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PS3 - Where can I get one from and how much?

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Postby Crivens » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:31 pm

Yeah, but they aren't making the 60gb anymore. Very rare to find them in the shops even in the UK, let alone here. Once all sold out over Xmas then expect a new SKU in the spring. From what I've read February looks promising (probably 80gb, hopefully better since that SKU has been around for a while now everywhere else).

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Postby T_C » Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:24 pm

Trust me man the 60gb PS3s are EVERYWHERE. Maybe not in the popular stores but they certainly are not hard to come by. Take a look at ebay and see, theres thousands available on the internet.

I do like the idea of an 80gb one though so I might have to upgrade once it comes out 8)
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Postby Crivens » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:43 pm

Yeah, but they are not making new 60gb models anymore. And as such they are getting very hard to find in main stores. Plus why would you want one? Retailers are apparently even saying to people a new (probably 80gb) model is due out in feb and you can't really see Sony carrying on for much longer without a backwards compatibility model out there. IMHO they are waiting for the 60gb to run out of stock before launching the new one. And it wouldn't surprise me if it's a fair bit bigger than 80gb. Probably 120gb+. I have loads of drives lying about and they are cheap as chips these days.

Not so bothered about the drive size. You can upgrade it easily enough, and I have enough large external drives to not worry at all (esp. nice with the new DivX support that should start to make me want to retire my media streamers). But just want the backwards compatibility that the 40gb doesn't give you. Totally need to use Bluray on my 720p projector, and it doesn't look like we are going to be getting £50 HD-DVD players like the US get any time soon (About £180 cheapest, with a rumoured budget effort at £100 soon).

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Postby Sega » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:44 pm

Ok here goes.

The PS3 is a remarkable system, as for the XBOX it can also be considered remarkable. The old version of the PS3 did have backwards capability, unfortunately Sony released another version which does not offer backwards capability. If you are enquiring of buying the older version you can still probably get them from ebay, but whether they work on not is a completely different matter. For the record my younger brothers have bought the older version of the PS3 from a second-hand shop (outside Cyprus; gamestation) and they are more than happy with it.

The benefits of the PS3 is the fact that you can link your PSP. Overall the graphics are outstanding, however I must warn you both the PS3 and the XBOX do require a HDTV in order to get the full resolution. If you do not have this a HD enabled television I advise you to go the Nintendo Wii. By the time you eventually get round to purchasing the HDTV PS3 will probably be half the price.

Personally because of my character and the style of games I like to play I would go the the Wii, this is not saying that the PS3 is truly a remarkable system.

I have even heard that many have used the PS3 in conjunction with supercomputers to calculate data faster. The PS3 contains a 3.2Ghz processor with a SATA HD and a high end nVidea graphics cards, so lets face it purchasing a new computer system would probably cost more.

On the whole XBOX and PS3 and very similar to each other, I don't really feel Sony helped it's self out be releasing several versions of the same console and most of the comments in this thread reflect that.
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Postby T_C » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:51 pm

But Microsoft have done exactly the same. They've just released the 360 "Elite" which comes with a 120GB hard drive....

At the end of the day you're correct that they are very similar. I have to admit though I kinda wished I'd gotten a Xbox instead since PS3s online play SUX. If you're into online gameplay then buy the 360 because it's online multiplayer is unmatched and I doubt PS3 will ever take that title off them since it's Microsoft and they know what they're doing when it comes to the internet.

I'd reccommend the PS3 to anyone because it is a good console with a lot of potential, but for the time being I think the 360 beats it since they've had a head start. But all in all, all 3 consoles are great...
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Postby Sega » Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:44 pm

T_C wrote:But Microsoft have done exactly the same. They've just released the 360 "Elite" which comes with a 120GB hard drive....

At the end of the day you're correct that they are very similar. I have to admit though I kinda wished I'd gotten a Xbox instead since PS3s online play SUX. If you're into online gameplay then buy the 360 because it's online multiplayer is unmatched and I doubt PS3 will ever take that title off them since it's Microsoft and they know what they're doing when it comes to the internet.

I'd reccommend the PS3 to anyone because it is a good console with a lot of potential, but for the time being I think the 360 beats it since they've had a head start. But all in all, all 3 consoles are great...

For what you get I believe you get more for your money with the XBOX360. The online scenario with the XBOX360 has definitely matured into something the PS3 hopes to eventually go, but as you said this was all due to it's head start.

One thing that I am struggling to comprehend is the difference the HD capacities do on the games console. With my PS2 I have a 64MB memory card which works fine, how is X amounts of GB HD differentiating from console version to version going to help you in the long run? What difference will it make if any? Is this really useful?
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Postby raymanuva » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:32 pm

there is nothing which could replace an old WASD + Mouse controls for first person shooters... so no point playing first person shooters, tried few on XBOX and it suxed...

As for HD content, who is renting Blurays in Cyprus now? and how much woudl it cost? and whats the variety of movies currently available?

There are 150$ standalone mediaplayers with hWsupport for xvid, divx, matroska, HD streams etc... even with a current Cyprus ADSL speeds you can download 1 HD movie in 1 night on emule or torrents. I have tried watching it on my new LCD and its amazing. HDdvd, Blurays etc... it wont matter soon anymore, all content is either downloaded or watched on demand, or being broadcasted via HD Sat channels.
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Postby EasyE » Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:53 pm

T_C wrote:Trust me man the 60gb PS3s are EVERYWHERE. Maybe not in the popular stores but they certainly are not hard to come by. Take a look at ebay and see, theres thousands available on the internet.

I do like the idea of an 80gb one though so I might have to upgrade once it comes out 8)

Thats cobblers mate, i looked everywhere on saturday for a 60gb but ended up with a 40. Cracking bit of kit i must say. Bought the trusty Fifa and Virtua Tennis, and just bought Singstar for those drunken nights!

I want another PS3 for my pad in Cy so I can hook up with my buddies and play FIFA with them. The prices £300CY for a 60gb is the same as the UK.

If there are any PS3 users on here and fancy a game of FIFA, let me know PM me if your up 4 it.................or just look out for BoyRonaldo
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Postby Crivens » Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:30 am

The PS3 contains a 3.2Ghz processor
If I remember rightly it has 9 cores all running at 3.2Ghz. Nice.

For me though, at the minute, the main reason for the PS3 is Blu-Ray. The cost of stand alone players is nuts, and as such the PS3 can be seen as a bit of a bargain in this area. Games are the icing on the cake. And considering even HD-DVD units cost a bomb here then it really does look good. And I really want my projector to look at it's best. Waiting for new SKU though...

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Postby Raymanoff » Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:26 am

Crivens, did u read my post above? why would you want Blueray now?
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