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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:41 pm

Perhaps the people in this forest would rather be in the light !!!

Who would not rather be in the daylight than living in the dark ages perhaps we should have a vote on it

Count Me as Number 1 (anyone else want to vote)
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:46 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:What punishment did the rapist receive ?
And who are you to criticize our laws and beliefs , you are free to do this because you are allowed to here.

If you do not like where you are then leave, if you are writing from a Moslem country then stay where you are.

Sorry , but reading between the lines you are trying to either convert people who are happy as they are or trying to provoke bad feeling in what is an already touchy subject.

i told you that the rapist must get death panelty according to Islamic law?

shouldn't they get death panelty?

i said do they criticize your laws? not i am saying what reticules laws you have? may be you didn't get my point clearly

do you think it is good law here to allow to open 100's of cabret in each city where 1000's women are sold every night?

plz don't tell me that those women like to work there?

dont tell me that most of the men goes there are not married already?

don't tell me that their wives at home are happy to know if they come to know that there husbands are in hotels rooms with cabret girls?

Islam does not allow such activities to happen anywhere in islamic countries.

if you dont like it, just stay away nad continiue having average 20 sexual partners before marriage and dont know how many after marriage.

we will advise you to stop it and if you dont want . just warn you that you will be punished but still you dont stop. carry on to make yourselves happy wherever you are living by disrespecting the women on the name of women rights

united nation has worked hard to give the status to those who work in cabaret and sell their bodies to strangers as sexual worker and they will recognized just as other occupations

well done united nation and well done all who support it
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:50 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:Perhaps the people in this forest would rather be in the light !!!

Who would not rather be in the daylight than living in the dark ages perhaps we should have a vote on it

Count Me as Number 1 (anyone else want to vote)

as you wish brother if you are happy to live in the light of evil and do not want to protect you just because you cant see the harms of it with your eyes.

mark my words that we can not see everything that is going to happen with us in future.if you continue to reject the truth you will one day die as no human being disagree to die one day. you will have known the truth and be witness that there were someone who tried to convey the message but you with your choice refused it

have a good time in this temporary world for a short time
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:12 pm

Qamersland, I am a woman.
In my country women fought hard for equality with men, You keep banging on about sex, why. You are deluded about western society,

Is this why there are so many suicide bombers !!! If the west is so bad, why do so many Muslims come here, if you are TRULY happy then stay where you are we will ignore you if you ignore us.

What will happen if when you die you are proven wrong and instead of Mohammad Greeting you it is Jesus Christ, what will you say !! OOPs I got it wrong again, I never meant to insult the Christian Religeons of the world.

Above all Christianity teaches us forgivness and tolerance, that is why there are so many Christian Charities helping around the world, we do not say we will give you food,water or medical help as long as you convert, we just do it without expecting reward.

Maybe one day it could be you who needs to go to one of those Christian organisations or one of the people you love needs help. What will you do say No because you are not a Muslim ! I doubt it.

I suggest that you go back to your mosque and speak to your clerics, ask them about your faith because I think you have got it seriously wrong .
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Postby bigdog » Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:45 pm

Stout wrote:
bigdog wrote:How can you talk about spreading peace and security in society in the same paragraph of someone getting stoned to death or getting their hands and feet chopped off ??

Or having electrodes strapped to their bollocks, bashing the brains out of innocent civilians with rifle butts, firing rubber bullets into a crowd of young school-children, allowing those who oppose an aggressor to die of starvation whilst in custody, etc, etc,etc.
It's all a matter of perception you see, the laws are imposed, the punishments are laid out and the devil takes the hindmost.
Happy New Year bigdog, but don't forget the ones gone by which weren't so happy mate. :wink:

As a footnote:- At least the stoning and chopping are written into the laws of that society, therefore people know what to expect if they break the laws, the latter are just acts of savagery, it begs the question of "Who are we to criticise others ?".

Off to party now, Happy New Year to all members. :)

Happy new year to you Stout

You seem to be going of topic here . Is this something I should know about ?
I think my last post was a perfectly natural observation
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:45 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:Qamersland, I am a woman.
In my country women fought hard for equality with men, You keep banging on about sex, why. You are deluded about western society,

Is this why there are so many suicide bombers !!! If the west is so bad, why do so many Muslims come here, if you are TRULY happy then stay where you are we will ignore you if you ignore us.

What will happen if when you die you are proven wrong and instead of Mohammad Greeting you it is Jesus Christ, what will you say !! OOPs I got it wrong again, I never meant to insult the Christian Religeons of the world.

Above all Christianity teaches us forgivness and tolerance, that is why there are so many Christian Charities helping around the world, we do not say we will give you food,water or medical help as long as you convert, we just do it without expecting

Maybe one day it could be you who needs to go to one of those Christian organisations or one of the people you love needs help. What will you do say No because you are not a Muslim ! I doubt it.

I suggest that you go back to your mosque and speak to your clerics, ask them about your faith because I think you have got it seriously wrong .

first of all i am sorry to call you brother but you are a sister

i am sorry if i have said anything that hurted you because we give more respect to women.

i bear witness that i follow Jeus Peace be upon him more than Christians

i bear witness that there is only one God worthy of worship and Prophet
Muhammad peace be upon him is the messenger and slave of God.

i bear witness that i believe all the prophet from Adam till Muhammad peace be upon them all and i believe that they were conveying the same message and prophet Muhammad peace be upon him put the final touch to the building that the prophet were building from before

i bear witness that Jesus peace be upon him were one of the mighties prohphet of God and he did miracle by the will of God and as he himself says in the bible" i cast out devil with the finger of the God and whatever i hear i judge and my judgement is just becase i dont want my will but the will of the God to be done on earth

whoever say not my will but the will of God is called Muslima in arabic,

so Jesus Christ were also Muslim

Islam also teaches tolerance and forgiveness

subside is forbidden in Islam to kill innocent people

i am not here to support and kind of killing of innocent people done by anyone Muslim or non Muslim

Islam tells us to protect the churches and temples of non muslims more than mosques

do not abuse their Gods beside One true God because they will abuse one true God

Islam teaches us to help poor

i agree that there are Christians organization who are helping poor people in india and other poor countries and i also know that there are many Christian missioneries are using money to convert poor people into Christianity, you may not aware of it

but you wont find Muslims giving money to poor Christians in poor countries to convert them

i appreciate your advise as God's grace i know my faith very well as well as Christianity more than many Christians

thank you if you understand my points other wise you are welcome and we can continue to discuss in coming days peacefully by respecting each other
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:03 pm

Sorry sunbeam, I am a Christian and I have been taught Patience and understanding, I am also Human and my patience has just run out.
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:19 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:Sorry sunbeam, I am a Christian and I have been taught Patience and understanding, I am also Human and my patience has just run out.

no doubt we are all human beings and at one point if we don't know the way next from that point.

we are taught that one thing can stay at once in our minds. Sence or Anger

it is true that when we are anger, we say whatever comes in or mind and once we cool down, we regret what we say during anger?

May God protect us from anger
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:27 pm

I am not angry, just fed up with arguing with you. You have the right to your beliefs just as I have the right to mine. The difference is I do not push my faith down your throat. Each to his own, you follow your faith in peace and we will follow ours in peace. We do not have to be enemys just because we see God with a different face.

As we say in our Christian Church service, "Now let us all Depart in Peace"

You will never convert me so please do not waste your time.
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:13 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:I am not angry, just fed up with arguing with you. You have the right to your beliefs just as I have the right to mine. The difference is I do not push my faith down your throat. Each to his own, you follow your faith in peace and we will follow ours in peace. We do not have to be enemys just because we see God with a different face.

As we say in our Christian Church service, "Now let us all Depart in Peace"

You will never convert me so please do not waste your time.

first of all i am here not to convert you but to convey you the true message of God and you are free to accept or reject.

i am not fed up because i know that "truth stands out clear from error"

even by God's will , you may accept the truth of Islam one day, you will be called revert not convert because as Quran teaches us that every human being born as Muslim, so you will revert to your original faith

One of the meaning of the word Islam is "Peace" and Islam is peace loving Religion

i Pray that you follow the true teaching of Jesus Peace Be upon him . you should study the authentic teachings of Jesus Peace be upon him
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