Moonlight wrote:Southerner wrote:QAMERSLAND wrote:Southerner wrote:Moonlight wrote:I will tell you a symbol question(friently always) : If someone rape or kill your mother or someone very close to you what punishment do you think he will deserved? Think with open mind and answer me.
If I were a muslim and someone raped my mother or daughter I would kill my mother or daughter to satisfy my warped honour and then offer my appologies to the rapist.
As a civilised person I would give as much support and comfort to the victims whilst insiting that the Law of the land (and not some half baked tinpot paedophiles ramblings) was enforced.
If there is Muslim whos mother or daughter is raped, He should let the court to punish the culprit, if the court let the culprit to go free, he should be patient. and he should look after the rape victim and not let it to expose to the world to protect her.
No one has right to go and kill innocent people because some has done injustice to him/her. if you catch the culprit alone, you can punish him.
if you disagree with me, present your prove where Islam says what you have said
i hope you got answer of the question
God knows the best
It is common knowledge that that it is not uncommon in muslim countries; especialy Pakistan that rape victims are murdered by their own familys under the term 'Honour Killing'.
Several such killings have taken place in England recently, the difference being that in Pakistan they get away with it in the UK at least the murderers are jailed.
The parctice on young females of genital mutilation which is common in most muslim countries is also becoming evident in the UK although it is highly illegal.
This is all carried out in the name of islam.
I have yet to see any senior muslim cleric come foreward and condem in public these barbaric practises.
So please don't come foreward with the usual claptrap by saying that it is all western propaganda; it is true these things do happen just as shooting women for getting an education took place in afghanistan; all of it in the name of islam.
Nobody says that the west is perfect; the biggest flaw in your argument is blaming christianity for all the west's wrongdoings including one of you pillocks claimng that Russia (when it was the Soviet Union) was a christian country when in actual fact it is was muticultural.
Not since Medieval times has war been instigated in the name of the Christian faith. [/b]
I am sad to say that some Muslims are not following the teachings of the holy Quran and prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) .That means they are not true Muslims. But that it doesn’t mean that whole Muslims are the same or Islam is not the right or true religion. To understand Islam u have to read and search not just by looking the other people’s acts.
If some Muslims kill their daughters because they got an education that’s not right.
Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said that seeking knowledge is compulsory in every man and woman. Media looking for an opportunity to make Islam looking wrong in the eyes of the people.
This pillock said it and stands by it and it is you that choses to ignore the fact that the Orthodox church still practiced under cover and that the religious side of Russia never died. That is why when the church was allowed back the ails were full.........