
Why are you afraid to learn the real Islam from its root source?
Islam prohibits any kind of rape and killing of rape victims. Suicide bombing to kill innocent people. I hope it will answer your questions
Regarding the Darwin theory of evolution. I have not come across a single authorized medical books that says fact of evolution, Darwin himself wrote letter to his friend in 1880 in which he said he himself don’t believe in the theory of evolution because there are many missing links. He just believes it because it answers him about natural selection.
Islam teaches that all human being are the children of Adam and Eve. And I am expecting your next question and I am aware of it what it will be?
You guys read Darwin theory of Evolution as I also read it in school. If we don’t get the answer why we were created, naturally we will be convinced by his theory to satisfy our minds. I would have conclude the same as most of those who believe in the theory not fact of evulution
The 100 % sharia laws are not implemented in any country of the world and I myself visited the gulf countries like Bahrain and Dubai in which I myself saw Asian girls probably from hipline or Thailand practicing prostitution in the hotels and it is totally un Islamic and I myself left a letter for the hotel manager and condemned it.
Wish I could implement 100 % sharia laws in all Islamic countries and you could witness yourself what is Islam all about.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH always encouraged to free salves and he taught that salve and master are equal and one of his companions Bilal PBUH was a salve.
He used to sit and eat in the same place with salve. I wonder from where you get wrong info and quote wrong person to prove Islam teaches such things.
I want you to find me anything wrong from those Internationally known Islamic scholars like Dr.Zakir Naik, Yousuf Estes, Ahemad Deedat, Abdul Rahim Green, Dr Jamal Badwi, Dr Bilal Phlips
Dont tell me those that I have never listen the name ever in my life
God knows the best