Bill wrote:Well after getting around a dozen invitations for Christmas dinner from various parts of the family we finally accepted the invitation from my niece whose husband has just left her for the second time .
It seemed the best bet because which ever of the other family we went to every one of the others would complain and get upset.
It was a get out of trouble card and the rest of the family understood as shes my favourite niece and alone at Xmas ~ ideal solution .
Except I have never ever experienced such a dysfunctional family in my whole life ~~ it's been my worst ever Christmas and narrowly avoiding hospital treatment on a couple of occasions ~~ a nightmare.
Not to be repeated next year though as I've already decided to have Christmas in Prague and balls to the relatives.
Bill ~~ had my pills and a lie down and now slowly returning to sanity
I should really be feeling sorry for you but laughter is always a better option.

Ow well... look on the plus side you still have New Years Day to look forward too and you know who NOT to be spending it with. Happy 2008.