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Postby Bucksboy » Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:40 pm

shahmaran wrote:They were planted because UK was bombing innocent children and women along with their partners in crime, so stop acting so ignorantly, you know very well what is going on, ignorant Christians blindly attacking other ignorant Muslims in the name of "democracy and freedom" while Bush openly admiting that god is on his side, so they bomb them back in the name of god, basically they are all full of shit and so are you!

I live in a Muslim world and to be honest there is not a single trace of the crap you are harping on about, so how can you be so sweeping and bigoted? Like i said it is not about Islam, it is about the idiots in charge. The Christian world might be very free and humane in their own countries compared to the most of the poor 3rd world Islamic places, but there is not a single bit of it that extends to the world which they are literally fucking up the ass of for centuries!

So if you want to bitch about religions, you tell me which one caused more mayhem and conflicts over the centuries, was it Islam or Christianity? Lets not forget that it was also the Western world that placed the Jews right in the heart of the Muslims, you are absolutely ridiculous to even think about debating such bollocks.

So, the bombing was meant as an example of retaliation.
It;s not worked has it? All it did was to alienate even further, muslims in the UK.

Totally agree re christianity being responsible for such horror.
It's happened and has gone.

As for the Jews in the heart of the Muslim world, I thought you Muslims preached tolerance of other faiths. I must have misread that. Perhaps you just don't like Jews that way I hate Muslims and despise their way of life.
I too see you as full of shit so probably best to wind it up chum and agree to disagree.
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Postby Bucksboy » Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:52 pm

CopperLine wrote:Bucksboy,
Trouble is you've just committed some basic logical fallacy.

Some Muslims planted bombs
All the London bombers were Muslim,
Therefore all Muslims are bombers.

Some Islamists place bombs
All the London bombers were Islamist
Therefore Islam is a religion of bombers

Or other syllogistic fallacies. Whichever way, whichever variant, its bollocks.

I'd say that no one kills or bombs ]because they are a Muslim or a Christian or whatever else. It is the religion or whatever else which ostensibly provides them with a language of justification for their actions.

Below is a poem/lyric by Cherryl Wheeler that was used in the light of the Columbine High School killings (I think). Sometime you don't have to go into some highly complex reasoning and theology to explain why some guys can kill and bomb :

Maybe it's the movies, maybe it's the books
Maybe it's the bullets, maybe it's the real crooks
Maybe it's the drugs, maybe it's the parents
Maybe it's the colors everybody's wearin
Maybe it's the President, maybe it's the last one
Maybe it's the one before that, what he done
Maybe it's the high schools, maybe it's the teachers
Maybe it's the tattooed children in the bleachers
Maybe it's the Bible, maybe it's the lack
Maybe it's the music, maybe it's the crack
Maybe it's the hairdos, maybe it's the TV
Maybe it's the cigarettes, maybe it's the family
Maybe it's the fast food, maybe it's the news
Maybe it's divorce, maybe it's abuse
Maybe it's the lawyers, maybe it's the prisons
Maybe it's the Senators, maybe it's the system
Maybe it's the fathers, maybe it's the sons
Maybe it's the sisters, maybe it's the moms
Maybe it's the radio, maybe it's road rage
Maybe El Nino, or UV rays
Maybe it's the army, maybe it's the liquor
Maybe it's the papers, maybe the militia
Maybe it's the athletes, maybe it's the ads
Maybe it's the sports fans, maybe it's a fad
Maybe it's the magazines, maybe it's the internet
Maybe it's the lottery, maybe it's the immigrants
Maybe it's taxes, big business
Maybe it's the KKK and the skinheads
Maybe it's the communists, maybe it's the Catholics
Maybe it's the hippies, maybe it's the addicts
Maybe it's the art, maybe it's the sex
Maybe it's the homeless, maybe it's the banks
Maybe it's the clearcut, maybe it's the ozone
Maybe it's the chemicals, maybe it's the car phones
Maybe it's the fertilizer, maybe it's the nose rings
Maybe it's the end, but I know one thing.
If it were up to me, I'd take away the guns.


Dead right.
Islam IS a religion of bombers.
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Postby CopperLine » Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:59 pm

Doh ! Bucksboy Dead wrong. I wrote the opposite of what you've just concluded. I explained why yours was a logical fallacy.
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Postby Bad Boy » Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:27 pm

CAN I POP In !?!?!??!? :shock: :lol:
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Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:15 pm

I seem to have hit the nail on the head with 23:6. I have found the following detailed account by a woman from the Philippines who went to Saudi Arabia to work as a housemaid and suffered unspeakable ill treatment, including repeated rape. The interesting thing is that her employer was an imam (!) and he actually quoted 23:3 of the Quran to justify his acts.

This is the relevant extract of this woman's story: ... e&pageid=2

"The following week was one of nightmare interspersed with torture as the Imam came nightly to my room and forced himself on me. Sometimes he forced himself into me once and other nights twice or even three times. For the first two weeks I was not allowed outside of the room and the Indian housemaid Meera brought food for me whenever she could. Finally one morning the Imam told me that he would let me out to go back to work on the condition that I told nobody and made no attempt to escape the house. He told me that I was his by right of the holy Qur'an (right hands possess, Q.23:6) and any attempt to leave would be met by beatings and worse. As a final indignity he forced me to strip my clothes and took photographs of me in my nakedness and while forcing me to perform terrible acts of sorts that I had never imagined. He told me that these would be shown to the police, as evidence of my "depravity" and copies of my shame would be sent to my village if I ever told anyone what happened or tried to escape.

I don't even remember how I went back to my household work as I was in a constant state of pain and self-disgust. I moved through life as little more than an unthinking robot and the passing of time had little meaning. I was a prisoner in this household with absolutely no rights as a foreign household worker from a third world country. I was raped and abused and molested for three years by this man and the only excuse he gave for what he did to me was that I was possessed by his right hand and thus lawful for him. At some point in my life I lost all hope and believed that I had no other purpose in life but to remain there as an object for him to have sex with when he wanted, When he didn't need me my only life was to work in his household. I was nothing more than a receptacle for his seed and something upon which he could relieve his lust. I remember crying at night since I was sure no other man could ever want such a damaged and wretched creature as myself."

So, QAMERSLAND or rajput 49, you want to tell us of the delights of islam. Why have you both suddenly gone quiet when I ask you to comment on this matter. I need some guidance about Islam. Does 23:6 of the Quran permit an employer to rape his housemaid? What do you think about this?
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Postby Southerner » Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:27 pm

shahmaran wrote: while Bush openly admiting that god is on his side, so they bomb them back in the name of god, basically they are all full of shit and so are you!.

That is a gross misconstruing of the truth, how would Bush know if God (The True God not the muslim god) was on his side? But, if God was on his side surely it would all have been sorted out by now

It is the muslims who claim that every attrocity that they carry out is in the name of their god (whoever or whatever he/it/her may be).

And yes all muslins aren't bombers it's just that 99% of bombers are brainwashed gonk muslims
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Postby Southerner » Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:06 pm

shahmaran wrote:Well that is a very controversial example Cheshire Cat, it has become VERY clear to the world that the 9/11 incident is far from what it seems or has been claimed to be, but it was a good enough excuse for the Christian world to bomb 2 countries into oblivion

Your usual garbage of course; it was not the Christian world that attacked afghanistan. Stop trying to involve Christianity in the issue of islamic barbarity/backwardness.
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:20 pm

Southerner wrote:
shahmaran wrote: while Bush openly admiting that god is on his side, so they bomb them back in the name of god, basically they are all full of shit and so are you!.

That is a gross misconstruing of the truth, how would Bush know if God (The True God not the muslim god) was on his side? But, if God was on his side surely it would all have been sorted out by now

It is the muslims who claim that every attrocity that they carry out is in the name of their god (whoever or whatever he/it/her may be).

And yes all muslins aren't bombers it's just that 99% of bombers are brainwashed gonk muslims

Well you too show the traits of the dangerous "blind faith" which is the root of most evil that has infected this planet, what do you mean "true god not the Muslim god", god is fiction! No sensible person would wonder which god it is they are serving, the point here is that they are using the notion of god to convince people like yourself and bomb innocent people while the real agenda is imperialism and oil! It is absurd beyond comprehension that people buy this junk!

Bucksboy, of course it was retaliation, they see it as a war upon their faith, it might have not worked in London but it indeed worked in Spain.

I do not care about what any religion really preaches, because evidently it has been misused and exploited for thousands of years and what is being preached is FAR from what is being practiced, which is the biggest down side of any organised religion, it is just bound to go wrong eventually. Someday people will realise that none of this is actually necessary to become a decent person, which is what its all meant to be about. It was meant to teach utter idiots who lived thousands of years ago, how to be a decent person, but today it falls nothing short from being absolutely ridiculous.

However that to a side, if you think that the violent era of Christianity has finished then you are VERY wrong, it is still very much alive and kicking, but it has just changed face.

You are quick to make a connection between Christianity with the arts and the technological advancements of the West, yet you very cleverly (or ignorantly) ignore the connection between Christianity and the wars that the West has waged upon the 3rd world, so why is that Bucksboy?

I can already make assumptions about the reasons behind it due to your bigoted and anal religious views that you have just admitted, by saying how you despise Muslims and their way of life when you clearly have no clue about it, which you also have admitted by showing how ignorant you are about Islamic arts.

However I would still love to hear the reasons behind your ideas from you.

I personally do not despise or hate anyone, but i do find people with "blind faith" absolutely ridiculous regardless of what religion they follow, so much that i can almost feel sorry for them. I would have no objection to them or to their practices if only their actions didn't have so much direct or indirect impact on the lives of the sensible people of this planet, but unfortunately there is always a few rotten eggs that ruin it for everyone else :roll:
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Postby Southerner » Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:27 pm

shahmaran wrote:You are quick to make a connection between Christianity with the arts and the technological advancements of the West, yet you very cleverly (or ignorantly) ignore the connection between Christianity and the wars that the West has waged upon the 3rd world, so why is that Bucksboy?

Name one war that took place in the name of Christainity in modern times.

You keep trying to make this a muslim versus Christianity issue; why?
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:28 pm

Southerner wrote:
shahmaran wrote:Well that is a very controversial example Cheshire Cat, it has become VERY clear to the world that the 9/11 incident is far from what it seems or has been claimed to be, but it was a good enough excuse for the Christian world to bomb 2 countries into oblivion

Your usual garbage of course; it was not the Christian world that attacked afghanistan. Stop trying to involve Christianity in the issue of islamic barbarity/backwardness.

Right, Afghanistan wasnt the first place to be bombed right after 9/11, ye? I believe the coaltion forces are still there.

And i guess you have forgotten about how Russia fought the Afghans for years while the US was backing the Taliban, in fact that's how they became to be so powerful and had been torturing and publicly executing the Afghan people for years, including banning music and treating women like dogs, THESE WERE THE ALLIES OF THE VERY CHRISTIAN AMERICA!!

Plus lets not even begin to talk about what the Russians have been doing to the Chechen's.

So is all this "usual garbage" then my friend? I seriously advise you to put down the bible and instead get a real book with solid facts on life so that people can actually take you seriously.

This is not about Muslim vs. Christianity, its about Christianity being just as shit as the next one, which is what i have been trying to defend since the beginning, its all the same to me, absolutely useless...
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