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Postby DINOS SKALIOTIS » Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:21 am

Bill wrote:
BC Numismatics wrote:Bill,that stereotype about New Zealanders just goes to show how ignorant you are when it comes to your knowledge about New Zealand.

If you think that I am taking it is a joke,please let me assure you that I DO NOT find it funny at all!


As I said in a previous post if you are an indication of a typical New Zealander then I have absolutely no intention of ever visiting a country with such hateful and bigoted views.

Now to your comment on ignorance and what you may or may not find funny .

Since you have been a member of this forum virtually every post you have made has contained vicious and hateful remarks towards Catholics ~ the Pope ~ gay men ~ lesbians ~ non royalists etc etc and you have referred to just about everybody disagreeing with you as a brain dead wanker ~~ now I ask you is that the way a 31 year old supposedly grown up man should speak and act.

Do you think that those people you are attacking have no feelings ~ do you not respect their right to live their life as they wish without being continually told that they will be condemned to the fiery lakes of hell and that they are wankers.

If someone retaliates you run off to Admin and complain :roll: I don't find most of your comments funny at all ~ in fact I find you a sick individual that cannot stand anybodies views if they differ from yours.

The fact that you have been removed from so many forums really speaks for it's self ~ in fact apart for your interest in colonial Cyprus coins I can't really see what you are doing on the Cyprus forum except to spread your hateful and bigoted views.

Yes we have taken the piss out of you ~~ what on earth do you expect ~ you have hardly been innocent yourself .

Let me also assure you that apart from the entertainment value ( makes a change to the continual fighting ) most on this forum do not agree with your comments but see you for the bigoted fool you really are .

Oh as it's almost Christmas it wouldn't be fair to hold a grudge so I'll wish you a merry Christmas Aida and a wanking good New Year ~~ see you at mass Christmas eve.

Bill ~~ who's not Gay ~ not Catholic or a lesbian ( quite fancy that idea :D ) but respects others wishes to be so if they want to

so whats wrong with being a catholic carpet muncher who enjoys playing with herself anyway? it works for most nuns! and i hear that the lakes of fire are good for your back at this time of year :wink:
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Postby Bill » Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:50 pm

I could certainly do with a lake of fire under my place ~~ it's bloody freezng at night ~ problem is I'd want to switch it off in April :lol:

Bill ~~~ hugging the rug to keep warm
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Postby DINOS SKALIOTIS » Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:50 pm

Bill wrote:I could certainly do with a lake of fire under my place ~~ it's bloody freezng at night ~ problem is I'd want to switch it off in April :lol:

Bill ~~~ hugging the rug to keep warm

you will have to fit central heating in the end! just go for it, mine only come to 2.5 k for a 4 bedroom 245 square metre house, and thats including the latest generation german boiler and all the rads (12 of them)
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Postby BC Numismatics » Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:26 pm

You will be very pleased to know that I finally picked up the Cypriot 1901 silver 18 Piastres & added it into my collection.It is one of the most difficult coins of the Colony of Cyprus to find.

Talking of coins,how did the Euro changeover go? Have you found any Euro coins from a country other than Cyprus in your change yet? I will be getting a set of loose Euro coins from both Cyprus & Malta for my collection.My boss is going to buy them in from someone in England.

I can guess that you've got used to thinking in Euros & Euro-Cents instead of Pounds & Cents already.

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Postby Bill » Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:50 pm

BC Numismatics wrote: You will be very pleased to know that I finally picked up the Cypriot 1901 silver 18 Piastres & added it into my collection.It is one of the most difficult coins of the Colony of Cyprus to find.

Absolutely over the moon for you ~ you must be overcome with delight ~~ what about my 36 Piastre silver coin will I ever be able to sell it

BC Numismatics wrote: Talking of coins,how did the Euro changeover go? Have you found any Euro coins from a country other than Cyprus in your change yet? I will be getting a set of loose Euro coins from both Cyprus & Malta for my collection.My boss is going to buy them in from someone in England.

Why are you bothering with loose change ~ as a collector I would have thought you would be trying for the packaged uncirculated set ~ or was it a bit expensive for you .

Yes we have coins from other countries ~ notably a pretty nasty Turkish coin and another from some defunct eastern European country.

Miss shop assistant when I wanted to buy a bottle of milk didn't like and wouldn't accept my Italian Euro as she reckoned it wasn't a Cypriot coin.

Well she did have a chart with all the pictures of the coins on the wall to prove it

BC Numismatics wrote: I can guess that you've got used to thinking in Euros & Euro-Cents instead of Pounds & Cents already.

Absolutely not ~ the Euro is a pain ~ most folk are walking around with electronic euro converters to make sure they are not being ripped off .

As always happens with a change in currency most folk think in pounds and convert it to Euros and then back again

Personally I still think in pounds shillings and old pence ~ 10 shillings for a knee trembler was good value a few years ago.

Funny you should be back on the forum as I was thinking about my farthing collection the other day ~ I must remember to buy a new pack of tissues before I do it again as I was coming over all emotional

Bill ~~~ cath lics ok ~~~~~ good old cath
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Postby BC Numismatics » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:13 am

Bill,there was NO SUCH THING as a 36 Piastre coin from Cyprus.

I'm surprised that your local shopkeeper wouldn't accept your Eyetie Euro coins.It sounds like she needs to get an education in how to recognise a Euro coin from outside Cyprus.

You were asking me about why I am collecting loose Euro coins from Cyprus,Ireland,& Malta.It's a cheap way of getting a coin that has actually been in circulation.I had someone from Cyprus emailing me to offer me a set of Cypriot Euro coins,& rip me off on the postage in the process.

There are collectors of the official mint sets,but I'm not one of them.

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Postby Bill » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:30 am

BC Numismatics wrote:Bill,there was NO SUCH THING as a 36 Piastre coin from Cyprus.


If there is no such thing how come I've got one ~ does that mean it's not worth anything even though it's a nice silver item.

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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:36 am

Bill wrote:
BC Numismatics wrote:Bill,there was NO SUCH THING as a 36 Piastre coin from Cyprus.


If there is no such thing how come I've got one ~ does that mean it's not worth anything even though it's a nice silver item.


Poating a pic might help. :lol:
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Postby BC Numismatics » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:36 am

Bill,you must be thinking of the 1928 silver 45 Piastres.I can confirm that the 18 Piastres was the second highest denomination in the Cypriot Piastre coin series.

If you want to post photos,you can go here; or .

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Postby BC Numismatics » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:31 pm

You can see a gallery of some of my banknotes,coins,& postal orders here; .

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