I am greatly surprised by the fact that so many members are prepared to condemn something that they have no knowledge of, I am not of the faith of Islam, I have many friends who are and quite frankly I envy them for their inner strength and tolerance, it cannot be much fun to have to listen to ignorant rantings from those who have no idea (or cannot grasp) the meaning of that which they condemn.
A great christian saying, uttered by Jesus Christ himself (I believe), "Before you criticise the splinter in my eye, remove the beam from your own !" (or something like that.
Not being a particularly religious person myself, I am certainly not qualified to criticise those who are.
Can we not discuss the matter of Islamic teachings without all the drivel foisted upon the general public by the media ?, after all, Tony Blair has recently become a Roman Catholic, not one devotee of Islam has made mention of that fact, Lord knows there is plenty of ammunition in that fact if they were ignorant enough to rely on it as a counter, perhaps they are displaying something superior to the masses.
Maybe their reluctance to do so is an indication of the respect they have for the faith of others, personally I think the murderous swine should be strung up with his mate George, but then, I am possibly the only one.