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PS3 - Where can I get one from and how much?

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PS3 - Where can I get one from and how much?

Postby EasyE » Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:27 am

Does anyone know?

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Postby raymanuva » Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:44 am

I predict a slow death of PS3, they just made their biggest mistake for having a fight with Activision over exclusive game development. There is no a single game publisher who would go for PS3 exclusivity since there is a massive XBOX 360 market now. The've tried that with Rockstar and failed since Rockstar realised they could sell much more games on XBOX rather than PS3...
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Postby raymanuva » Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:47 am

oooh, and regarding your question... try Achelec, Stephanis, Electroline etc... its all in £3XX range.
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Postby pantheman » Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:55 am

raymanuva wrote:oooh, and regarding your question... try Achelec, Stephanis, Electroline etc... its all in £3XX range.

Welcome back Raymanuva or is it Ray manoff, whatever, its good you are not banned.

You probably scared admin with your offer of a rival board :wink:

Oh bugger, thats me finished. :oops:
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Postby T_C » Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:26 pm

Do not listen to the propaganda Easy-E!!!!!!!

BUY IT......NOW!!!!!!

People are complaining about the lack of games but what do they expect when it hasn't even been out for a year yet?

There are some truly excellent games coming out for the PS3 in the very near future (Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet etc).

Theres a free The Sims type game coming to the online Playstation Network (called Home) which will be a mixture of The Sims and MySpace where you have an apartment in a virtual world and you can design it how you would MySpace and live in it how you would in The Sims. You can interact with people, speak to them, theres a Virtual Cinema where you can watch looks really interesting.

Plus don't forget that the PS3 has much more potential since it uses BlueRay discs which can store a MASSIVE 25GBs of information (whereas a normal DVD can only store 4.7GBs!!!). Don't look at it now, because even the 360 and the Wii were said to be crap when they were first released.

Anyways check this video of the new Metal Gear Solid which is supposed to come out in January (look at the graphics :shock:)'s worth getting the console for this game alone....oh and not forgetting Call of Duty 4 which is already out. :wink:

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Postby Crivens » Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:48 pm

Don't bother. Think they are only doing the 40gb model now (hard to find old 60gb ones) and they are not backwards compatible with the PS2. Wait until the rumoured 80gb model comes out with backwards compatibility (US has had it for ages, and for a fair bit cheaper than our 40gb cripple model...). Pretty sure the shops here have the 40gb version for a fair bit cheaper than £300CYP.

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Postby T_C » Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:01 pm

Yeah they've stopped doing the 60GB one because no one was buying it and Sony have lost a lot of money. But you can find thousands of them selling on the internet so they're not rare or anything....

The 80GB is only out in the USA and it won't be coming out in the UK since it would be even more expensive....but you can get it imported from the US since PS3 games are NOT region locked and it would work out much cheaper (the 40GB white USA version of PS3 is only £240 on the internet!). Just make sure that your TV is compatible with NTSC.

Plus it has a blue ray player, what more could you want, it ain't that expensive considering Samsung are releasing the first designated BR player and it's going to be about £1000!!!!!!!! :shock:
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Postby Crivens » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:23 pm

Massive rumour is that the 80gb (or whatever they give us that has backwards compat) for Europe is due out in the spring. If nothing else it makes no sense to not offer a model with backwards compatibility. After all we are the continent that are mug enough to pay top dollar (and then some). Only reason the price is still well high in Europe. We pay it. In droves. Thank god we haven't totally caved under the iPhone fanboism. Heh, won't hold my breath for a US style price cut (like they did with the PS3 when wasn't selling that well).

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Postby webbo » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:36 pm

:? Weird avatar. Self portrait?

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Postby T_C » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:18 pm

Crivens wrote:Massive rumour is that the 80gb (or whatever they give us that has backwards compat) for Europe is due out in the spring. If nothing else it makes no sense to not offer a model with backwards compatibility. After all we are the continent that are mug enough to pay top dollar (and then some). Only reason the price is still well high in Europe. We pay it. In droves. Thank god we haven't totally caved under the iPhone fanboism. Heh, won't hold my breath for a US style price cut (like they did with the PS3 when wasn't selling that well).


The 60GB is already backwards compatible though, it's only the 40GB that isn't....
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