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Foreign appeal

Postby webbo » Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:54 am

Surely the part I have highlighted cannot be true!?!?!?!?

Cyprus manslaughter - appeal fails
19 December 2007 | 14:57


Julian Harrington
THE FAMILY of a man jailed for the manslaughter of a Cypriot teenager have been left “devastated” after his appeal was thrown out.

Julian Harrington is serving 15 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to his involvement in a road crash on the island in August last year.

Mr Harrington's appeal went ahead at Nicosia Supreme Court earlier this month and his family was hoping the sentence would be cut to eight years.

But his family were stunned today when they were told the appeal had been dismissed.

Richard Howitt, an MEP backing Mr Harrington, said the decision was “deeply flawed” and said the case could be taken all the way to the European Court.

The couple's lawyer outlined the appeal, arguing Mr Harrington's 15-year term was “manifestly excessive” compared to sentences handed to Cypriots for similar offences.

Mr Harrington has been in jail since the collision between the hire car he was driving and a moped which led to the death of the 17-year-old moped passenger.

The 40-year-old from Witham, who had been on the island to arrange his wedding, admitted to the manslaughter of Christos Papiris to ensure his nephews, who were passengers in his car, would be acquitted of manslaughter.

Mr Howitt said: “Our own legal advice from Cypriot and British lawyers showed that Julian has been given an excessive sentence simply because he is a foreign national and was involved in what appears quite simply to be a tragic road accident.

“We hoped that Julian's appeal would result in his sentence being halved, but his family have seen their hopes destroyed. I feel for their sense of devastation.

“I am deeply disturbed they were only informed of the court date as late as yesterday, and that even the British Consul was not able to be present at such short notice.

“My message is that we should appeal this right up to the European Court if necessary, until we get justice for Julian.”

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Postby pantheman » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:08 am

Sad, it always seems that the perpitrator is the one evryone feels sorry for.

Just give a thought for the family of the Young boy he murdered. Call it what you want, but a deliberate act of chasing someone in a vehicle with the intention of running them over is murder in my book.

He should count his blessings cyprus doesn't have the death penalty, otherwise he would be fucked.

I have no sympathy to be honest, whether the sentence was harsh or not, he took that boys life and destroyed his families life in the process.

He can stay there for the full term and like it.

We have too many do gooders these days thats the reason the whole place is turning crap.

Just look at the situation in the UK, prison, is not prison, its a long holiday camp with days out and all the rights of a honest law abiding citizen. There is no deterent for anything anymore.

And if you have heard the latest shit from the UK, is now they are demanding that the prison officers cannot search anyones cell with prior permission of the inmate. WTF, call that prison , i don't think so.

If it were down to me, i would be having negotiations with the thais, send them all to the thai jails and let them suffer for their crimes.

How dare you, even open this thread, to assist a murderer of a young innocent boy in his own country minding his own business.

You can take that to the EU court as well.

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Postby tessintrnc » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:18 am

15 years for the killing of a young boy with all his life ahead of him is far too lenient. When the law is broken by a foreigner in a foreign country the criminal should serve the FULL sentence handed out. Its no good crying that he could have only got a couple of years for this crime in England, he killed a Cypriot boy in CYPRUS. It wasn't a tragic accident from what I read, they were reckless and ended up killing someone. If it were my son, I would want them jailed for LIFE.
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Postby webbo » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:23 am

[quote="pantheman"]Sad, it always seems that the perpitrator is the one evryone feels sorry for.

Just give a thought for the family of the Young boy he murdered. Call it what you want, but a deliberate act of chasing someone in a vehicle with the intention of running them over is murder in my book.

He should count his blessings cyprus doesn't have the death penalty, otherwise he would be fucked.

I have no sympathy to be honest, whether the sentence was harsh or not, he took that boys life and destroyed his families life in the process.

He can stay there for the full term and like it.

We have too many do gooders these days thats the reason the whole place is turning crap.

Just look at the situation in the UK, prison, is not prison, its a long holiday camp with days out and all the rights of a honest law abiding citizen. There is no deterent for anything anymore.

And if you have heard the latest shit from the UK, is now they are demanding that the prison officers cannot search anyones cell with prior permission of the inmate. WTF, call that prison , i don't think so.

If it were down to me, i would be having negotiations with the thais, send them all to the thai jails and let them suffer for their crimes.

How dare you, even open this thread, to assist a murderer of a young innocent boy in his own country minding his own business.

You can take that to the EU court as well.

I have every right actually and whilst I am not condoning this mans actions justice should be served. Where did you get that he was chasing this boys vehicle? (Is this personal to you?) It has been reported as a terrible accident? Your comments have left me totally confused

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Postby webbo » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:27 am

tessintrnc wrote:15 years for the killing of a young boy with all his life ahead of him is far too lenient. When the law is broken by a foreigner in a foreign country the criminal should serve the FULL sentence handed out. Its no good crying that he could have only got a couple of years for this crime in England, he killed a Cypriot boy in CYPRUS. It wasn't a tragic accident from what I read, they were reckless and ended up killing someone. If it were my son, I would want them jailed for LIFE.

I am not saying that he should get any less than any other Cypriot, just to be treated the same which is not what the article is inferring!
If you say that only foreigners should get the full term possible, where is the justice in that ??!?!

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Postby tessintrnc » Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:02 am

Have there been any similar cases where a car chased and repeatedly hit a moped until there was a fatal crash? Every crime is different but I do agree that his sentence should be equal to and not in excess of what a Cypriot would have received for a similar crime. Thing is, HAS there been a similar crime with which to compare?
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Postby IcyNoAngel » Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:15 am

Damn crazy people. :shock:
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Postby pantheman » Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:18 am

webbo wrote:
I have every right actually and whilst I am not condoning this mans actions justice should be served. Where did you get that he was chasing this boys vehicle? (Is this personal to you?) It has been reported as a terrible accident? Your comments have left me totally confused

Bubbles, come on. Have you actually read about this case. This fella was with his nephews who deliberately went out to harm a cypriot cos is nephews got assulted in some club.

They saw the victim on his moped with another passanger and chased him. They knocked him down DELIBERATELY with the intention of killing him. (what else would you hope to achieve by running someone over?)

This was no ordinary traffic accident.

Unless, this is another one of your jokes, i think you should just stick to tell them, you do a far better job.

Its nothing personal, i don't know any of the parties and it is typical of someone like you to think that because everyone knows someone. attitude.

I did not say he should get the term because he was a foriegner, anyone who did that should get it, and god forbidding, if it were any member of my family, he wouldn't even make it to prison, if you catch my drift?

anyhow, go read the case then come back and tell me what you really think, because seems to me you have gone off half cock.
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Postby WebSpace » Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:27 am

Does any of you have an original copy of the full story?

We cannot comment the sentence if we have not at least reviewed the case.
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Postby BC Numismatics » Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:35 am

Some people deserve putting to death,but we can't yet comment in this case,as it is probably sub-judice.

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