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Sad day for pakistan

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Sad day for pakistan

Postby tessintrnc » Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:07 am

I was very saddened with the news that Benazir Bhutto was murdered yesterday. A true believer in democracy, womens rights and with a modern Islamic approach, Pakistan has lost a truly great woman. I feel so sad for her children, the youngest just 14 years old. May she rest in peace.

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Re: Sad day for pakistan

Postby halil » Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:25 am

tessintrnc wrote:I was very saddened with the news that Benazir Bhutto was murdered yesterday. A true believer in democracy, womens rights and with a modern Islamic approach, Pakistan has lost a truly great woman. I feel so sad for her children, the youngest just 14 years old. May she rest in peace.


AMEN ......... Not onl Pakistan lost a truly great women WORLD lost as well.
She was modern İslamic leader . Like ATATÜRK.
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Re: Sad day for pakistan

Postby irresistible » Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:52 am

halil wrote:AMEN ......... Not onl Pakistan lost a truly great women WORLD lost as well.
She was modern İslamic leader . Like ATATÜRK.

how do you compare a democratic person to a ruthless Jewish dictator like Mustafa Kemal.
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Re: Sad day for pakistan

Postby tessintrnc » Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:59 am

irresistible wrote:
halil wrote:AMEN ......... Not onl Pakistan lost a truly great women WORLD lost as well.
She was modern İslamic leader . Like ATATÜRK.

how do you compare a democratic person to a ruthless Jewish dictator like Mustafa Kemal.

Irrisistable, I think Halil means that she would not have allowed relgion to enter politics, which is true of Attaturk as well.
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Re: Sad day for pakistan

Postby Stout » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:02 am

halil wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:I was very saddened with the news that Benazir Bhutto was murdered yesterday. A true believer in democracy, womens rights and with a modern Islamic approach, Pakistan has lost a truly great woman. I feel so sad for her children, the youngest just 14 years old. May she rest in peace.


AMEN ......... Not onl Pakistan lost a truly great women WORLD lost as well.
She was modern İslamic leader . Like ATATÜRK.

What does the term "Modern Islamic Leader" actually mean ?.
Surely the principles of Islam (as far as I know) are beyond modernization, maybe the problems the world now faces, is a direct result of trying to change what millions of the faithful believe in, it's a possibility, think about it.
Comparing Benizer Bhutto with Ataturk begs the question, are you implying that she was also under the influence of the Jews ?, that also is a possibility since she was twice ousted for corruption and had very strong connections with the Yanks.
Is it possible that her assassination might be yet another signal from an Eastern nation that they do not want Democracy ?.
Seems like we are well down that road already.
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Re: Sad day for pakistan

Postby irresistible » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:14 am

tessintrnc wrote:
irresistible wrote:how do you compare a democratic person to a ruthless Jewish dictator like Mustafa Kemal.

Irrisistable, I think Halil means that she would not have allowed relgion to enter politics, which is true of Attaturk as well.

how do you know she wouldn't allow religion entering in to politics?

what kind of logic is that. you are talking pure out of your baseless assumptions.

besides, you are confusing democracy with secularism. democracy doesn't prevent religion entering into politics. but it is secularism that totally strips off religion from politics.
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Re: Sad day for pakistan

Postby irresistible » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:20 am

Stout wrote:What does the term "Modern Islamic Leader" actually mean ?.
Surely the principles of Islam (as far as I know) are beyond modernization, maybe the problems the world now faces, is a direct result of trying to change what millions of the faithful believe in, it's a possibility, think about it.

yep, you are right. islam can't be modernized. it's fixed, no one can change it.

Muslims hated Jewish Dictator Mustafa Kemal so much not only because he forbid the practice of islam, but he and his followers tried to change (modernize) it as well.
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Postby Stout » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:27 am

Thanks for your earlier welcome Irresistible and for your support in part of my views.
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Postby boomerang » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:36 am

Pakistan is coming apart at the seams as we speak...I just watched the news and it seems that nothing is gonna stop them from sliding down the path of a civil war...
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Re: Sad day for pakistan

Postby halil » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:38 am

tessintrnc wrote:
irresistible wrote:
halil wrote:AMEN ......... Not onl Pakistan lost a truly great women WORLD lost as well.
She was modern İslamic leader . Like ATATÜRK.

how do you compare a democratic person to a ruthless Jewish dictator like Mustafa Kemal.

Irrisistable, I think Halil means that she would not have allowed relgion to enter politics, which is true of Attaturk as well.

Thanks Tess,
exactly what i mean .
İ don't care if he was dictator or not.
İ care his principles does not allowed religion to enter into politics not like Greek orthodox church.
He gave the freedome for Turkish woman . İt is the only islamic country.
He made the alphabet reform in Turkey. That education system improved . womans are started to educate .
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