shahmaran wrote:Hmmmm if we were not partitioned we would have been a part of Greece, right?
So don't blame us for your ancestors incompetence, you seem to be very hypocritical by suggesting that we are on the wrong but yet we are refusing to accept it, unfortunately that is not the way to find a "middle ground", there has been many articles and findings posted here by the TC's all to be bombarded with propaganda labels at an instance by the GC's, what have you got to say about that Pantheman?
Yes this discussion might not actually get anywhere EVER, but it is not an excuse to stop discussing it.
On the other hand, i find the views on Kemalism of most people here very uninformed and inaccurate, Kemalism is what kept Turkey together, yet it has been manipulated and stagnated by many backward politicians over the years, but this does not mean one can still blame it on Ataturk, that would be like blaming Jesus for most of the wars throughout history

Thanks for the response, however, I don't wish to continue this ping ponging of an argument, because it is the same as been going on on this forum for sometime now.
I only want to say this , I tested you (TCs / Turks) in my earlier posting about you guys not admitting to any wrong doings, and low and behold, between you, Zan and halil have just proven what the GCs have been saying along. You NEVER admit to anything. I made an admission and I posed the same to you, but no. This is your biggest problem you admit to nothing, yet you always come back with more rubbish. Have you ever heard of BBB? Its Bullshit Baffles Brains, and sadly thats all you lot are doing. Only you are fooling no one, just yourselves.
You are just as guilty as we are in the cyprus problem, in the propoganda spreading, in the insults, in everything that has gone on. The biggest difference is we have admitted to alot of stuff and want to move on, you have admitted to nothing (and continue to take this line) and are stuck in the past.
I have, unfortunately, just returned from my 5th funeral in the last month or so and to be honest, I 've had enough of all this bickering, we have only one life, we need to live it and thats my outlook on life from now on.
I truely wish that we could find a just solution for all concerned, but you and I both know that the bigger powers are not going to let this happen. Turkey being the biggest player of course.
Anyhow, have a Happy new Year and lets just pray for something good to come from all this.