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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Bananiot » Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:01 pm

Kikapu, I would be more than pleased to answer your question, to the best of my ability.

I have no quarrel (need to clear this first) with the "no" vote of the Greek Cypriot community. It was our right to vote in that way since in any democratic voting all possible results are running. What I am concerned about is the demonisation of the plan and the lies that were easily told, that if we said "no" a new so called European solution will soon be put in front of us.

To your question now. Papadopoulos has been trying hard to turn the forthcoming Presidential elections into another referendum, so that he could capitalise on the "no" votes. This is a nasty trick to play especially if we take into account that not all "no" votes were the same. For example, a large chunk of these votes were from AKEL supporters who switched to the "no" camp at the last minute following AKEL's decision to go for a "soft no" which was necessary at that moment, we were told, so that a "yes vote could be cemented soon after".

Also, as I said earlier, many people believed Papadopoulos who played a strong hand in his address to the people. He asked "why vote for a dubious plan now, when in one week we will be full members of the European Union and we could get a much better, European solution?"

Thus, the "no" vote can be divided into a number of functions, so to speak. I would say that the hard line "no" got about 35% and the other 41% came from AKEL and those individuals belonging to different parties across the political spectrum and not committed individuals. I also base this on the fact that the early gallops when the Annan Plan was just released were in favour of a strong "yes" vote. In fact, many reactionaries called for the parliament to pass a law stipulating that for important decisions to be carried a majority vote of 75% should be needed. These people were really scared that the plan would have passed with flying colours.

Today, no one is calling for the Annan Plan to be resurrected. The only person that remembers the Annan plan is Papadopoulos and his cronies who are desperate to turn the elections into another referendum. I am realistic enough to know, if you ask me, that the Plan is dead. However, the philosophy of the plan lives on. If the international community is to spend energy again trying to find a solution to our problem, it could only be on the basis of Bicommunal Bizonal Federation. This is the only option we have in front of us. Papadopoulos says he understands this but, as I said, I do not believe him for one second. He is quick to add "with the right content" when asked of the type of solution he is after.

Even a political infant knows what the content of BBF is. This has been clarified as long ago as 1991 by the Security Council of the UN. One country, federated, with one sovereignty and without the right of secession. The federation would be bicommunal as far as the constitution is concerned and bizonal as far as the territory is concerned. Each community would have a majority in the area under its jurisdiction regarding the population and the ownership of land. Citizens cannot settle anywhere freely but limitations would exist. Property ownership will be decided if this does not infringe on the bizonality of the component states. The resolution even stated that the guarantees of 1960 would still exist and the presence of Greek and Turkish contingents would continue.

When the Security council passed this resolution we were glowing with delight in Cyprus and pointed our finger at Denktash who always was quick to dodge the resolutions.

In 2004, many people thought that Papadopoulos deceived them in leading the people to vote "no". Many of these people were sincere friends of Cyprus who worked hard for solution and the ending of division. Now, Papadopoulos claims that he still supports BBF. When he adds, however, "with the correct content" anyone can be pretty sure that this man is up to his old tricks again.
Last edited by Bananiot on Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:02 pm


So when I say that the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey is against international law and in violation of UN resolutions I would be saying propaganda?

When when say that the so called "trnc" is illegal it would be propaganda?

When I say that Greek Cypriots own 4/5ths of what you currently illegally occupy and they have every right to take it back it would be propaganda?

If I say that the only legal state that exists in Cyprus is the Republic of Cyprus and therefore on this island everybody should respect the laws of Republic of Cyprus it would be propaganda?

No dear VP. Unlike you, what I say is pure facts and each one of them can be supported by UN resolutions, ECHR rulings and hard facts that nobody can deny and have nothing to do with the "GC education system"

The TCs live in the north of the island is this propaganda?

Turkey is north of this island is this propaganda?

You do not realize that propaganda has washed your brain to a degree that everything Turkish is bad negative and therefore cannot be right. Your sense of logic and reason has been adjusted to a degree of non exsistence, it will take a lot of work to get you back on track as you lack the flexiblity necessary to compromise in finding solution to accomadate both sides.

I don't keep anything that is yours by force. You left your properties here in order to take twice as many in what you stole from us. I have asked you many times: Give back the 100% of what you stole and you are more than welcome to take back what is yours, I am not a thief like you.

You do not give me my property back I have to go fight in your GC courts for my rights only to be told you cannot have it back until a solution is found, so in reality you are forcefully keeping my property. You stole our land and houses back in 1963 yet that was OK as the victims were TCs now you cry like a baby because you abandoned yours. I ran for my life from a GC population that was out for TC blood, burying women and babies in ditches. I did not take anything that was not mine in the north. you are also welcome back to yours via the property commission.

And don't threaten me with "axes", because you should be sure that the next will fall on you. The war that you started against Cyprus is not over and it will not be over until you give back everything that you took from us.

No one is threatening you, it s figure of speach which reflects the result of your greed and urgency to rid the island of its TC community. Dont hold your breath as you will die, we wouldnt want that, you have every right to enjoy this island in peace just like the last 33 years, ever since Turkey arrived much better than those days of struggle and death under GC domination and discrimination. You had your chance back then and you blew it big time, everything has now changed it will never be the same, only when you accept us as your equal partners as 2 equal communities will any progress be made otherwise you and people like you can pray for that swing in power you long for.

Cyprus belong to Cypriots. If you want to live under Turkish administration then yes you are free to move and settle in Turkey. No problem with that. But you have no right to keep land which belongs to GCs under your administration.

Yes you are right Cyprus belong to both Turkish and Greek Cypriots, it spity we cannot share it together but at least divided we have been able to sustain peace and tranquility over the past 33 years. I am going nowhere the TRNC is my home and where I belong even with all its problems its preferred to a GC state run by GCs for GC called the "Roc".
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They still misundersatand me.....

Postby cymart » Wed Dec 26, 2007 12:17 am

I never said that I will get my wifes property in Varosha and 'screw' Cyprus,but what I did say is that after experiencing at a very personal and painful level what it means to live in a divided country when I was in both East and West Germany before 1989,I don't want to live in a divided country here and if the Greek-Cypriots finally decide to accept partition,rather then do a deal on federation with the Turkish Cypriots,I would prefer to leave....Is there anything wrong with that?I think it is the right of every E.U. citizen to go to another member state if they wish,including Greece or even Estonia for example?
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Postby humanist » Wed Dec 26, 2007 12:30 am

Bananiot, that was a great post and I support all the you have said.

I think the Greek speaking Cypriots need to think about their vote, very carefully and I thin due to the mistrust of Papadopoulos by the Turkish speaking Cypriots I think a new man is needed to lead Cyprus into a final solution. Having said this I am also aware that if the Turkish speaking Cypriot community is not serious about a solution and Talat has repeatedly shown his lack of interest in unification it does not matter who wins the RoC election.
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Postby Piratis » Wed Dec 26, 2007 3:30 am

The TCs live in the north of the island is this propaganda?

Turkey is north of this island is this propaganda?

You do not realize that propaganda has washed your brain to a degree that everything Turkish is bad negative and therefore cannot be right. Your sense of logic and reason has been adjusted to a degree of non exsistence, it will take a lot of work to get you back on track as you lack the flexiblity necessary to compromise in finding solution to accomadate both sides.

:roll: No VP, those two things that you mention are not propaganda. Did I ever claim they were.

What you say which is propaganda for example is:

1) That the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey and the so called "trnc" are legal.
2) That Republic of Cyprus is illegal.
3) That the north part of Cyprus is supposedly Turkish

Now tell me what did I ever say which is propaganda. Can you be specific or you just like to throw slogans?

You do not give me my property back I have to go fight in your GC courts for my rights only to be told you cannot have it back until a solution is found, so in reality you are forcefully keeping my property. You stole our land and houses back in 1963 yet that was OK as the victims were TCs now you cry like a baby because you abandoned yours. I ran for my life from a GC population that was out for TC blood, burying women and babies in ditches. I did not take anything that was not mine in the north. you are also welcome back to yours via the property commission.

We never stole anything from you VP. In 1974 when the invasion happened the TCs where at their own homes all over Cyprus. We didn't take your properties, issued new titles and claimed them as ours like you did.
What happened is that in 1974 you abandoned your properties in the free areas so you could get twice as many in the occupied areas. And yes, you have to give us back what you stole from us in order to get back what you left behind.

No one is threatening you, it s figure of speach which reflects the result of your greed and urgency to rid the island of its TC community.

Man you are full of brainwashed propaganda crap. We never tried to rid the island from TCs, on the contrary it is the Turks who have always been killing Cypriots by the 1000s and 10s of thousands. During the inrecommunal conflict which you were equally responsible for both sides had a few 100s of casualties each.

As far as greediness goes, you are the most greedy bastards ever my fried. We are the 82% of the population and you are the 18% and you think that your share of land should be 30% and of power the 50%!! And then you are calling us greedy because we want democracy?

Dont hold your breath as you will die, we wouldnt want that, you have every right to enjoy this island in peace just like the last 33 years, ever since Turkey arrived much better than those days of struggle and death under GC domination and discrimination. You had your chance back then and you blew it big time, everything has now changed it will never be the same, only when you accept us as your equal partners as 2 equal communities will any progress be made otherwise you and people like you can pray for that swing in power you long for.

The time of domination and discrimination was when you invaded our island in order to enslave and exploit us and you did so for 3+ centuries, and also now and for the last 3+ decades that you do not even allow 100s of thousands of people to exist in their own land which you stole from them and you call "Turkish".

Yes you are right Cyprus belong to both Turkish and Greek Cypriots, it spity we cannot share it together but at least divided we have been able to sustain peace and tranquility over the past 33 years. I am going nowhere the TRNC is my home and where I belong even with all its problems its preferred to a GC state run by GCs for GC called the "Roc".

Cyprus belongs to all Cypriots without racist discriminations, we are not going to split it up just because you want to. The past 33 years was time of war where you forcefully keep 100s of thousands of people in refugee housing and away from their properties. Every time people tried to return to their homes you have shoot them or beaten them to death. You call this peace and tranquility? :roll:
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Postby Piratis » Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:23 am

Kikapu wrote:
Bananiot wrote:About this time five years ago, just before the Presidential elections back then, he filled the whole of Cyprus with huge posters of himself with the caption "I do solemnly promise to solve the Cyprus problem on the basis of the Annan Plan".

You can believe this man at your own peril!


Let me ask you a simple question, if I may.

Let just say that PapaD never wanted a settlement under the AP, BBF and what ever else in proposals that may have came along while he has been the President. In 2004 when he pleaded with the GC's to say OXI to the AP, close to 70% GC's took his advice and also said OXI to the AP. Now that we have gone over 3 years since the OXI days of the 2004 AP, just what percentage of GC's today actually regret saying OXI to the AP back in 2004. If the answer is no difference to the percentage back in 2004, then I do not see how PapaD can lose this election. So please give us some figures as to what percentage of the GC's today would say "yes" to the AP as it was voted on in 2004. If there is no difference after 3 years since the GC's said "NO", then I do not see why the GC's would elect anyone else who may try to bring back the "old" AP or the BBF. Is anyone running for office talking about having a "True Federation" and not the BBF as it is more of a Confederation than anything else.


Kikapu, Bananiot as always is trying to mislead you.

I will answer to your question in a straight way, something which Bananiot avoided:

All the surveys contacted after the referendum show that if we had another referendum on AP the "no" vote would again be 75%+.

This means that people have not changed their opinion regarding the AP (something that can be seen from the participants of this forum as well), and if a few have changed their minds this happened in both directions and this is why the 75% "no" is unchanged.

Bananiot wrote:I would say that the hard line "no" got about 35% and the other 41% came from AKEL and those individuals belonging to different parties across the political spectrum and not committed individuals.

And what do you mean by "committed individuals" and where do you base your numbers? When AP first appeared nobody really knew what it was. Nobody had read it, and no analysis was made. So most people thought it was a solution for the Cyprus problem, something they soon found it was not when the read the plan and when the plan was debated and analyzed.

What I can tell you that half of my family are traditionally AKEL supporters. Apart from 1 who voted "yes", the rest voted "no" for the same reasons that I did. Non of them would accept the AP with just minor changes.

Today, no one is calling for the Annan Plan to be resurrected. The only person that remembers the Annan plan is Papadopoulos and his cronies who are desperate to turn the elections into another referendum. I am realistic enough to know, if you ask me, that the Plan is dead. However, the philosophy of the plan lives on.

But you wouldn't want to turn the elections into another referendum by admitting that the "solution" you are after would be something very similar to Annan plan, right? If you had the balls to admit that then Papadopoulos would be elected from the first round. Instead you prefer to lie to the Cypriot people and hide the truth from them.

So Kikapu, to answer your question: "If the answer is no difference to the percentage back in 2004, then I do not see how PapaD can lose this election."

The answer is that the other two candidates are now officially "no" supporters as well. Otherwise if they were openly pro-AP (and this includes every other similar plan with a different name) then they wouldn't have a chance to be elected.

So the question is:
Are Christofias and Kasoulides honest and they will upheld the democratic choice of the Cypriot people? Or they are just saying this in order to gain votes, and if they are elected they will bring back a renamed AP with cosmetic changes? Lets see how many people they will fool. In my opinion, not enough.

And to answer your "BBF" questions:

BBF is nothing more than a vague term which is applied nowhere else in the world.

This is a BBF example:

Two states, one state made by the 99% of the territory of Cyprus and another one made by the 1% (Bizonal). The 1% state has a majority of TCs, and the 99% state a majority of GCs (Bicommunal). This two states are in a federation like in the USA where every state elects electors based on its population (the more the population, the more the electors) and those electors vote for the president of the whole country in a central government which is above the component states (Federal) = BBF

Furthermore, there should be an immediate withdrawal of Turkish troops from Cyprus as per UN resolutions, every single settler that was brought illegally to Cyprus should leave, every Cypriot should be given his property back, and the human rights of all Cypriots should be respected.

I accept the BBF above, and I am sure Papadopoulos does as well. That doesn't mean we would accept any BBF, or even worst anything simply labeled as "BBF" like the AP.

Some people like Bananiot think that BBF means somehting that benefits the Turks on our loss. Well, the example above demonstrates a BBF solution that meets all the BBF criteria which is not pro-Turkish.

So accepting BBF does not equal accepting a pro-Turkish "solution". [/quote]
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:05 am

No VP, those two things that you mention are not propaganda. Did I ever claim they were.

What you say which is propaganda for example is:

1) That the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey and the so called "trnc" are legal.
2) That Republic of Cyprus is illegal.
3) That the north part of Cyprus is supposedly Turkish

Now tell me what did I ever say which is propaganda. Can you be specific or you just like to throw slogans?

Piratis you have to take your blinkers off to see there are many shades of gray. What you deem legal and illegal is only worth its weight if you can enforce it, do you understand this philosophy?

To answer your quotes of my supposed propaganda;

1) I have never claimed the TRNC is legal and always refer to the TRNC as an unrecognized state with the south being recognized. This does not deter me from seeing the reality that GCs will never agree a fair solution and therefore leaving me one option and arguing agreed partition.

2) The south is the recognized half of the island but without its TC element for me as a TC it is defunct, its like a man without a heart, you have artificially placed this dead man on a machine and tell the world he is alive, he maybe be breathing but for me he is dead. What are the consequences of me not recognizing the "RoC"? for something illegal there is always a penalty and if I am willing to pay that penalty for what I believe is right then who are you to say we have to recognize the "RoC". If my penalty is the isolation which the world has acknowledged as being unjust then ı am willing to pay 10 times over for not being exposed to GC domination.

3) The TRNC is an unrecognized state populated by TRNC citizens whos origins happen to be Turkish, where the propaganda in that? its a fact.

To find how propaganda and brainwashing has effected your viewpoint all you have to do is read your post before this one, its clearly shows why we will never agree unification and the best solution for us is agreed division.

We never stole anything from you VP. In 1974 when the invasion happened the TCs where at their own homes all over Cyprus. We didn't take your properties, issued new titles and claimed them as ours like you did.
What happened is that in 1974 you abandoned your properties in the free areas so you could get twice as many in the occupied areas. And yes, you have to give us back what you stole from us in order to get back what you left behind.

So 1963 was a figment of our imagination, the claims of properties being re registered from peasant TCs who could not read and write are also lies. (Your blindness here illustrates how propaganda and brain washing have effected your ability to see reality).

We stole nothing, you ran away abandoning your properties (2 can play at that game) and I am offering you a way to reclaim your properties yet you are refusing to do so, yet another sign of propaganda that we are not willing to return your abandoned properties.

Man you are full of brainwashed propaganda crap. We never tried to rid the island from TCs, on the contrary it is the Turks who have always been killing Cypriots by the 1000s and 10s of thousands. During the intercommunal conflict which you were equally responsible for both sides had a few 100s of casualties each.

I need to remind you of my signature...

Sampson:"Had Turkey not intervened I would not only have proclaimed 'enosis,'I would have annihilated the Turks in Cyprus." Eleftherotipia, Feb. 26,1981...

The fact that Makarios was pursuing a policy of paying for TCs to go settle in Canada, Australia and the UK is probably also propaganda although TCs can today can prove this fact.

The aggression and mistreatment of Tcs was clearly documented yet you still play the numbers game to console your your stained consienous.

As far as greediness goes, you are the most greedy bastards ever my fried. We are the 82% of the population and you are the 18% and you think that your share of land should be 30% and of power the 50%!! And then you are calling us greedy because we want democracy?

Show me an example in the world where the land distribution was arranged according to population percentages? You are a tiny partner in the EU yet you have a right to veto? Your arguments are lame Piratis and you need to revise your perspective on things as over time you will come to realize they will never bear fruit.

The time of domination and discrimination was when you invaded our island in order to enslave and exploit us and you did so for 3+ centuries, and also now and for the last 3+ decades that you do not even allow 100s of thousands of people to exist in their own land which you stole from them and you call "Turkish".

You hold me responsible for what happened hundreds of years ago, yet my problem is with what your father did to mine, cant you see the difference or has the propaganda and brainwashing you experienced in school going to continue to cloud your mind to a degree of no return. I want to give your land back but you have to accept that my community is an equal partner and that you cannot push me to one side and take decisions on my behalf that will effect me more negatively than GCs. I need the right to say no just like you do in the EU.

Cyprus belongs to all Cypriots without racist discriminations, we are not going to split it up just because you want to. The past 33 years was time of war where you forcefully keep 100s of thousands of people in refugee housing and away from their properties. Every time people tried to return to their homes you have shoot them or beaten them to death. You call this peace and tranquility?

A few days in over 33 years does not set a precedent especially when warnings were put in place to stop actions that would cause an explosive situation, thank god the Turkish army are here to deter people form trying to take actions that as you saw resulted in people being killed, as without them it looks like this could be a daily problem and could cost more lives on both sides.

Yes you are right Cyprus belongs to us all and for now it is split as we cannot share it in unity, we are 2 prime examples of why that is the case and why we will continue to stay as we are, both sides are peaceful and people are going about their daily lives why would you want to disrupt everything by forcing a union? allow GCs to return to the north under equal terms with the south, why do you not want a level playing field with 2 equal states side by side where individuals can decide which state they wish to reside in???
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:05 am

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Postby Piratis » Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:38 am

Piratis you have to take your blinkers off to see there are many shades of gray. What you deem legal and illegal is only worth its weight if you can enforce it, do you understand this philosophy?

There are no shades of gray about the illegality of the occupation. It is as black and as illegal as it gets. We are talking about illegally occupying land that belongs to Cypriots (4/5ths of which GCs) and trying by brute force, murder and ethnic cleansing to create some Turkish state on it against the will of the people that the land belongs to.

I have never claimed the TRNC is legal and always refer to the TRNC as an unrecognized state with the south being recognized.

Wrong. There is no "south" being recognized. What exists on the island of Cyprus is one and only state, the Republic of Cyprus, part of which is illegally occupied by Turkey. Get your facts straight.

The south is the recognized half of the island but without its TC element for me as a TC it is defunct, its like a man without a heart, you have artificially placed this dead man on a machine and tell the world he is alive, he maybe be breathing but for me he is dead.

Again, what is recognized is the one and only legal state in Cyprus. You tried to kill it but you failed and you can pretend is dead but that wouldn't change a thing. Your only legal option is to accept legality and stop trying kill Republic of Cyprus by splitting in two.

The TRNC is an unrecognized state populated by TRNC citizens whos origins happen to be Turkish, where the propaganda in that? its a fact.

"trnc" is just how Turks call the land they illegally occupy. The legal citizens of the land that is occupied by the Turkish troops are by their great majority Greeks, and thats how it has been for 1000s of years.

So 1963 was a figment of our imagination, the claims of properties being re registered from peasant TCs who could not read and write are also lies. (Your blindness here illustrates how propaganda and brain washing have effected your ability to see reality).

We stole nothing, you ran away abandoning your properties (2 can play at that game) and I am offering you a way to reclaim your properties yet you are refusing to do so, yet another sign of propaganda that we are not willing to return your abandoned properties.

In 1963 you started trying again to partition Cyprus. There was a conflict and you lost an many as you killed. So don't try to blame am exclusively for it.

In 1974 you were killing people by the 1000s and raping under age girls, and then you are telling me that people should have just stayed there to be butchered by you? Even those brave ones that stayed had suffered under your brutal occupation and most of them eventually were forced to abandon their homes.

I need to remind you of my signature...

Sampson:"Had Turkey not intervened I would not only have proclaimed 'enosis,'I would have annihilated the Turks in Cyprus." Eleftherotipia, Feb. 26,1981...

The fact that Makarios was pursuing a policy of paying for TCs to go settle in Canada, Australia and the UK is probably also propaganda although TCs can today can prove this fact.

The aggression and mistreatment of Tcs was clearly documented yet you still play the numbers game to console your your stained consienous.

The aggression and mistreatment of Cypriots by the Turks is what is clearly documented. This is our island and you came here with the sole purpose of enslaving and exploiting us. This is what you continue doing by looking for some lame excuses about what somebody said, and what some document wrote, while in fact you were the ones actually did the killing of people by the 1000s and 10s of thousands.

Show me an example in the world where the land distribution was arranged according to population percentages? You are a tiny partner in the EU yet you have a right to veto? Your arguments are lame Piratis and you need to revise your perspective on things as over time you will come to realize they will never bear fruit.

So then you take 0% of land and we take the 100% of it. How about it? Or it is ok only when you steal our land and have gains on our loss?

You hold me responsible for what happened hundreds of years ago, yet my problem is with what your father did to mine, cant you see the difference or has the propaganda and brainwashing you experienced in school going to continue to cloud your mind to a degree of no return. I want to give your land back but you have to accept that my community is an equal partner and that you cannot push me to one side and take decisions on my behalf that will effect me more negatively than GCs. I need the right to say no just like you do in the EU.

You are responsible for what your (not your fathers) illegalities and crimes that you commit today. But if you want to look into history then every Cypriot generation has suffered from the Turks during the last 4 centuries. It was not just one event 400 years, it is a constant criminal actions by your side against us, something which continues until today and you are looking for excuses to continue it in the future.

EU is not a country. It is an association of countries and each one of those countries owns its land, just like Cypriots own the whole island of Cyprus, every corner of it. If you want a Turkish republic then go live in Turkey.

A few days in over 33 years does not set a precedent especially when warnings were put in place to stop actions that would cause an explosive situation, thank god the Turkish army are here to deter people form trying to take actions that as you saw resulted in people being killed, as without them it looks like this could be a daily problem and could cost more lives on both sides.

Really? So an equally good solution would be to ethnically cleanse all Turks from Cyprus the way you ethnically cleansed Greek Cypriots from their homeland. This way we will also have the same kind of peace, and a sea will be separating us which will be even better. What do you think? Or ethnically cleansing people to bring "peace" is acceptable only when it is the Turks ethnically cleansing others and stealing their land?

Yes you are right Cyprus belongs to us all and for now it is split as we cannot share it in unity, we are 2 prime examples of why that is the case and why we will continue to stay as we are, both sides are peaceful and people are going about their daily lives why would you want to disrupt everything by forcing a union? allow GCs to return to the north under equal terms with the south, why do you not want a level playing field with 2 equal states side by side where individuals can decide which state they wish to reside in???

We already have tow states: Turkey and Cyprus. If you want to live in a Turkish state then feel free to move to Turkey. If you want to stay in Cyprus then you can stay in Cyprus and obey the laws of our country without acting illegally and criminally and trying to rule our land.

Why should Turks rule a territory which is the homeland of 5 times more Greek Cypriots than Turks, and where Greek Cypriots have a far longer history on it? Based on what? To the fact that you are good thieves that can steal the land of others?
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:52 am

So Piratis, now you think it is quite easy to fool the Greek Cypriot people. Surely the great leader will not allow this. Have you ever stopped to ponder on the fact that the Greek Cypriot people were fooled by Papadopoulos in 2003? Do you remember his pre election promises or have you conveniently forgotten? Has he not deceived the Akel supporters that provided 35% of the 52% he obtained in winning the elections back then?

The Annan Plan as it was (not) negotiated by Papadopoulos is stone dead. The next plan will be no better than the Annan plan and certainly no better than the Ideas of Gali, which Papadopoulos deemed the third Attila in an article published in "Kyrikas" his party's mouthpiece at the time. Papadopoulos is a born rejectionist and once again I take the opportunity to mention a fact that says a lot about the character of this man: He has rejected and vilified all plans that were put in front of us since 1959, including the London-Zurich agreements that resulted in an independent Cyprus? What more can we expect from this man?

Papadopoulos now clings by the 8th July agreement which lists a set of five principles. The first one says:

Commitment to the unification of Cyprus based on a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation and political equality, as set out in the relevant Security Council resolutions.

I call upon anyone interested and particularly Piratis to go through UN Resolutions 716 of 1991 and 750 of 1992. The last mentioned especially where the content of BBF is clearly described by the Secretary General in his report and unanimously accepted by the Security Council.

If after this Piratis continues to live in the clouds then there is nothing anyone can do to help him. In the meantime, Papadopoulos's slide continues and now he commands about 30% of the vote, about the same as Christofias and just more than Kasoulides. This shows clearly that the vast majority of the voters do not want him.

He is a spent force Piratis.
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