So empty proposals to gain a few more votes, he can say yes to the AP that would put the cat amongst the pigeons but of course he would not accept a plan that does not give GCs 100% of what they want.

It is more like -100%, since instead of giving us back the north part of our country it would officially make it Turkish, but if that was not enough it would also bankrupt our economy and make the whole of Cyprus and Turkish and UK protectorate where the Cypriots would have no say in their foreign affairs.
About this time five years ago, just before the Presidential elections back then, he filled the whole of Cyprus with huge posters of himself with the caption "I do solemnly promise to solve the Cyprus problem on the basis of the Annan Plan".
You can believe this man at your own peril!
He never did this and you are lying. If he did such thing why would I vote for him??
Before the elections Cleredes and Markides where the ones that said they would "solve" the Cyprus problem with Annan plan.
Papadopoulos clearly said that the Annan plan can not be the basis for a solution but only a basis for further negotiations, which is exactly what he did.
So it is you who is lying, not Papadopoulos.