Boomerang,STOP BEING A WANKER WHO IS SICK IN THE HEAD! You & Cyprusgrump have both been reported,considering that you are both dickheads who are acting like a pair of dumb kids!
BC Numismatics wrote:Boomerang,STOP BEING A WANKER WHO IS SICK IN THE HEAD! You & Cyprusgrump have both been reported,considering that you are both dickheads who are acting like a pair of dumb kids!
tessintrnc wrote:BC Numismatics wrote:Boomerang,STOP BEING A WANKER WHO IS SICK IN THE HEAD! You & Cyprusgrump have both been reported,considering that you are both dickheads who are acting like a pair of dumb kids!
Reported indeed? And to whom may I ask? The Govenor General? I bet Boomerang and Grump are quaking in their shoes!!
BC Numismatics wrote:Boomerang,STOP BEING A WANKER WHO IS SICK IN THE HEAD! You & Cyprusgrump have both been reported,considering that you are both dickheads who are acting like a pair of dumb kids!
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