Sophia1 wrote:Its true though every one is forgetting the real meaning of Christmas..
I suppose you are talking about the Pagan connection?

Sophia1 wrote:Its true though every one is forgetting the real meaning of Christmas..
phoenix wrote:relatino wrote:phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:phoenix wrote:rajput49 wrote:
Your outright dismissal of science is purely a personal opinion.
Scientists do not perform "miracles" and as such are in a constant flux of research from where the answers usually arise. Instant results are not scientific.
Regarding your man made rules . . . all religions are man made. They are recorded by men and they are related by men as stories. Thus subject to distortion.
We have Human Rights, and we have strong moral codes as people inherent in our survival mechanisms, and therefore selected by evolution anyway. So we do not need a religion to be good people.
Hello relatino in Peru![]()
Have you trekked Machu Pichu?
phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote: ok so can science identify for me this "common ancestor" that we share with monkeys? that has somehow miraculously evolved into different things for no apparent reason! i would like to see its bones for example! and scientific proof that it has in its genes pool the correct chromosomes to evolve into me and a monkey! or was this fairy tale just made up by some guy after a few drinks one night?
All Life on Earth (plants included), consists of the same Genetic substance DNA (a few viruses have a related molecule RNA).
If you sequence enough of the DNA of any living species on Earth, and also all the DNA that we can find in fossils, then compare them for sequence similarities, you build up a "tree" or dendrogram which shows you exactly how each species is related to the other, and which ones have older ancestors, and when they arose in time.
There are no real "missing links" just a flow of relatedness . . . but of course not every species that has ever lived will be represented.
But it is a foolproof theory to date, because as we discover more and more fossils, we find they all fit in perfectly as predicted.
You can even reproduce "Evolution" and see how survival of the fittest by natural selection works by doing experiments in the test-tube with bacteria and introducing an antibiotic that they are sensitive to. Pretty soon you evolve a mutant which is resistant and then after time it is the predominant variant.
That is the power and beauty of science over religion.
so does the dna of all these different species contain the same chromosomes? because what you just said is a very very broad generalisation its like me saying for example that the dna or life source of a car engine is its oil, so because "oil" is present in the engine of a skoda and the engine of a mercedes does that then mean that the mercedes engine is related to the skoda engine? people are nowadays found guilty of their crimes by the tiniest molecules of dna sometimes microscopic, so if every single human being has different dna how can you tell me that every living thing that has ever lived on earth has "common" dna?
and if there are no missing links as you say then why do the best scientists, even those who created the various theorys call things "missing links" perhaps darwin needed you back then phoenix cos you seem to know more about his theory than even he knew![]()
when you can even begin to comprehend the answers to the questions i`m asking then go back and answer the ones i asked a few posts back, until then dont even bother to come back to me as i reckon you could spend your time more wisely than trying to answer questions that have no answer in science
DNA is what makes up chromosomes, it is their building-block. Smaller molecules make up the DNA. It is the sequence of these that is both unique and conserved. Short segments of DNA make up genes. They control who you are and how you develop. There are so few differences between individuals and that is why we have different coloured eyes etc. But we are still related as Humans despite these few differences which make us unique.
DNA fingerprinting exploits sites in the DNA which can be recognised by different "cutting" proteins and that is how you get an individual profile.
"Missing link" is popular science and has no scientific merit.
If you are still asking about where the first cell came from . . . well you can cause the synthesis of DNA in a test tube and mimic pre-biotic life. With the naturally occurring chemicals found throughout the universe you can make the precursors to DNA, then the membrane surrounding it.
The most beautiful thing of all is that DNA can replicate itself. So from the first cell, you get many more and so on.
As for the beginnings of the Universe, well I am not a physicist, but I do know they have enough information already that there is an ongoing project which will create a mini-universe in a test-tube. That should answer that hole in time.
Do not worry . . . not in our lifetime, but at the rate we are going, we do have the capacity to fill all the holes.
God is superfluous. Otherwise who created God? (The Human Mind)
ok so what about the bible prophercies? how does science explain those away?
What Bible prophecies? I would give as much credence to some prophecy someone wrote 2000 years ago as I would to those in the Beano.
phoenix wrote:rajput49 wrote:i agree with dinos bible is word of God and we should ACCEPT THAT BUT there has been human hand involved after was pure when it was delivered to jesus but has been changed creation of heavens and earths in 7 days bible says was created and then GOD TOOK REST.TO TAKE REST IS NOT A GODLY ACT.T HERE ARE MANY OTHER verses in bible that shows that bible isnt word of GOD anymore.
on the other hand quran gives answers to scientific questions like
........... feel free.
All religions suppress the Human spirit. ... -in-islam/
If the Quran cannot prevent people behaving this way, then Science might be able to educate them to accept how similar we all are.
DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote: ok so can science identify for me this "common ancestor" that we share with monkeys? that has somehow miraculously evolved into different things for no apparent reason! i would like to see its bones for example! and scientific proof that it has in its genes pool the correct chromosomes to evolve into me and a monkey! or was this fairy tale just made up by some guy after a few drinks one night?
All Life on Earth (plants included), consists of the same Genetic substance DNA (a few viruses have a related molecule RNA).
If you sequence enough of the DNA of any living species on Earth, and also all the DNA that we can find in fossils, then compare them for sequence similarities, you build up a "tree" or dendrogram which shows you exactly how each species is related to the other, and which ones have older ancestors, and when they arose in time.
There are no real "missing links" just a flow of relatedness . . . but of course not every species that has ever lived will be represented.
But it is a foolproof theory to date, because as we discover more and more fossils, we find they all fit in perfectly as predicted.
You can even reproduce "Evolution" and see how survival of the fittest by natural selection works by doing experiments in the test-tube with bacteria and introducing an antibiotic that they are sensitive to. Pretty soon you evolve a mutant which is resistant and then after time it is the predominant variant.
That is the power and beauty of science over religion.
so does the dna of all these different species contain the same chromosomes? because what you just said is a very very broad generalisation its like me saying for example that the dna or life source of a car engine is its oil, so because "oil" is present in the engine of a skoda and the engine of a mercedes does that then mean that the mercedes engine is related to the skoda engine? people are nowadays found guilty of their crimes by the tiniest molecules of dna sometimes microscopic, so if every single human being has different dna how can you tell me that every living thing that has ever lived on earth has "common" dna?
and if there are no missing links as you say then why do the best scientists, even those who created the various theorys call things "missing links" perhaps darwin needed you back then phoenix cos you seem to know more about his theory than even he knew![]()
when you can even begin to comprehend the answers to the questions i`m asking then go back and answer the ones i asked a few posts back, until then dont even bother to come back to me as i reckon you could spend your time more wisely than trying to answer questions that have no answer in science
DNA is what makes up chromosomes, it is their building-block. Smaller molecules make up the DNA. It is the sequence of these that is both unique and conserved. Short segments of DNA make up genes. They control who you are and how you develop. There are so few differences between individuals and that is why we have different coloured eyes etc. But we are still related as Humans despite these few differences which make us unique.
DNA fingerprinting exploits sites in the DNA which can be recognised by different "cutting" proteins and that is how you get an individual profile.
"Missing link" is popular science and has no scientific merit.
If you are still asking about where the first cell came from . . . well you can cause the synthesis of DNA in a test tube and mimic pre-biotic life. With the naturally occurring chemicals found throughout the universe you can make the precursors to DNA, then the membrane surrounding it.
The most beautiful thing of all is that DNA can replicate itself. So from the first cell, you get many more and so on.
As for the beginnings of the Universe, well I am not a physicist, but I do know they have enough information already that there is an ongoing project which will create a mini-universe in a test-tube. That should answer that hole in time.
Do not worry . . . not in our lifetime, but at the rate we are going, we do have the capacity to fill all the holes.
God is superfluous. Otherwise who created God? (The Human Mind)
ok so what about the bible prophercies? how does science explain those away?
What Bible prophecies? I would give as much credence to some prophecy someone wrote 2000 years ago as I would to those in the Beano.
so what about those that have come true 2000 years on?
oranos64 wrote:WELL SAID DINOS
i have witness a few more than most
and let phoneix be ...she is a lost soul but cool ...when she comes over to cyprus ...maybe ill meet and guide her the poor thing
phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:phoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote: ok so can science identify for me this "common ancestor" that we share with monkeys? that has somehow miraculously evolved into different things for no apparent reason! i would like to see its bones for example! and scientific proof that it has in its genes pool the correct chromosomes to evolve into me and a monkey! or was this fairy tale just made up by some guy after a few drinks one night?
All Life on Earth (plants included), consists of the same Genetic substance DNA (a few viruses have a related molecule RNA).
If you sequence enough of the DNA of any living species on Earth, and also all the DNA that we can find in fossils, then compare them for sequence similarities, you build up a "tree" or dendrogram which shows you exactly how each species is related to the other, and which ones have older ancestors, and when they arose in time.
There are no real "missing links" just a flow of relatedness . . . but of course not every species that has ever lived will be represented.
But it is a foolproof theory to date, because as we discover more and more fossils, we find they all fit in perfectly as predicted.
You can even reproduce "Evolution" and see how survival of the fittest by natural selection works by doing experiments in the test-tube with bacteria and introducing an antibiotic that they are sensitive to. Pretty soon you evolve a mutant which is resistant and then after time it is the predominant variant.
That is the power and beauty of science over religion.
so does the dna of all these different species contain the same chromosomes? because what you just said is a very very broad generalisation its like me saying for example that the dna or life source of a car engine is its oil, so because "oil" is present in the engine of a skoda and the engine of a mercedes does that then mean that the mercedes engine is related to the skoda engine? people are nowadays found guilty of their crimes by the tiniest molecules of dna sometimes microscopic, so if every single human being has different dna how can you tell me that every living thing that has ever lived on earth has "common" dna?
and if there are no missing links as you say then why do the best scientists, even those who created the various theorys call things "missing links" perhaps darwin needed you back then phoenix cos you seem to know more about his theory than even he knew![]()
when you can even begin to comprehend the answers to the questions i`m asking then go back and answer the ones i asked a few posts back, until then dont even bother to come back to me as i reckon you could spend your time more wisely than trying to answer questions that have no answer in science
DNA is what makes up chromosomes, it is their building-block. Smaller molecules make up the DNA. It is the sequence of these that is both unique and conserved. Short segments of DNA make up genes. They control who you are and how you develop. There are so few differences between individuals and that is why we have different coloured eyes etc. But we are still related as Humans despite these few differences which make us unique.
DNA fingerprinting exploits sites in the DNA which can be recognised by different "cutting" proteins and that is how you get an individual profile.
"Missing link" is popular science and has no scientific merit.
If you are still asking about where the first cell came from . . . well you can cause the synthesis of DNA in a test tube and mimic pre-biotic life. With the naturally occurring chemicals found throughout the universe you can make the precursors to DNA, then the membrane surrounding it.
The most beautiful thing of all is that DNA can replicate itself. So from the first cell, you get many more and so on.
As for the beginnings of the Universe, well I am not a physicist, but I do know they have enough information already that there is an ongoing project which will create a mini-universe in a test-tube. That should answer that hole in time.
Do not worry . . . not in our lifetime, but at the rate we are going, we do have the capacity to fill all the holes.
God is superfluous. Otherwise who created God? (The Human Mind)
ok so what about the bible prophercies? how does science explain those away?
What Bible prophecies? I would give as much credence to some prophecy someone wrote 2000 years ago as I would to those in the Beano.
so what about those that have come true 2000 years on?
If you spout enough stuff some of it would come true. You will find that predictions are written in such a way that they cover a number of possibilities. (A bit like Horoscopes). The rest that do not fit in are conveniently forgotten.
phoenix wrote:oranos64 wrote:WELL SAID DINOS
i have witness a few more than most
and let phoneix be ...she is a lost soul but cool ...when she comes over to cyprus ...maybe ill meet and guide her the poor thing
Oranos I did not realise you were a priest along with all your other talents.![]()
The only guidance I will take from you is Judo / Yoga instruction to find my lost youth, and never mind my soul
oranos64 wrote:phoenix wrote:oranos64 wrote:WELL SAID DINOS
i have witness a few more than most
and let phoneix be ...she is a lost soul but cool ...when she comes over to cyprus ...maybe ill meet and guide her the poor thing
Oranos I did not realise you were a priest along with all your other talents.![]()
The only guidance I will take from you is Judo / Yoga instruction to find my lost youth, and never mind my soul
hehjehe you know i was joking off to a party ...babes you look after yourself off to church in the morning and partying tomo night
shamamoroana what ever his name is ,is so easily wound up
dino is talking about god and miracles ? christ last week he wanted to beat up religious freeks and zealots
mate ...enjoy the season ...drink and drive not ...and take care
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