halil wrote:boomerang wrote:halil wrote:Hey you propaganda machines,
I want you all know that my wife , mothers ,mother is Maranoite .
All the family knows about also they know all about Maronite history .
You only knowing everything belongs to you in this island .
lick your fingers and don't interfare in to others businesses always .
Let the people free to help eachother . There is a sensible ones in this planet . İf you are thinking that you can stop the people knowing each other all understanding each other .you are making mistakes.
So have you told your wife's mother, mother, ethnic cleansing is political yet?...or is she been ethnically cleansed as well...
and you talk about propaganda...you make me laugh...

Truth hurts doesn't it?...well a spade is a spade effendi...
PS....I think its about time you get the copy&paste out effendi?

you should do it Efendi .
Nothing hurts me Efendi . İ always looking forward . You make me laugh as well . How bad Turkish phobia you have . You sleep with Turks and wake up Turks in your mind . I have no such a worries . For me all of them human being . World is turning EFENDİ.
Give more gas........

Well have you explained to your wife's mother, mother how she was etnically cleansed...Cousins, uncles, aunties perhaps?..Have you explained to her you wanna be your own effendi on stolen property?
Hey I ain't afraid of anything turkish...You are the one that wants me to negotiate the return of my stolen ancestral land, so you can be your own effendi...
You remind me of ali baba and the 40,000 thieves...
And what do you mean the world is turning Effendi...Does that mean you get to keep what you stole?...is this it?...please tell me something I don't know effendi...actually scare the shit outta me and say something intelligent for a change...
PS...thats not a bee, thats a wasp you moron...they are also thieves...oh well it takes one to know one doesn't effendi