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help urgently needed!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: help urgently needed!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby dinos » Sat Dec 29, 2007 4:10 am

DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:hi forum,

i`ve just been to the toilet and realised that there is no toilet paper!!!

now due to a political problem the corner shop wont sell any to me!

any ideas what i could do apart from draw 111 on my newly limestone tiled walls?

any help would be really appreciated !

thanks in advance, ta :wink:

Here's some poetry I observed in a stall at school some years ago:

"Here I sit among the vapors
Some bastard used up all the paper
The bell just rang, I cannot linger
Watch out as$hole, here comes my finger"

I never thought this would ever become handy (doh!) on a message board... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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