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Who are friendlier Turks or Greek Cyp

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Who are friendlier Turks or Greek Cyp

Greek Cypriots
Total votes : 29

Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:27 pm

LENA wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
LENA wrote:
Sega wrote:Emm... I think this might be a silly question. As a GC who was born outside Cyprus I only know two Turks. One who was a Turkish-German, she was real nice and another who was a Turkish-Cypriot, he kept giving me the evils. I am not quite sure why, I think he thought I was going to kill him or something.

I cannot really judge either of them, one thing is for sure. I know more GC people and subsequently more GC bad people. Generally I think people are like mirrors, if your good people are good back. If you go round with a pulled face, well I guess people will pull their face back. Every now and again who come across an absolute idiot, but once you have them marked I guess you avoid them like the plague.

An easier question to answer is which town in Southern Cyprus has the friendliest people? But you might be the same answer, remember people are like mirrors.

Sega few years back I believed that there are no bad people in this world and if you treat them bad they will treat you in the same way back and the opposite. Its what I used to do and keep doing it believing that everybody will act in the same way.

Unfortunately I learn my lesson. Whether i like it or not there are people who are bad for some reason, fear, jealousy, envy etc.

However, I believe that nobody is born like that, being mean and bad person. Bad for some reason they became like that. Hurt once and never let it go, traumatic experiences etc.

When it comes to TC and GC I have seen the same thing. All the Turks that I met in UK they treated me really great. They were amazing people even when we discuss politics. But when it comes to TC they avoided me as soon as they heard I am a GC. And the reason of all this, in my opinion, is that we were brainwashed since we grown up about the other side and how bad they were with us, our families our country...

It hurts when people from your own country look at you funny before they even speak to you. [/u]

It is sad when you make such a sweeping statement. You have simply met the wrong type of TC.

Diniz I am sorry for that comment...but I meant the TC that I met in UK at UNI. I do have TC friends and it was weird for me that some of them kept contact with me after my project. That means that they helped me and we keep in touch until now. One of the girls introduce me to other TC as well and we get along very well.

Aaa gori mou, why didnt you say so in the first place. If I was thirty five years younger, I would have loved to be your friend. :lol: Will you settle for a grandad instead (no weird comments plz, this is a serious topic) :wink:
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Postby johbee » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:28 pm

I also heard the rumor that Cypriots were very friendly. I emphasize the word rumor. Having lived here for nearly twenty years I would say a more acurate discription would be inconsiderate. If you want some friendly people got to the South in the US. You will find it hard to walk down the street without someone striking up a conversation with you. Friendly Cypriots are a thing of the past.
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:39 pm

johbee wrote:I also heard the rumor that Cypriots were very friendly. I emphasize the word rumor. Having lived here for nearly twenty years I would say a more acurate discription would be inconsiderate. If you want some friendly people got to the South in the US. You will find it hard to walk down the street without someone striking up a conversation with you. Friendly Cypriots are a thing of the past.

I am sorry to hear that my friend. The innate nature of Cypriots is 'friendship and hospitality'. What you have come accross is something alien. Events of 1963 and 1974 have naturally left its imprint on the psyche of many but it is reflected on strangers as 'mistrust' maybe. Deep down they are the nicest. Get to know them better, especially you need to know the language to understand their feelings better.

If you are of Anglo-Saxon background that is unfortunate. It will be part of the memories of the Colonial era and its aftermath. Do not judge lest you be judged. :lol:
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Postby DINOS SKALIOTIS » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:48 pm

johbee wrote:I also heard the rumor that Cypriots were very friendly. I emphasize the word rumor. Having lived here for nearly twenty years I would say a more acurate discription would be inconsiderate. If you want some friendly people got to the South in the US. You will find it hard to walk down the street without someone striking up a conversation with you. Friendly Cypriots are a thing of the past.

i agree with that actually! i know you cant generalize and there are exceptions to the rule and there are still some very nice cyp`s about, but the vast majority have become pieces of shit tbh! greedy, rude, selfish, arrogant, the cyprus of old has gone forever and what we are left with is just another european state, except with better weather and nicer scenery :cry: although to say that yanks are any better is a bit strong! they are just inbread morons with an unhealthy interest in their sisters :wink:
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Postby Sega » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:13 pm

LENA wrote:
Sega wrote:Emm... I think this might be a silly question. As a GC who was born outside Cyprus I only know two Turks. One who was a Turkish-German, she was real nice and another who was a Turkish-Cypriot, he kept giving me the evils. I am not quite sure why, I think he thought I was going to kill him or something.

I cannot really judge either of them, one thing is for sure. I know more GC people and subsequently more GC bad people. Generally I think people are like mirrors, if your good people are good back. If you go round with a pulled face, well I guess people will pull their face back. Every now and again who come across an absolute idiot, but once you have them marked I guess you avoid them like the plague.

An easier question to answer is which town in Southern Cyprus has the friendliest people? But you might be the same answer, remember people are like mirrors.

Sega few years back I believed that there are no bad people in this world and if you treat them bad they will treat you in the same way back and the opposite. Its what I used to do and keep doing it believing that everybody will act in the same way.

Unfortunately I learn my lesson. Whether i like it or not there are people who are bad for some reason, fear, jealousy, envy etc.

However, I believe that nobody is born like that, being mean and bad person. Bad for some reason they became like that. Hurt once and never let it go, traumatic experiences etc.

When it comes to TC and GC I have seen the same thing. All the Turks that I met in UK they treated me really great. They were amazing people even when we discuss politics. But when it comes to TC they avoided me as soon as they heard I am a GC. And the reason of all this, in my opinion, is that we were brainwashed since we grown up about the other side and how bad they were with us, our families our country...

It hurts when people from your own country look at you funny before they even speak to you. [/u]

Unfortunately you might have a point. Nobody is born bad they are often made bad through environment. I did not live in London, but I am aware that in London many GC and TC live as neighbours and some do get along with each other as if they were brother and sister. I have a relative who use to live in North London who acted as a free gardener for his TC neighbour. It all depends from person to person.

Anybody would think that what you experience would be vice versa in terms of Turks and TC. I was never taught to hate Turks or TC, and even if I was taught to I still probably would not because as far as I know they have not done anything bad to me personally.

It hurts when people from your own country look at you funny before they even speak to you.

Life is like a circle, if somebody is bad to you there is more chance you will be bad to somebody else. How many GC look at TC funny in Cyprus, even with my village-like accent TC are more likely to get funny looks. Saying this TC in Southern Cyprus are more likely to respond to the people as people have responded to them. Sometimes I say to native GC that I am a Anglezo-Gebreos = Brit-Cypriot and I get funny looks. It all depends on how narrow minded people are. The difference between me and others is that once I have these narrow-minded people marked I avoid them like the plague and I treat everybody individually. Not all Greeks like suvla :-)

Unfortunately I learn my lesson. Whether i like it or not there are people who are bad for some reason, fear, jealousy, envy etc.

I hate envy and jealousy the most, can't stand those two. You can however do certain things to avoid people having those negative feeling associated with yourself. Sometimes though it is a bit hard when you have idiotic parents or relatives showing you off, they do far more harm than good if you ask me.
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Postby johbee » Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:44 am

Earilier I stated that it was wrong and racist to group people into categories, but I read what I have now written and find that I have done just that. Such a hypocrite LOL. Of course you get good and bad people everywhere and I have met many good friendly people on this rock. But the days of free peanuts or chips with your beer from the local tavern are long gone. You'll be lucky if your server even speaks English or Greek. Hence they don't give a $hit! And BTW I do speak fluent Greek. It was one of the first things I learned when relocating Cyprus back in 89.
And Dinos, just curious. Have you ever been to the States? Especially the South?
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Postby DINOS SKALIOTIS » Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:03 pm

a bit of a silly question! its a bit like saying whats better to be shot or stabbed?
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Postby DINOS SKALIOTIS » Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:13 pm

johbee wrote:Earilier I stated that it was wrong and racist to group people into categories, but I read what I have now written and find that I have done just that. Such a hypocrite LOL. Of course you get good and bad people everywhere and I have met many good friendly people on this rock. But the days of free peanuts or chips with your beer from the local tavern are long gone. You'll be lucky if your server even speaks English or Greek. Hence they don't give a $hit! And BTW I do speak fluent Greek. It was one of the first things I learned when relocating Cyprus back in 89.
And Dinos, just curious. Have you ever been to the States? Especially the South?

i still get asked what i want on the house when i go to pay the bill but then maybe i know where to go! for those of you that are interested alexanders along the palm tree promenade or finnigoudes! they havnt changed since the day they opened in `74, just as friendly and generous as they ever was! asil lysi up by the roundabout are good as well, and my local bar in livadia i struggle to pay at all cos it seems to offend them to take my money :shock: but the days of all cyp`s being like this have long gone i`m afraid, i find the polish boys and girls that serve me are very friendly and respectfull as are some of the asians etc, as for going to the states , yes i have been including the south and its not for me tbh, the southerners are more friendly than say north americans but then hey, that wouldnt be very difficult would it?
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