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Speros Vryonis

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Speros Vryonis

Postby Nikephoros » Tue Dec 25, 2007 8:29 pm
Size: 1.22 MB

Pages 80-88 zipped above in rather large GIF files.

I feel those pages are important because they show before the first inter-communal clashes took place on Cyprus that the extremist Turkish press had already created the allegations of major massacres to be perpetrated against the Turkish Cypriots. And they used these lies, which they themselves created without proof, in the timeframe 1955 to create the animosity for the pogrom against Istanbul Greeks. Instead of showing shame they still use this lies to this day to also justify their invasion of Cyprus by saying they needed to save Turks there from a massacre with their illegal military invasion. So they used the same lie for two instances of destroying a Greek community, first that of Istanbul in 1955 then in 1974 for their military invasion of Northern Cyprus. The least we can do is expose these lies and force the Turks to be alittle more honest in our presence.

Turks Caught Stinking in Their Own Lies wrote: ... Itemid=234
The Greek Cypriots resorted to violence in December 1963 and expelling their Turkish Cypriot partners from all the government organs by force of arms, usurping the state machinery. The Turkish Cypriot people refused to bow to this illegality.

Hopefully a Greek on this forum will meet me halfway and since I scanned it, they will OCR it in. If some of the Greeks here can stop chirping like cicadas long enough and talking about things they do not know about, I would appreciate them to do this work.
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Re: Speros Vryonis

Postby DINOS SKALIOTIS » Wed Dec 26, 2007 3:37 pm

Nikephoros wrote:
Size: 1.22 MB

Pages 80-88 zipped above in rather large GIF files.

I feel those pages are important because they show before the first inter-communal clashes took place on Cyprus that the extremist Turkish press had already created the allegations of major massacres to be perpetrated against the Turkish Cypriots. And they used these lies, which they themselves created without proof, in the timeframe 1955 to create the animosity for the pogrom against Istanbul Greeks. Instead of showing shame they still use this lies to this day to also justify their invasion of Cyprus by saying they needed to save Turks there from a massacre with their illegal military invasion. So they used the same lie for two instances of destroying a Greek community, first that of Istanbul in 1955 then in 1974 for their military invasion of Northern Cyprus. The least we can do is expose these lies and force the Turks to be alittle more honest in our presence.

Turks Caught Stinking in Their Own Lies wrote: ... Itemid=234
The Greek Cypriots resorted to violence in December 1963 and expelling their Turkish Cypriot partners from all the government organs by force of arms, usurping the state machinery. The Turkish Cypriot people refused to bow to this illegality.

Hopefully a Greek on this forum will meet me halfway and since I scanned it, they will OCR it in. If some of the Greeks here can stop chirping like cicadas long enough and talking about things they do not know about, I would appreciate them to do this work.

you`ll be lucky! :lol:
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Postby halil » Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:17 pm

Greeks gather at Fener Greek Patriarchate to celebrate Christmas
Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew attended a Christmas service at the Fener Greek Patriarchate on Tuesday, celebrated in Christianity as Christmas, the day Jesus Christ was born.
The Christmas service, which began at 9 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. George, was officiated by Patriarch Bartholomew and lasted for three hours.
In addition to Greeks living in Turkey, Christians from Greece and other countries also came to join in the celebration, lighting candles, singing hymns and praying together.

The celebration ended with communion, after which attendees lined up to venerate the relics of St. Grigorios Theolog and St. Ioannis Hrisostomos. Turkish businesswoman Dilek Sabancı was also present at the ceremony and lit a few candles.

Meanwhile, the Orthodox Syriac community in Mardin’s Midyat district also celebrated Christmas at Mort Işmuni Church. Samuel Aktaş, metropolitan of the Midyat church and the Deyrul monastery, addressed the community during the ceremony.

Midyat district administrator İsmail Karadaş attended the ceremony as well. “We celebrated the Feast of the Sacrifice last week, and now we are celebrating Christmas with our Syriac people,” he said.


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Re: Speros Vryonis

Postby phoenix » Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:41 pm

Nikephoros wrote:
Turks Caught Stinking in Their Own Lies wrote: ... Itemid=234
The Greek Cypriots resorted to violence in December 1963 and expelling their Turkish Cypriot partners from all the government organs by force of arms, usurping the state machinery. The Turkish Cypriot people refused to bow to this illegality.

The bits I read of this link are not impartial.

Why do you want to pass this information on?
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Postby Nikephoros » Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:13 am

phoenix, are you stupid go to that website. They the Turkish embassy only mention that in the 1960s inter-communal clashes started.

But in the 1950s they claimed in the fanatic racist Turkish press that they knew a large massacre of Turkish Cypriots was planned. But not even official Turkish sources mention such info. They used these lies in the Turkish press to create the climate for the pogrom of Istanbul Greeks.

I was thinking maybe a Greek on this forum would want to iinform himself but most of you are idiots. Debating the Turks and not even caring to have info to debate with.
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Postby Nikephoros » Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:22 am

halil wrote:Attempt to make Turkey look tolerant deleted

"The Greek American community's involvement in the issue of the pogrom brought additional headaches both to the State Department and, especially, the Turkish government, whose response was not long in coming. On September 27, Palamas, Greece's representative to the United Nations, had a rather sharp exchange with his colleague and Turkey's representative, Selim Sarper. The latter informed Palamas that his government sought information on the activities organized under the leadership of Archbishop Michael to inform us official and public opinion about the anti-Greek violence in Turkey and the need to defend the patriarchate. He asked Palamas if this was correct, and then, according to the Greek official:"
Selim Sarper wrote:.. .he asked me if the Greek Government thinks that these efforts and manifestations will serve any useful end save to increase the agitation instead of the calming of passions. If, however, he said, Greece is looking forward to the dissolution of the Greek community and a shattering of the Patriarchate's position by the further incitement of nationalist tempers in Turkey, then the above manifestations could be justified. It is fated that Turkish public opinion shall consider the Greek minority [in Turkey] and the Patriarchate responsible—even though and in fact they are not responsible—for anti-Turkish efforts abroad. In politics, he said, the innocent pay for the mistakes of those who are really responsible.59

"Although Palamas's reply to his colleague was brusque, he told the ministry that it was a serious matter. Kanellopoulos then replied to both Palamas and to the Greek ambassador in Washington that initially the government's general line on Greek-Turkish relations was that the archbishop should not appear to be involved in anti-Turkish mobilizations. Thus, he asked the embassy to indicate the exact form of the archbishop's involvement. Both Kavallieratos and Palamas responded, respectively, that the archbishop had not had a role in any attempts to mobilize American public opinion on Cyprus.60"

60 Greek Embassy, Athens to Washington, No. 41606, September 28, 1955.

Vryonis, Speros. The Mechanism of Catastrophe: The Turkish Pogrom Of September 6-7, 1955, And The Destruction Of The Greek Community Of Istanbul. (New York, 2005) pgs. 325-6.
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Postby Nikephoros » Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:56 am

I forgot to mention it, but the pages I am requesting to OCR are from the book:
Vryonis, Speros. The Mechanism of Catastrophe: The Turkish Pogrom Of September 6-7, 1955, And The Destruction Of The Greek Community Of Istanbul. (New York, 2005).
Size: 1.22 MB

I could OCR them myself, but I am looking for Greeks willing to do something besides make useless banter with Turks, instead I am looking for Greeks to help counter their many lies.
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Postby phoenix » Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:08 am

Nikephoros wrote:phoenix, are you stupid go to that website. They the Turkish embassy only mention that in the 1960s inter-communal clashes started.

But in the 1950s they claimed in the fanatic racist Turkish press that they knew a large massacre of Turkish Cypriots was planned. But not even official Turkish sources mention such info. They used these lies in the Turkish press to create the climate for the pogrom of Istanbul Greeks.

I was thinking maybe a Greek on this forum would want to iinform himself but most of you are idiots. Debating the Turks and not even caring to have info to debate with.

Thank you but as I said the bits I read were not impartial. I'm not prepared to sit through a load of Turkish propaganda to find a passage that by some inference I can associate with some other event.

You are right that such created excuses were used to initiate the pogrom, but you did not provide this information directly, or point us to the actual source.

I cannot read your mind.

I am not one for wild accusations, but I do like facts . . . so where are they?
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Postby Nikephoros » Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:21 am

Sorry I forgot to mention the source when I first started the thread which is:

Vryonis, Speros. The Mechanism of Catastrophe: The Turkish Pogrom Of September 6-7, 1955, And The Destruction Of The Greek Community Of Istanbul. (New York, 2005).

That is the book I scanned the info from. He mostly relies on Neoklis Sarris and Chrestides along with diplomatic sources which are cited. It is not Turkish propaganda it is the work of a disgtinguished Greek scholar and those pages show how the lies of the Turkish press in 1955 about Turkish Cypriots will be massacred by Greeks, was used to fanatize the Turkish population of Turkey into attacking Istanbul Greeks.
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Postby phoenix » Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:18 pm

Nikephoros wrote:Sorry I forgot to mention the source when I first started the thread which is:

Vryonis, Speros. The Mechanism of Catastrophe: The Turkish Pogrom Of September 6-7, 1955, And The Destruction Of The Greek Community Of Istanbul. (New York, 2005).

That is the book I scanned the info from. He mostly relies on Neoklis Sarris and Chrestides along with diplomatic sources which are cited. It is not Turkish propaganda it is the work of a disgtinguished Greek scholar and those pages show how the lies of the Turkish press in 1955 about Turkish Cypriots will be massacred by Greeks, was used to fanatize the Turkish population of Turkey into attacking Istanbul Greeks.

The article I was referring to as propaganda due to its partial and distorted citations was the Turkish Embassy link you provided and NOT this book that you are referring us to.

What is OCR? I am not computer literate so I can't help with that (unless it's easy) and there are not many GCs on the forum at the moment.
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