Does Cyprus experience earthquakes? We all know that Japan gets them very often,as Japan sits on the edge of 2 tectonic plates,just like New Zealand,but they get a lot of killer earthquakes though.
BC Numismatics wrote:Kafenes,that's a very interesting height restriction for buildings in Paphos.Is that a reason why there's a lot of old ruins in the western part of Cyprus,like the ruined church that is depicted on the back of the Cypriot 1 Pound note?
tessintrnc wrote:I have never experienced an Earthquake, I cannot imagine what they are like! My sisterinlaw lives in upper Paphos and they had a pretty big one several years ago. She said it was very scary and NOISY.
kafenes wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:was the earthquake the pope`s fault?
I don't think so Dinos. Probably too many wanking at the same time.
kafenes wrote:I have felt a few in Cyprus in my lifetime. Paphos is in a high risk area. The tallest building can not be more then 4 storeys high and all of Cypriot houses are built by strict anti-earthquake regulations. Our friend Miltiades has lost his mother in a big earthquake in Paphos more then 50 years ago.
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