webbo wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:webbo wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:webbo wrote:BC Numismatics wrote:Dinos,I've heard of a Geordie,but what's a Mackem?
A person from Sunderland around the river Wear. They pronouce words such as make and take as mack and tack, hence 'Mackems and 'Tackems' abbreviated to just 'Mackems'
B x
also wasnt it a term from the old shipbuilding days when sunderland folk used to build ships and launch them from the river wear straight into the north sea, hence they used to make `em, or mackem! and then the customers would take delivery of them or tak`em!
but my favourite one has to be the mackem for who`s keys are these keys? or "whees kees are theeese keees?"
Not sure about the shipbuilding term, would have to ask my Mackem friends that one!
Can you post the link for this NE forum please - or PM me? You never know, I may just know someone - apart from the Toon manager!! Ta
How about 'Hoy ya hamma ower here, hinney pet'!!!!! (Not a term I have ever used, but some think we use it all the time!!)
B x
aye! "hoy" is 1 of my favourite mackem terms for throw or chuck, eg i was hoyed out of there for being too drunk! the forum is called the smb and it belongs to rtg or ready to go which is a fanzine, its easy to find and enter! i dont know how to post things on here and do stickies and all that malarky, as they would say in the north east im a bit of a numpty or a tit when it comes to things like that! there is also another one called skunkers but its not as good tbh, stick with the smb! i love ought like that me!as for knowing someone on there you prolly will! every mackem and geordie i know does ifn you know what i mean! do you live in cyprus? and if so where? and where in the north east?
Cheers Dino,
Have been a bit disposed over the weekend hence the late reply!
Will give it a go after the hols.
When I first said 'hoy' here in a Limassol pub, the Cypriots thought I knew Cypriot slang and was saying 'Oy' as opposed to 'Oxi'. It was funny, but I suppose you had to be there!!![]()
B x
never mind in cyprus, when i left the north -east and came to live in london the londoners kept asking me what things meant! by the way how bad were your team yesterday? to derby! shocking that! at the moment you would struggle to make a decent side out of all three north-east teams put together!