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Re: Don't worry Zan!

Postby zan » Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:05 pm

cymart wrote:There are plenty of sensible people like me and Bananiot on this side,it's just that many of them prefer to keep quiet at the moment while we still have the present regime,but when the election comes......

More power to your elbows m friend....
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Postby oranos64 » Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:14 pm

question is who do i vote for ?
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Postby oranos64 » Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:23 pm

the communists akel pricks are actually racists and are largely made up of the most bent people you could ever do business with

the disy guys are confused and actually act like communists ..mainly actually caring for the community and slowlly working towards business solutions to benefit the whole island and constructive communication ,,,thing is the leader is absent and has aligned him self with a katsolidies whatever his name is .....

diko middle guys again bent and totally awash with corruption ..,,,

also watching the broadcasts i realised just how ugly the cabinet is of TPAP

I ALSO MET TPAP last week and he has the biggest nose in the world maybe definately the eu ...helps with all them tales

yeah and that minister of police and immigration looks like someone from sesame st ...

wish tony blair woudl come to cyprus
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Postby Piratis » Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:04 am

So empty proposals to gain a few more votes, he can say yes to the AP that would put the cat amongst the pigeons but of course he would not accept a plan that does not give GCs 100% of what they want.

100%?? :lol: It is more like -100%, since instead of giving us back the north part of our country it would officially make it Turkish, but if that was not enough it would also bankrupt our economy and make the whole of Cyprus and Turkish and UK protectorate where the Cypriots would have no say in their foreign affairs.

About this time five years ago, just before the Presidential elections back then, he filled the whole of Cyprus with huge posters of himself with the caption "I do solemnly promise to solve the Cyprus problem on the basis of the Annan Plan".

You can believe this man at your own peril!

He never did this and you are lying. If he did such thing why would I vote for him??

Before the elections Cleredes and Markides where the ones that said they would "solve" the Cyprus problem with Annan plan.

Papadopoulos clearly said that the Annan plan can not be the basis for a solution but only a basis for further negotiations, which is exactly what he did.

So it is you who is lying, not Papadopoulos.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:11 am

There are plenty of sensible people like me and Bananiot on this side

Everybody believes himself to be sensible, isn't it Cymart? It doesn't mean that you are sensible just because you think you are.

In fact apart from mud and slogans against Papadopoulos I have never seen you capable of holding a debate on the issues themselves. If you where sensible then you should have had sensible arguments. The argument: "Lets just accept what the British and Turks want so I can get my wife's property and screw Cyprus" is not enough to give to you any "sensibility awards".
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Postby SN » Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:31 am

zan wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:The 'suitable moment' for the presentation to be AFTER he is re-elected (naturally) !!!!!!

So what hes say,ng s re-elect me to solve somehtin I have been unable to solve for the past 5 years, which mug will fall for that one??

I am afraid that GR has already let the cat out of the bag and stolen Tpaps thunder VP and you should warn all in the TRNC about it. Because GR is GR and he can't help but boast, he has already said that Tpap will make us an offer to test our loyalty to Turkey.......Halil I hope you are reading this and can report on it......There is another trick on the way and it is filled with the same deviousness of the Akritas Plan that he composed. The last throws of a dying man and it could be a doozy.....They are fighting against the truth and will get their fingers burned. :evil:

How boring same old shit by Papadopoulos.Did he cry this time announcing he will make a new proposal? 8) :lol: 8)
To all the Papadopoulos the back door.

Also he is not meeting Greece's criteria regarding Greco-Turkish relations.He only helps deteriorating the situation.

Now that Greece again sold out Cyprus on the Kosovo issue it wont be hard to show more actively that Papadopoulos is not Greece's first choice.

As if this proposal will have any breakthrough.BS to get the votes.I hope the GCs can see this.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:46 am

SN, I hope you realized by now that Cypriots do not follow any directions from outsiders regarding whom to vote.

About Kosovo last time I heard the news Greece also had objections like Cyprus. If now they do not, then it is Serbia that Greece sold out, not Cyprus.

As if this proposal will have any breakthrough.BS to get the votes.I hope the GCs can see this.

There are the smart people and then there are the idiot ones and the votes from both count the same. We can't have the BS of the other two candidates winning all the idiot votes, right?
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Postby SN » Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:55 am

Piratis wrote:SN, I hope you realized by now that Cypriots do not follow any directions from outsiders regarding whom to vote.

About Kosovo last time I heard the news Greece also had objections like Cyprus. If now they do not, then it is Serbia that Greece sold out, not Cyprus.

As if this proposal will have any breakthrough.BS to get the votes.I hope the GCs can see this.

There are the smart people and then there are the idiot ones and the votes from both count the same. We can't have the BS of the other two candidates winning all the idiot votes, right?

Greece left Cyprus on her own in the EU.The ''objections'' u mention is Dora's bullshit towards Serbia .Greece got what it wants,which is solidarity regarding the name of Republic of Macedonia in exchange for Greece's solidarity in Kosovo.Greece said it will recognize Kosovo.Only Cyprus from the whole EU said it wouldnt.
So again Greece did what it does best...selling out Cyprus according to her policy.
For now Cyprus is low in Greece's foreign policy agenda.Macedonia's name is the highest priority for the Greek diplomacy the past months.
Finally, Off course u are free to believe that Cyprus is not Greece's puppet.It was prooven by the mere fact we sold u out once again at a blink of an eye.
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Re: Are you sure you trust Turkey either?

Postby halil » Tue Dec 25, 2007 7:57 am

cymart wrote:I find it very hard to believe that Turkey are really looking after the interests of the Turkish Cypriots,rather than using them as an excuse to cover their own plans in the area which are decided by the military leaders.....I cannot see how sending all these mainlanders to the north is helping you Halil and I would be careful or you may wake -up one day to find that it might have been better to live in the south of the island,rather than under the control of people who treat you worse than many Greek-Cypriots would.......(that's assuming they don't have a leader like Papad. any more of course)

İt is your idea CYMART,
I trust Turkey, 44 years ago when the problems started and we forced to live in enclaves , Turkey was with us .It was only Turkey saved our lifes by sending her airforces to Cyprus . By sending us foot , blankets and tents . Where were the UN'S and others .Don't worry I will not go to south . We all know how to defend our rights since 1878 we do .
Also i knew too many Bananiots don't worry about it as well . We are all in same boat .I know who is or which one is good or bad for me and for us . I always have respect for their rights as well .WE don't demand anything from anybody we always asking our rights in Cyprus thats all. nothing much nothing less .
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Postby humanist » Tue Dec 25, 2007 8:32 am

Cymat Turkey does not have the interests of Turkish speaking Cypriots at heart. Though there is a belief out there that she is not even happy to support them but feels an obligation to do, as it is the only thing in her way to EU membership.

Republic of Cyprus President ready with new proposal for solving Cyprus issue

23 December 2007 | 15:48 | FOCUS News Agency

Nicosia. President of the Republic of Cyprus Tassos Papadopoulos is ready with a new proposal for solving the Cyprus issue. In an interview with the Cypriot newspaper Phileleftheros Papadopoulos says his new proposal will be presented in a suitable moment. According to the Head of State the time for undertaking a given initiative to resolve the issue should be prepared very carefully after making the necessary preparation at a diplomatic level.

I have to say I was angered to read this and I believe Papadopoulos is becoming an obstacle to a possible solution of the Cypro by his lack of action to act after the referendum and his latest trick to announce he has a new proposal just a month before elections.

If I were voting I would definetley vote against him.
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