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Sad day for pakistan

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Postby boomerang » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:41 am

hey effendi today you got no peace at home and certaintly you ain't got peace in the would do well to remember this...
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Postby Piratis » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:42 am

Bad news about Bhutto and Pakistan. I hope they will manage to sort it out themselves without bloodshed.


Is this the same guy who said "One Turk equals the whole world"?
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Re: Sad day for pakistan

Postby Stout » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:43 am

halil wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:
irresistible wrote:
halil wrote:AMEN ......... Not onl Pakistan lost a truly great women WORLD lost as well.
She was modern İslamic leader . Like ATATÜRK.

how do you compare a democratic person to a ruthless Jewish dictator like Mustafa Kemal.

Irrisistable, I think Halil means that she would not have allowed relgion to enter politics, which is true of Attaturk as well.

Thanks Tess,
exactly what i mean .
İ don't care if he was dictator or not.
İ care his principles does not allowed religion to enter into politics not like Greek orthodox church.
He gave the freedome for Turkish woman . İt is the only islamic country.
He made the alphabet reform in Turkey. That education system improved . womans are started to educate .

What a pity nobody took note of his final declaration.
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Postby boomerang » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:46 am

Piratis wrote:Bad news about Bhutto and Pakistan. I hope they will manage to sort it out themselves without bloodshed.


Is this the same guy who said "One Turk equals the whole world"?

Its too late Piratis, they are already on the war path and have been for a while...Musharef is stuck between a rock and a hard on...The US is calling for democracy and elections and on the other Musharef knows what will happen if democracy prevails...
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Re: Sad day for pakistan

Postby irresistible » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:54 am

halil wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:
irresistible wrote:
halil wrote:AMEN ......... Not onl Pakistan lost a truly great women WORLD lost as well.
She was modern İslamic leader . Like ATATÜRK.

how do you compare a democratic person to a ruthless Jewish dictator like Mustafa Kemal.

Irrisistable, I think Halil means that she would not have allowed relgion to enter politics, which is true of Attaturk as well.

Thanks Tess,
exactly what i mean .
İ don't care if he was dictator or not.
İ care his principles does not allowed religion to enter into politics not like Greek orthodox church.
He gave the freedome for Turkish woman . İt is the only islamic country.
He made the alphabet reform in Turkey. That education system improved . womans are started to educate.

he did all those to make sure that islam won't come back to turkey again. his aim was to destroy islam in turkey and do the best service for the West and Zionism. if you carefully observe, whoever supports his policies are all those people against islam; that is, they are not Muslims at all. if he is regarded as a hero then he it is for non-muslims, but not muslims.

even, what you utter confirms he was a dictator. because he didn't ask anything to the people, instead he forced people to change. he didn't ascend to power with the will of the people, but instead he made a military revolution against the people. he oppressed the people who didn't agree with him.

many people in turkey, i know for sure, don't like him. that is the reason the kemalists made strict laws in turkey to protect him against criticism. if majority of the people defended him, there wouldn't be any need of making such stupid laws to protect him.


most of those statements the kemalists are advertising, don't belong to him at all. For example, I know some of them are old south american/Hispanic sayings, the turkish people haven't gotten a chance yet to see those were said already. these reports were even made by some turkish columnists. but the brainwashed poor turkish people don't know that.
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Postby humanist » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:54 am

No one is disputing you halil on the Turkish revolution
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Postby irresistible » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:58 am

boomerang wrote:hey effendi today you got no peace at home and certaintly you ain't got peace in the would do well to remember this...

people who live in turkey, did never have any peace at home after Mustafa Kemal and Kemalists at all. how can that statement be true. it is only to fool those uneducated poor people.
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Postby irresistible » Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:00 pm

humanist wrote:No one is disputing you halil on the Turkish revolution

there was no turkish revolution, it was an oppressive, bloody, secular and tyrannical revolution, that's it.
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Postby tessintrnc » Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:01 pm

I am not confusing democracy with secularism at all. I have listened to her speeches. In my opinion, its obvious that fanatics opposed to Democracy, Secularism and probably having a women in power have killed her. Shame on them.
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Postby irresistible » Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:05 pm

boomerang wrote:It's too late Piratis, they are already on the war path and have been for a while...Musharef is stuck between a rock and a hard on...The US is calling for democracy and elections and on the other Musharef knows what will happen if democracy prevails...

this doesn't make sense though. because Busharraf is an ardent supporter of US policies in the region. US would never want to loose an ally like Musharraf. if US calls for democracy, she is not honest in that call.
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